Space Marine demo on steam

Enjoyable blast. Ran butter smooth at 2560 x 1600. Probably not a game that you sit down and play for hours at a time, but would be fun for an hour or so a night.

I heard there's multiplayer, which could be fun?
Just seems daft your trashing a game based on less than 7 mins playing it.

Well you know the Devs release the demo for consumers to make an opinion on their game, you know it kind of represents the quality of the retail release. Of course it's personal opinion, some like it some don't and thats fine.
Well you know the Devs release the demo for consumers to make an opinion on their game, you know it kind of represents the quality of the retail release.

Interesting you say that also as pretty much all demos have a notice on them which says the direct opposite lol.
I'm gonna be honest, I can see where Raven is coming from. Although this is entirely based on the demo, for a game that is based around combat and specifically melee combat, there are staggeringly few combos and execution animations. Obviously this will be improved by a larger number/variety of weapons but from hunting round the controls menu it looks like there are only 4 possible melee weapons.

And while the main release will no doubt add more content, it would be foolish of the devs to release this demo 2 weeks ahead of the actual game if it wasn't very similar to the final build.
Look if you don't like it dont buy it and that about all I am gonna say no need to go on and on here myself i'm gonna get the game I don't realy care about amount of weapons or combos all I care about is if theres a good stroy to the game and i'll let u know that in a few weeks.
Lets leave it at that no need to go on If you enjoy it Buy it , If not Don't
I can see where people are coming from. The gfx are not amazing and it may get a little bit repetitive.

However it is very fun :)

I'm playing a lot of time intensive games like X3TC, A-10C and Starcraft 2 recently so this is a fantastic pick up and play blast.
Its something about GAME threatening THQ not to store the game on their shelfs if they allow Steam to pre-order.

Apparantly GAME did this with Brink also - which is why it didn't appear on Steam for a good while before and after release.

I read they want a month after release for the game to be restricted from Steam, such assholery if true - Steam > going in store where they're always more expensive.
Steam > going in store where they're always more expensive.

I disagree, in stores it's usually the opposite. You pay the premium on Steam for the convenience and because the publisher/developer wants it to be top whack, unless it's in a sale of course!
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