I love it, great run and gun mindless havoc.
I have no doubt that even though the demo represents only a very narrow spectrum of enemy the full game will incorporate a good few more, there are so many different ways to incarnate the ork from the WH-40K universe that the Devs could not have just stuck to what we see in the demo.
Missions will no doubt be far more in depth in retail and id rather have the game be a simpler less exhausting affair than be overly complicated and a chore to play, it isnt being pretentious and trying to mascaraed as something its not and i think that will be its selling point, i for one will be buying a copy and i can see it getting a good few hours play form me, MP would be very successful, not to much clouding the competition or purpose of online gaming just good old competitive play on a competent, well handling and fluid engine.... dare i say Quake like esq simplicity?