Some Questions about LOTR: Online (well 8 actually :P)

Back on now i think, ill go on snowbourne this time, i just need to get settled in then i should be fine, so once ive finished the noob server, ill just go around doing as many quests as i can to raise my level and stuff, then start on other things.

Also what about deeds? I dont understand them at all? I remember i got like 4-5 of them in the first hour and i have no idea how they work.
ok thanks, i am on that server now with a new character, done most quests in noobie area just a few more to level up once more then ill do the main quest so i can go t othe normal server. How do i get in contact with you in the game?
thanks guys, couple more questions, could someone please explain 'deeds' for me, plus im dont really know what crafting is either.

Oh and how do you know when and were to go for the epic quests?

(man, champion, well i think i chose champion, the one that focus's on combat more than anything)
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