Some Questions about LOTR: Online (well 8 actually :P)

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Thinking about getting this game tommorow, but have some questions if people could answer them :)

1: How is online performance? As in lag etc and also updating? Does it automaticly update when you load up? Because my internet is pretty unstable at the moment and i dont want any problems.

2: The game looks good graphicly, could i run it near maxed ot at 1440x900 resoltion (provided it does support widescreen)? Specs in sig

3: Is it quite active?

4: How can you pay? Should i get a timecard or can i pay with my visa electron card? Is it simple to stop paying if you dont want to play for a month? Or if you have stopped playing half way through a month, would you be charged?

5: Are there loads of different swords and bows and stuff for you to find? I remember a fun thing when i played guild wars was after you've killed a load of stuff ,you can get some cool items and sell them to other players with in game money, can you do that in this?

6: Is it simple for someone newish to MMORPGS?

7: I much prefer PvE games rather than PvP, would i enjoy this?

8: This is a weird question, but im deciding out of getting this game, WoW, or rainbow six vegas for the PS3 (lol, completely different i know), which one should i go for if i want something to last a while.

Thanks to anyone that answers, addiotnal comments would be welcome
I think i can answer number 4. They should accpet paypal ( they do for thier other game DDO) and if u pay it month by month then u will wont get a refund if you quite halfway thru a month
tomanders91 said:
1: How is online performance? As in lag etc and also updating? Does it automaticly update when you load up? Because my internet is pretty unstable at the moment and i dont want any problems.
Yes it automatically updates the game when you load in the launcher. The good thing also is that it applies the patch on the fly so that you can resume if you get disconnected and not have to get the full thing again. The performance in terms of lag is generally good. People get confused sometimes with the models in game, as they stutter a little and don't look fluid, but that is not connection lag and is in fact the quality of the models used.

2: The game looks good graphicly, could i run it near maxed ot at 1440x900 resoltion (provided it does support widescreen)? Specs in sig
You could run near max yeah, but not at max. I can't run at max @ 1440x900 which is the resolution I play at and my specs are in my sig. The game does full support widescreen.

3: Is it quite active?
Very! Some servers more than others of course.

4: How can you pay? Should i get a timecard or can i pay with my visa electron card? Is it simple to stop paying if you dont want to play for a month? Or if you have stopped playing half way through a month, would you be charged?
Credit cards, debit cards, PayPal (:D) and very soon (if not already) game cards from your local stores. Yes you can disable the subscription if you don't want to play for a month or so and then resume afterwards and your account will still be intact. If you stop playing half way through a month however, you don't get refunded for the remainder of the month.

5: Are there loads of different swords and bows and stuff for you to find? I remember a fun thing when i played guild wars was after you've killed a load of stuff ,you can get some cool items and sell them to other players with ingame money, can you do that in this?
There are tons of different swords and all types of weapons in the game, and 100's literally get added every major content patch. The only problem I can personally find though is that they always don't have unique models which is a shame, maybe they will fix that later on with some better quality / more unique models. Monsters in game drop items and recipes, such as stuff or tradeskills. Items they drop are all types of armour, weapons and jewellery and some are very rare and you can sell them to different players either through chat channels or via the auction houses located in each of the major towns/cities.

6: Is it simple for someone newish to MMORPGS?
Yep! It's a great game for a MMO player to start out with. The playerbase is a lot more friendly and adult I find compared to other games *cough*warcraft*cough* and it's a generally friendly environment.

7: I much prefer PvE games rather than PvP, would i enjoy this?
Yes, the game is specifically tailored for PvE. But due to popular demand they did add a PvP element, but unlike Warcraft and other games again, they do not force the PvP content onto you and you are free to completely ignore it if you wish too.

8: This is a weird question, but im deciding out of getting this game, WoW, or rainbow six vegas for the PS3 (lol, completely different i know), which one should i go for if i want something to last a while.
I'd say MMO's tend to last a lot longer than other types of games in general, although their are some games that aren't MMO's that people play for years, such as Quake games and Counterstrike for instance. Personally I'd say MMO, and having played Warcraft since early beta and quiting about 4 months ago, and now play Lord of the Rings Online, I think personally for you as a newcommer to MMO's you would probably have a great time playing LotRO.
tomanders91 said:
thank you very much, very informative reply :)

Ill pick it up tommorow and just pay via paypal, should be simple, its about £8 a month isnt it?
£8.99 per month, although you can pay a one-off subscription if you like which I think is about £150 that lets you have a permenant subscription forever and you don't have to pay any more monthly charges (might be worth looking into if you end up playing the game for a good few months and love it and want to keep playing).
No probs chap! It might actually be worth you getting a hold of a buddy key from someone if you can. It's a card that comes with the game when you buy it that lets you give a limited access key (10 days) to a friend so they can try out the game and see if they like it or not before buying, as you can download the client from Fileplanet and some other places then patch it. I don't have any left unfortunately, but if you are interested in buying, I'll have a word with some people that play it tonight and I'll see if I can get you a key.
tomanders91 said:
that would be great if you can, unfortuatly it will take me about 50 hours to download the client lol.

So i might just buy it instead.

Be careful when the game installs and runs for the first time! It asks you something like 'You do not have the latest or continue?'

PRESS CONTINUE or it downloads the entire client, ignoring the fact that you've just installed it.
If by unstable connection you mean you disconnect a fair amount you'll probably get annoyed with the way it handles disconnecting.

When you DC in game it:
a) takes a rather long time for the game to even realise
b) you have to either wait the long time to click the exit or manually exit the game and reload it from the launcher which can be rather slow, after years of WoW just dropping me to the login screen on a DC that was a bit annoying.
G-Man said:
which can be rather slow, after years of WoW just dropping me to the login screen on a DC that was a bit annoying.

I take it you don't recall the frustrating "a character with that name already exists" errors that used to stop you reconnecting in WoW for a few minutes after a boot though :p
mulpsmebeauty said:
I take it you don't recall the frustrating "a character with that name already exists" errors that used to stop you reconnecting in WoW for a few minutes after a boot though :p

Yep. They were damn annoying.

My favourite at the moment is taking a trip on the budgie then failing to dismount at the other end and just hovering there til I Ctrl + Alt + Del the damn thing. :p
Sounds like your after PVE fun, LOTRO is better than WOW for PVE imo. LOTRO is good but im just bored with mmos atm. If its your first go with LOTRO. Its not as noob freindly as wow but still pretty good, not too difficult at first and the community as better.
oh great, looks like ive gotta wait till tonight to be able to play it, stupid long download.

IS there any way to get the download through the game, like in a lot of mmo's, instead of having to download it from a website.
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