Some Questions about LOTR: Online (well 8 actually :P)

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Thinking about getting this game tommorow, but have some questions if people could answer them :)

1: How is online performance? As in lag etc and also updating? Does it automaticly update when you load up? Because my internet is pretty unstable at the moment and i dont want any problems.

2: The game looks good graphicly, could i run it near maxed ot at 1440x900 resoltion (provided it does support widescreen)? Specs in sig

3: Is it quite active?

4: How can you pay? Should i get a timecard or can i pay with my visa electron card? Is it simple to stop paying if you dont want to play for a month? Or if you have stopped playing half way through a month, would you be charged?

5: Are there loads of different swords and bows and stuff for you to find? I remember a fun thing when i played guild wars was after you've killed a load of stuff ,you can get some cool items and sell them to other players with in game money, can you do that in this?

6: Is it simple for someone newish to MMORPGS?

7: I much prefer PvE games rather than PvP, would i enjoy this?

8: This is a weird question, but im deciding out of getting this game, WoW, or rainbow six vegas for the PS3 (lol, completely different i know), which one should i go for if i want something to last a while.

Thanks to anyone that answers, addiotnal comments would be welcome
oh great, looks like ive gotta wait till tonight to be able to play it, stupid long download.

IS there any way to get the download through the game, like in a lot of mmo's, instead of having to download it from a website.
i cant actually quite beleive this, i think im going to have to take it back because it just downloads at no more than 1kb/s, i ******** hate virgin media so much, they said theres nothing wrong with my line but everythings ****ing wrong with it :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
ok just a question, i decided to be an Elf, and the snowy area i start in is kind of boring and theres no other online players about, is this normal? All the quests come under 'begginer' When do i get to the real stuff, with all the players and good quests to do.
Hedge said:
Is it the guy at the top of the hill?

try to find someone to help you kill him, shouldnt be too tough :)

once thats all done i think you can pretty much complete quest and move into main area

You talk to the dwarf called dwalin or something, and you automaticly travel to a cave/ruin complex sort of thing, and you go through killing various goblims, other dwarves etc, then this big magic guy at the end, might have to look around newbie world for some more quests to get my XP/level up.
Im really trying to get into the game but finding it very hard, i think im out of the noob server, as i did the last quest and traveled to a completely different location, once again everywhere is empty, i did 1-2 quests in this area, but there doesnt seem to be any indicaters on the map showing you the direction of your current quest, so i started exploring and went to the shire because its one of the most well known places in the books/films, thinking there would be loads of people there, but theres not, its empty, i nearly died on the way by wolves that were chasing me. Maybe its because im not enjoying being an Elf/hunter, although i enjoyed using bows and stuff in guild wars.

One thing i need to ask is, whats the main point of the game? Because when i played Guild Wars, you do quests to level up your character, but mostly just to make them strong for the Missions, missions which make you progress through the game and have meaning to them, there doesnt seem to be anything like this in LOTRO, just walk around doing quests and thats it? is that the whole point of it? Is it the same in all other MMORPGS (except guild wars, although most people say its not an MMORPG).

is there anyway to get a indicater on your radar telling you what way you need to go for a specific quest?, also what about map travel?

Thinking about giving it another go, but as a man instead and on a busier server.

Whats the most busy server?

edit: Never mind, wont update anyway now, just says http error or something.
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