Smiler said:Trues but the Cortina was built when cars still had that 'built by blokes' feel to them (which some would say can be a bad thing but I think its a good thing) and they also have that all important ingredient of involvement.
Modern day trends seem to be heading towards the aim of driving being a bad thing that you don't want to get involved in so we'll try to protect you from it as much as we can by making you think your sat at home with lots of creature comforts to take your mind of it. I prefer a car that talks back to me. I drove a mates almost brand new 1.8 Corsa a few months ago and hated it. It was like playing a playstation game. Artificial feeling feed back from the steering whel and nothing anywhere else. Sure it was fast cornered well but with the standard engine the Cortina gives much more grin factor which is what it's all about isn't it?