Something a bit different, a proper cool car!

Smiler said:
Trues but the Cortina was built when cars still had that 'built by blokes' feel to them (which some would say can be a bad thing but I think its a good thing) and they also have that all important ingredient of involvement.

Modern day trends seem to be heading towards the aim of driving being a bad thing that you don't want to get involved in so we'll try to protect you from it as much as we can by making you think your sat at home with lots of creature comforts to take your mind of it. I prefer a car that talks back to me. I drove a mates almost brand new 1.8 Corsa a few months ago and hated it. It was like playing a playstation game. Artificial feeling feed back from the steering whel and nothing anywhere else. Sure it was fast cornered well but with the standard engine the Cortina gives much more grin factor which is what it's all about isn't it?

make sure you turn the engine off when you are filling up with petrol or it might start gaining on the pump :p
Smiler said:
Trues but the Cortina was built when cars still had that 'built by blokes' feel to them (which some would say can be a bad thing but I think its a good thing) and they also have that all important ingredient of involvement.

Modern day trends seem to be heading towards the aim of driving being a bad thing that you don't want to get involved in so we'll try to protect you from it as much as we can by making you think your sat at home with lots of creature comforts to take your mind of it. I prefer a car that talks back to me. I drove a mates almost brand new 1.8 Corsa a few months ago and hated it. It was like playing a playstation game. Artificial feeling feed back from the steering whel and nothing anywhere else. Sure it was fast cornered well but with the standard engine the Cortina gives much more grin factor which is what it's all about isn't it?

As for my 'tina, I'm not breaking any new ground with this one, there are quite a few cosworth converted 'tinas out there now (mainly mk3 to 5). Not to mention those running yank V8s! :D

Smiler. ;)

It does depend what cars you buy though :)

Corsas are known for feeling crap and they are only really built for city driving and for women that by cars by cuteness and dont know where the dipstick is, nothing more

There are plenty of real cars on the market that can make you grin and smile still :cool: :)
Usher said:
make sure you turn the engine off when you are filling up with petrol or it might start gaining on the pump :p

I've got around that problem, it's dual fuel. Runs on LPG! :D
JKD said:
Oh yeah just remembered - pulling a ton back from Peppermint Park in Norwich, we worked out it would need 4 people to push open the hatch fully with their legs - the air braking effect was amazing - go Chevette!!!

Haha, Peppermint Park lol. I remember that place well. I had a ratbag Datsun at that time, which came right on the heels of a ratbag 320 BM, which followed closely on the heels again of a ratbag FIAT Strada.

The FIAT had electrics from another world. But the Datsun (a Sunny, I think it was) was the rattiest looking by far.
Smiler said:
Trues but the Cortina was built when cars still had that 'built by blokes' feel to them (which some would say can be a bad thing but I think its a good thing) and they also have that all important ingredient of involvement.

i agree ford was a proper mans company with a great heritage and loads of character. its just some bland metrosexual euro thing now
I'll let you know when it's finished! :D

Click on the link in the first post and you'll see how far it's got. (well, it's actualy a little closer now as I haven't updated the site for a couple of weeks).

It should be pretty fun on the dual carriageways etc... but I have to be carefull booting it too much as the old Capri 5 speed gearbox I'm using is pushed a bit beyond it's limits by the increase in torque. There are ways around it with either a T5 box from a Mustang/Cosworth or a hybrid mt 75 box which is a lot cheaper but also a bit more work as you need to make one gearbox out of two different versions.

As for top speed, the aerodynamics get in the way when things get silly. This can be improved with a simple front valence spoiler as fitted to some sporty models and the 2.8i Granadas and I might have to look into one but I'd rather not as I'm a big fan of the street sleeper idea. :D

Thanks for all the kind encouraging coments folks. :)


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