The gist from what I remember is I don't want to go and start doing lifts and stuff specifically for these areas with weights - the first step is to work on lengthening the underdeveloped or weak areas to get imbalances corrected. She didn't use an analogy but I presume it's something like a building site where you want to fix the piling/foundations before you start throwing concrete and bricks on top of it. If the muscle isn't moving as it should I suppose it's not a great idea to start loading it heavily. I'm probably butchering her reasoning but I'll find out more next Wednesday as I'm going again.
I can't do GHRs at my gym because there's no machine and from what I understand, the alternatives that look similar (like using the lat pull down machine to lock your feet in) are more a 'reverse leg curl' in practice.There's other things I'm sure I could do though.
Also she encouraged me to go through with my idea of doing Pilates or something on my off days as my deep core and flexibility is turd, so I need to look at a cheap way of getting into that, although that's going to be worked on as well.
Gotta buy a hockey ball to go with my foam roller too - she prefers them as they don't have the stitching the lacrosse balls do.
Lat pull down machine for ultimate GHR pain.
And if your core is turd, planks, candlesticks, rollouts, dragon flags, etc...