Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

18 Dec 2004
NE England
Okay brahs, let's try this again. Last time I started a log I had a massive crisis of confidence, realised I was weighing in at 86kg and looking fat for it. Big time fat, boobs the lot. I decided there's no point in doing this if I'm unhappy with how I look, so time to shed a few a kgs off and get slightly more aesthetic, then tackle the bulk properly post-christmas.

Now, this is complicated with my on-going gyno issues. I've actually got a hospital appointment on Wednesday this week for a consultation. This will be to talk about the condition, analysis whether I "deserve" it on the NHS, and talk through the operation. Fun times I'm sure, hopefully I'll get the all clear - after that it'll be a case of finding out when it's due.
For those unaware of what Gyno (Gynecomastia) is, here's a nice little link to read up on. BEWARE you are opening a page with boobs on it. Men's boobs! But I don't want your manager to be looking over your shoulder when you open it:

So yeah, got my mojo back for being aesthetic, started a month ago at 86kg and I'm somewhere between 80kg and 80.5kg now. Hopefully this will be the last time I cut for a while, as I really don't want to be forever cutting :\

Pics for the perverted - mire the anabolic toothbrush:



Hard to pose your back when taking a pic!
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Strong pink toothbrush
Strong Monkee original gym trousers
Strong fringe

Looking forward to seeing you progress mate. Good luck with the consultation.
Damn, Steedie beat me :(

Good luck :) will keep an eye on this.

What's with the gyno btw? (Not knowing much about what's wrong... [feel free not to say])

Edit: OH MY GOD, THREE OF YOU :( Jeeze I'm slow today...

kd, feel free to read up on it below. Slightly NSFW.... 'Cause you know, boobies. Even tho they're attached to men!

Basically, large amounts of estrogen in my body resulted in hard lumps forming under my nipples and more-than-average fatty tissue on my chest, ie breasts. Now granted mine isn't as bad as in that link, but when you're a BB'er trying to look good, it's crippling. I've never been on a decent bulk, because as soon as I go over ~13% bodyfat, my chest starts looking awful and results in huge amounts of "do you even lift" :)
What? Smith Machine eating yo speed gainz? ;)


kd, feel free to read up on it below. Slightly NSFW.... 'Cause you know, boobies. Even tho they're attached to men!

Basically, large amounts of estrogen in my body resulted in hard lumps forming under my nipples and more-than-average fatty tissue on my chest, ie breasts. Now granted mine isn't as bad as in that link, but when you're a BB'er trying to look good, it's crippling. I've never been on a decent bulk, because as soon as I go over ~13% bodyfat, my chest starts looking awful and results in huge amounts of "do you even lift" :)

Ah, fair enough, Jeeze, looking good then!

I don't get it, that penguin's been running at me for about 5 minutes now, but hasn't gotten any closer :X
Touche, kd, touche. ;) :D

What's actually really freaky now that I look at the gif again, is that the penguin is walking in time to my current work soundtrack: MJ's Thriller. :eek:
Oh congrats Deception. Are you going to post some before and after pics up in your log once it's done?

How did your consultation going, was it quite interrogative?
I remember years a go watching a documentary about gynecomastia was about an hour and a half long and I was captivated by it, not sure why when it shown some guys lactating but it was both interesting and scary non the less.

Good luck!
Oh congrats Deception. Are you going to post some before and after pics up in your log once it's done?

How did your consultation going, was it quite interrogative?

This is my 3rd due to them borking it the first 2 times :mad: (stitches tore 2nd time while I was sleeping!).

The consultation isn't too bad, thankfully I had the same consultant for all of them, so she knew all about it.

Suffered with it for waaaay too long and hopefully the 3rd time's the charm?

The only issue I always have is being out of action for 8 weeks.. All those gainz... :(

Hopefully it goes well for you too :D

Oh yea, forgot to mention, you get stuck wearing a tight top with a zip on the back for several weeks and its got to be worn 24/7..
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So has the surgery just simply not been successful until the 3rd attempt, or has it just come back? I have heard that if the whole "gland" (lump) isn't removed, it can come back!
So has the surgery just simply not been successful until the 3rd attempt, or has it just come back? I have heard that if the whole "gland" (lump) isn't removed, it can come back!

Mine was mostly because of my skin not going back to normal after losing 6-7 stone, so a bit different to yours. Basically they didn't take enough the 1st time around, then it tore the 2nd time and this time is to fix the tear (scarring was really bad after the 2nd time).
Welcome back to the log club monkee, pleased you made the step to come back. Hopefully you will log through the tough times and the good now, as no matter what there will be progress :).

Can't wait to see them gains brah
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