Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

Definite a yes to that. We need more members.

We have had 2 days of over 6 times our installed capacity. I thought I could reduce that to a nice round 5, meaning we need 100kw for the whole team.

I am also a member of the UK Team which has 600 members. A quick trawl showed June 20th was one of their best days. Only 229 members submitted their outputs and I could not be bothered to add up the capacity from them. This would give a better guesstimate than mine.

Further reflection means I suspect we will need a figure closer to 125kw installed capacity
Bottom of the live league table for me today :(

With the current members on PV Output we have 81.25kW of panels, shame PV Output doesn't support the Solis API as I could add another 50kW system.

I will be adding another 4.74kW of panels to my own installation soon, these will work well in the summer, not so well in the winter unfortunately.
Bottom of the live league table for me today :(

With the current members on PV Output we have 81.25kW of panels, shame PV Output doesn't support the Solis API as I could add another 50kW system.

I will be adding another 4.74kW of panels to my own installation soon, these will work well in the summer, not so well in the winter unfortunately.

If this is the one at your work, I'd say that it's more fun seeing home systems and comparing stats versus commercial systems that will generally always generate a lot more than any of us can due to system size.

Criteria for publishing to pvoutput team should be domestic system only in my opinion :)
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