Theres not an app available yet that does export, as the smart meters keeps the data, but its unable to show it in the ihd……its a big miss from the tech companies of not adding export to the smart metersI used to use Loop until my smart meters packed up, there is also Hugo.
I'd prefarably like one that also shows export as well, do any do that (Loop didn't)?
Yup… octopus ihd shows me exporting by changing the display to a pylon, but it doesnt store how much, it only shows current export at that point in timeI asked Loop last year about it and they said that data was not made available to them, so presumably the same for Hugo.
I've been having loads of data problems. There have been issues recently with the data network. Hugo been mentioning it on their twitter feed.Hugo is also 24hrs old versus Bright which is up to last 30 mins. It was super flaky the last 2 weeks for me, tho.
my gas smart meter hasnt worked for half hour readings since february 15th....but its a smets 2 and my IHD cant connect either, even though octopus say all connections are running fie and even they cant get me half hour gas readings lolTake a read of this for why your IHD isnt up and running yet
Mine still hasnt worked since the meters went in on March 1st
Be interesting to see the new pricing model...
Bright get it from the meter, as i signed up to them this morning and they asked for meter and IHD details......once i added that info, they instantly had my meter and account details and are updating my data as we speakHow do these IHD apps work? How do they connect to the smart meter in the first place?
I ask because our actual IHD is a bit of a pain. The meters are on the far side of the garage, so the only place I can even put the IHD for it to connect to them is on a windowsill in a room at the front of the house that we don't use a lot. So it's not what you'd call on display.
Do the app based ones actually get the readings from your supplier, rather than direct from the meter?
I think they get it from a data network. As would your supplier.Do the app based ones actually get the readings from your supplier, rather than direct from the meter?
Maybe a dual band hub would help ? the apps get it from the smart meter data network supplier, not directly from your meter. The gas meter sends the data to the electric meter, the electric meter then sends all data to the network. My gas meter readings became very unreliable when the meter was moved outside, hopefully the new meter has better signal strength.