Solar panel production figures

Posting so early. I'm still generating (11w :D)
Mine started at 6:45 and stopped generating at 17:35.
So your mahooooosive system, is only a little bit more efficient than my little one lol

But it produces so much more power and that is what @katie279 says is most important :D

The garage system was never going to be the best at producing power, panels are east & west orientation, pitch of 10 degrees, shading issues, but it all helps.
Today's generation was 22.63kWh, Battery fully charged and 3kW exported. @katie279 is quiet lately ;) might as well make the most of it before she gets all them extra panels installed :D

When are you going to add it to pvout? We need your scores to boost the OcUK team! :D

Seriously though you must be so chuffed that your hard work has paid off so well.

I'm very pleased, still needs some fine tuning on the settings relating to charging/discharging the battery, but its getting there. Very pleased with the generation, should be well over producing come the summer, just hope I can get on to Flux :D

As for PV Output, I'm working on it, I set up Home Assistant yesterday, then thought I really should be able to do this on the Victron Cerbo, Goolged and found this thread, I had seen this a couple of weeks ago, but someone has updated it with something I can hopefully get working.

Potentially ordering the cells for the second battery tomorrow, but delivery won't be until late April.
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I had to put some charge in my cells this morning, as the smart meters were being changed between 8 and 12 and didn't want to risk then arriving early and the batteries being flat,they arrived at 9:15 and it only took 10 minutes so would have been fine, especially with the amount of solar coming in.

It's a bit cloudy, but hopefully it will start generally sunny.
15.85kWh from the SolarEdge system
7kWh from the east garage panels
5.53kWh from the west garage panels

Total: 28.38kWh
Tomorrows Prediction: 17.1kWh

Those of you automatically sending data to PV Output, what value do you send every 5 minutes, is it the days total generation in watt hours?
@Ron-ski I see a new challenger has entered the ring :)

I've now got Node Red running on the Victron Cerbo GX and uploading data directly to PV Output, only issue is that I haven't worked out how to get the daily yield for the SolarEdge inverter, this value appears to be missing. So for now I have three systems on PV Output, the original SolarEdge system, the Victron system and the combined system which takes it's data from the other two and combines it.

All appears to be working as hoped,
It must be sunny in Ramsgate - here it's grey and dull.

Quite cloudy at times where I work eight miles from home, graph is very spiky so guess it was at home as well.
Yeah. I'm glad I did it (given it was paid for by a premium bond win it was a no brainer). But I found the whole process quite stressful (and still am, waiting for them to remove the scaffold) and would like some sun to make myself feel better :)

My typical daily use is around 8kwh, so it is doing ok!

Edit: Ronski are you in Ramsgate? Used to visit down there as a kid a lot as my Nan lived in Broadstairs. A long time ago now though!

Nice on the bonds, we get something most months. But most I've ever had is £1k. I'm in Broadstairs.

They'll remove the scaffolding when they are quiet, which is not often or when they need it on another job, always been the way.
Something weird going on with PV Output today, it seems to think I've generated 5.4kWh already :confused:

Seems to be my Victron system, although it is uploading 1250wH, PV Output shows 4610wH since 5:05 this morning :confused:

I've manually edited, see what happens now.
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