Something a bit different, a proper cool car!

not really because they never featured in shows of the time did they? old skool fords rate highly due to shows like the professionals and the sweeney. i love old skool fords.
[TW]Fox said:
In 20 years time are we going to see retro-nuts posting pictures of mint Mk1 Mondeos saying 'a proper cool car'?

I don't know...they only seemed to feature in fly-on-the-wall documentaries about sales reps...Not stuff like The Sweeney.


Edit: Damn you!
vanpeebles said:
not really because they never featured in shows of the time did they? old skool fords rate highly due to shows like the professionals and the sweeney. i love old skool fords.

Yup, Old skool fords have a big following because of the old TV shows - i love 'em. Cant see any modern cars going the same way tbh :(
I never thought the Sierra would become thought of fondly but they are and when you think about it, Ford stuck with rear wheel drive when most other eurobox manufacturers had gone head long into budget built front drivers.

I don't fancy the mk1 Mondeos chances though. Nor the Vectra.

But hey, when have I ever been right? If I had any idea what would become sought after I wouldn't be as skint as I am now. :D

Smiler said:
I don't fancy the mk1 Mondeos chances though. Nor the Vectra.
Owned lots of Sierras and got a Mondeo banger currently and whilst the Mondeo is the "better" car, it ain't half as much fun or as satisfying to own as the Sierras were!
lol!! we just sent one of these to the scrappy......

been in the garage 16 years.... was a bit of a mess, great shame to see it go.

old car
Out of confusion, Is that a British built car or an Australian Built car?

It looks a lot like the old paddock bashes and old fords we have down here :p
[TW]Fox said:
In 20 years time are we going to see retro-nuts posting pictures of mint Mk1 Mondeos saying 'a proper cool car'?
Probably mate, that Cortina is simply the Mondeo of its day, the cars changed but the market (i.e. built for Reps in their thousands) has'nt.

Its funny how the market further up the ladder has changed.Where once, Mk2 Granadas were the up & coming directors car of choice, today, its the 5 Series and Ford have left that market altogether!

Zip said:
Out of confusion, Is that a British built car or an Australian Built car?

It looks a lot like the old paddock bashes and old fords we have down here :p

German built iirc, well the Mk2 Granny anyway.

Thats an interesting old Cortina, thats for sure! - I know what those engines are like in the much heavier Scorpio, I bet the 'Tinas nuts! :D :cool:
R124/LA420 said:
Its funny how the market further up the ladder has changed.Where once, Mk2 Granadas were the up & coming directors car of choice, today, its the 5 Series and Ford have left that market altogether!

Personally I think that's due to BMWs becoming more 'attainable' - the 3-series and 5-series have flooded the company car sector whereas 20-25 years ago it was almost entirely filled by homegrown tin.

R124/LA420 said:
Probably mate, that Cortina is simply the Mondeo of its day, the cars changed but the market (i.e. built for Reps in their thousands) has'nt.

Thats an interesting old Cortina, thats for sure! - I know what those engines are like in the much heavier Scorpio, I bet the 'Tinas nuts! :D :cool:
Trues but the Cortina was built when cars still had that 'built by blokes' feel to them (which some would say can be a bad thing but I think its a good thing) and they also have that all important ingredient of involvement.

Modern day trends seem to be heading towards the aim of driving being a bad thing that you don't want to get involved in so we'll try to protect you from it as much as we can by making you think your sat at home with lots of creature comforts to take your mind of it. I prefer a car that talks back to me. I drove a mates almost brand new 1.8 Corsa a few months ago and hated it. It was like playing a playstation game. Artificial feeling feed back from the steering whel and nothing anywhere else. Sure it was fast cornered well but with the standard engine the Cortina gives much more grin factor which is what it's all about isn't it?

As for my 'tina, I'm not breaking any new ground with this one, there are quite a few cosworth converted 'tinas out there now (mainly mk3 to 5). Not to mention those running yank V8s! :D

Smiler. ;)
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