Space Marine demo on steam

Its something about GAME threatening THQ not to store the game on their shelfs if they allow Steam to pre-order.

I would laugh if THQ grew a pair. Seriously they aren't the only games retailer in the UK and certainly not the only online retailer.

Does that mean the demo aint coming to steam without having to sign up to some other piece of crap?
My friend uploaded the entire demo gameplay video.

I still haven't managed to play this damn demo yet, can't seem to find it at all on Steam, guessing its still only available to the honour guard?
I love it, great run and gun mindless havoc.

I have no doubt that even though the demo represents only a very narrow spectrum of enemy the full game will incorporate a good few more, there are so many different ways to incarnate the ork from the WH-40K universe that the Devs could not have just stuck to what we see in the demo.

Missions will no doubt be far more in depth in retail and id rather have the game be a simpler less exhausting affair than be overly complicated and a chore to play, it isnt being pretentious and trying to mascaraed as something its not and i think that will be its selling point, i for one will be buying a copy and i can see it getting a good few hours play form me, MP would be very successful, not to much clouding the competition or purpose of online gaming just good old competitive play on a competent, well handling and fluid engine.... dare i say Quake like esq simplicity?
Does this link no longer work or something?


Shove that into your browser address bar and it will download the demo on Steam.

Originally posted by Xour.
That's what happens when you play on easy. :p

Easy, and seemingly not aware of how the combat system works (no executions to keep the health regenerating and the fighting somewhat more interesting and on a knife edge).

Basically the game was kept from being interesting largely by the way in which it was being played.

Might not have been the fault of the player if they don't RTFM / watch totalbiscuit's review, and instead just wade into like any other shooter, but that also means they haven't really played the game to give it a fair opinion either.

Bumping it to Normal difficulty, learning the way it's intended to be played, which will then also allow for much more use of the special abilities like the frenzy mode, would be far more entertaining.

Did everyone find the Axe, melee weapon upgrade?

I did, I overlooked it the first couple of times, saw a flash popup on screen about changing to power axe but then lost again before I realised what/where it was exactly. A little looking around and then it twigged.
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Here is a vid of myself doing the last battle in the demo on Hard.
Also shows the location of the Power axe.

Not a bad show, but do you now do other moves than just melee swing x4 or melee x1 + stun? Like melee swing x3 + stun is an AE based stun if you're surrounded, or melee swing x2 + stun is a charging knockback/stun, etc.

Getting into a ruckus with 30-40+ enemy in close quarters at once is where this is shining for me, even if graphically it's not impressing some people, just being different from a regular shooter is what I'll find most entertaining (and not like assassin's creed where you pick off enemies one by one by waiting for them to take turns attacking you..).
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Although it's not the sort of game I usually play, I got the demo this afternoon and just finished it. It's just a bit of mindless fun and I really enjoyed it. The second mission was great and just as I was getting into it it finished! This is going on my shopping list now, it's been a lean couple of months for PC gaming.
Aedus & Raven

cut it out now. both of you are out of order so just drop it.

got my code but it has no link to download in my games list.
oh well :(
i registered on the website, it gave me a code and i put it into Steam to active but it says it's already owned on this account? I've never tried before.

I put in steam://install/55410 as you said and it's downloading, thanks
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Had a good go on the demo tonight and really enjoyed it. I'll definitely pick it up when its released. Played on normal and I love the way you get forced into using melee finisher moves to regain health as it makes the game quite interesting. Explosive weapons are all great fun also with great physics being used throughout.

The lift section on hard is exceptionally difficult to do and needs a bit of planning, especially versus the armoured orcs which are extremely hard to kill on hard. You can still take full damage when your doing a finishing move as well, which means you need to pick the moment to use a finisher to regain health perfectly or you will die if theres a group of mobs around you.

The jetpack level was great and implimented seriously well. The ground pounding move with it is quality and you can take out entire groups of enemies with it if you aim it well.

Tried this both with the keyboard + mouse and the xbox pad and it works flawlessly with both. The graphics and sound are all true to the previous generation of games and the artistic style is quite well done. Sure the game isn't crysis 2, but it never set out to be that either.
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