Sony loves Europe, this weeks Euro PSN Store update.

AssaTM said:
Very nice, now if only I could find Crash 1 on the PSN store again as I had to delete it cuz it continually crashed on one part, then when I went to go download it again, it wasnt on the store, which was great to find out... :p, if anyone can help with that, that'd be nice

but back on topic, I cant wait for some of those ps1 games! oh and Heavenly Sword! :D :p

In the top right of the store is a button that says "downloads" or "downloads list". This will show you all the files you have already downloaded or purchased and you can re-download them from that screen.

Jihad said:
Heavenly demo is nice but that's about it, I don't really want to play crappy looking PS1 games on a PS3.

I imagine most people but the PS1 games to play on their PSPs as opposed to on the PS3. The fact they play on ps3 is a bonus, the original resolutions of the game are much more suited to the lower res display of PSPs as opposed to the hidef screens used with PS3.

Jabbs said:
Why you would want to play ps1 games on a ps3 is beyond me.

You are joking right?

So now you have a PS3 all your old classic PS1 games just get binned?

Or would you rather pull out the old playstation and play it on that instead.
Jabbs said:
Why you would want to play ps1 games on a ps3 is beyond me.

same reason people play ancient classics on there 1000 quid super gaming pcs...nostalgia

and i hope your not one of the millions who buy arcade games for the 360 then

even if they arent looking the best these days some of these games are classics
Sorry if this is common knowledge but can't the PS3 play original PS1 games only PS2?

I own quite a range of both original PS1/PS2 titles but no PS3 as last I heard was that overall backwards compatibility was limited on the euro PS3 due to emulation hardware removal. Is this still an issue?
KaylanCloud said:
Sorry if this is common knowledge but can't the PS3 play original PS1 games only PS2?

I own quite a range of both original PS1/PS2 titles but no PS3 as last I heard was that overall backwards compatibility was limited on the euro PS3 due to emulation hardware removal. Is this still an issue?

These are downloadable games that can be purchased from the PSN store that you can use on both your PS3 and PSP. The BC of the PS3 is improving all the time Its at about 88% of all PAL games at present, though some still have few issues. This does improve at random firmware updates though, It is sometimes mentioned sometimes its not.
Jabbs said:
Why you would want to play ps1 games on a ps3 is beyond me.
Not all games are about graphics, I would love to play Wipeout 2097 again and if I can play on my PS3 it is just very easy, no need to go and find my old PS1 somewhere in a box in the loft, no need to connect a PS1 to the TV and playing with a wireless controller is so much easier.
NokkonWud said:
Live puts classics on (or that's the aim), where as Sony put older games on that people remember. I can see why people would compare them, but in actual fact they aren't that similar.

Sony however have a grasp on sensible pricing (oh the irony) on their online service where as Microsoft don't.

Well to be fair to KNiVES, both the PS store (At least in the US) and xbox live arcade have got Castlevania SOTN, so there are stiking similarities.
Is it just my copy of Crash Bandicoot or does it crash in the same place for everyone else btw? it's on like level 24 and it always crashes on the same part, even after a reinstall, the PS3 is 100% fine, it's just this game, sorry about taking it a lil off topic, but since we were discussing ps1 games on the ps3 then... :D :p
Still no sign of playing these PS1 games on my PSP?

Getting mighty hacked off that Sony said the PSP could do all these things and hasn't delivered, i'm still waiting for the PSP download store that doesn't require a PS3.

Just wish they'd start delivering proper content rather than minor firmware tweaks to keep ahead of the hackers.
AssaTM said:
Is it just my copy of Crash Bandicoot or does it crash in the same place for everyone else btw? it's on like level 24 and it always crashes on the same part, even after a reinstall, the PS3 is 100% fine, it's just this game, sorry about taking it a lil off topic, but since we were discussing ps1 games on the ps3 then... :D :p

I have Crash Bandicoot on mine, although after playing it for a while the nostalgia wore off. I don't know if you can copy the save game file to usb and e-mail it to me. I can try it on mine if that is the case. For obvious reasons I can't be botehred to play up to level 24!

chimaera said:
Still no sign of playing these PS1 games on my PSP?

Getting mighty hacked off that Sony said the PSP could do all these things and hasn't delivered, i'm still waiting for the PSP download store that doesn't require a PS3.

Just wish they'd start delivering proper content rather than minor firmware tweaks to keep ahead of the hackers.

All the PS1 games on the UK store can be transferred to your PSP and played n there fine. With regards to the PSN store on PSP, I agree they are taking a long time with that.

Yeah they kinda started it with's store so it will get there, but once they milk the PS3 as much as they can.
rp2000 said:
I imagine most people but the PS1 games to play on their PSPs as opposed to on the PS3. The fact they play on ps3 is a bonus, the original resolutions of the game are much more suited to the lower res display of PSPs as opposed to the hidef screens used with PS3.


They are upscaled to whatever resolution your HDTV at which is nice also!

Gonna get Crash 2 and Wipeout i think!!!

According to Eurogamer, Syphon Filter is going to be in the batch of PS1 games instead of WipEout 2097. Not too great a shame, seeing as we already have WipEout 1, and Syphon Filter is a very decent shooter.

Slightly vague though, the source that the article refers to says nothing about Syphon Filter, and states WipEout 2097 is on par for the course for 'end of August'.

wannabedamned said:
Because people know how to spoil every single thread ever created, Pain in the royal ass

You troll with the subtlety of a twelve year old.
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