Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Can't tell if srs or not :p

My biceps are normally fried after back as it is, so I can manage a few heavy sets on BB curls, then I just go for good full rom movements with DBs. 8kg on hammer curlz when you're squeezing hard still hurts :p
Feeling it but far from fried :) Probably could've done more weight but didn't want to compromise my lower back!
Lo' and behold, luscious lunch time LEGS landed lightly today.

Was a very quick session as I only had an hour and wanted to hit my shoulders a tiny bit as well, as I'm away for the next two days.

15kg 10/15/20

Back Squats
60kg 10
80kg 8
100kg 8/8/8
120kg 2
135kg 1 (PB)

This was actually my first squat session in months, as my lower back issue has stopped me from doing them for a long time. So those 100kg working sets felt heavy as hell. I also imagine if I followed a proper PB weight-loading routine, I'd have done a bit more.

Front Squats
60kg 10/10

Overhead Press
20kg 10
40kg 8
50kg 3
60kg 3/3/3
45kg 8

Haven't done any heavy ass OHP before, so thought I'd give it a go. Technically a PB, but only 'cause I've never done such few reps before!
We'll see. I still have a lot of tightness in my lower back, lot more mobilisation required. Tightness in lower back/glute/ham area I think is causing my to fold forwards at depth, does that sound about right?
Stealing from Chrospls, this Monday has been CHEST!!!!!! Monday! And unfortunately, it wasn't a very strong session. Did plenty of volume, but missing the pure strength.

BB Bench
60kg 5
70kg 8/8/5
60kg 8/10
Felt really weak on the 70kg, rather annoyingly

Incline DB Press
24kg 10/8/7
20kg 10

Incline Flyes
10kg 10/10/10

Cable Crossovers
20kg 8 (Too hard!)
15kg 12/12/12

Cable Push Down SS below
25kg 10/10

Push Ups SS above

Cable Push Down Dropsets
25kg 10
20kg 12
15kg 15

So got a good pump from this and struggled using my arms to do anything afterwards! Just didn't think any of the numbers were particularly impressive.
That feel when no one ever replies :(

So Tuesday was BBB AAA CCC KKK day, and to celebrate this, here is a joke:
Q: What did the police man say to the elephant?

A: Get out of my shoe!!!!!!!


Been having a slight bit of lower back discomfort again, thus decided against doing anything to aggravate it today.... So ended up doing power cleans and deadlifts :X

Dead hang Chin Ups
BW 8/8/7(-1)

Pull Ups (1 min rest)

Power Cleans
65kg 5/5
70kg 3/3
75kg 3

100kg 5
120kg 3/3
130kg 5/5
100kg 5 (paused)

65kg 10/10/10

Didn't have any time for some joocey bicep work :(
Bro there is no need to be upset whennoreply, I read all! I just don't post because I hate you.

Still in for fringe pics.

Edit- oh and snap on bench weakness. Seems to be the week of bench fagottry.
Deception, they were much like normal deadlifts, but with a 3 second pause an inch or two off the ground :p

Zefan, thanks. I think. Or not. Or yes. Or ZIMBABWE.
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