British Gas are estimating my annual electricity usage at 7300 kWh. From the 5th of April to the 30th April I used 464 kWh and then to the 15th of May I used 296 kWh.
It's going to be around £6095 for 5.46kW Solar PV: 14 x 390W Panel 'Trina Vertex S' System. Another £800 for Solaredge if I want it but I don't think I do as it's for shading and I don't have any massive trees etc. Then the Voltage Optimiser is £600. They estimate 5247 kWh per year electricity production.
I'm not even sure where to start working out if it's worth it or not. Our 3-5 year moving plan is on hold for the foreseeable.
We both work from home, I have a lot of tech running 24/7: NAS x2, Xeon Server x2, 10 Gb switches 24/7, an i7 PC 24/7, music, TVs on during the day. No EV.
It's going to be around £6095 for 5.46kW Solar PV: 14 x 390W Panel 'Trina Vertex S' System. Another £800 for Solaredge if I want it but I don't think I do as it's for shading and I don't have any massive trees etc. Then the Voltage Optimiser is £600. They estimate 5247 kWh per year electricity production.
I'm not even sure where to start working out if it's worth it or not. Our 3-5 year moving plan is on hold for the foreseeable.
We both work from home, I have a lot of tech running 24/7: NAS x2, Xeon Server x2, 10 Gb switches 24/7, an i7 PC 24/7, music, TVs on during the day. No EV.
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