Not sure if over 100. Could probably get 90 up, so maybe 100 too; I lack the hip drive you and Nick have though, all my deadlifts are slow grinders (BB'er til I die yo), and I just simply don't know the mechanical drive order to get good glute activation. Need a coach
Haven't weighed myself, will do so tomorrow morning!
If you're lacking hip drive, however (assuming you've still not looked at the "how to clean" thead... ), then just mind your wrists and back as the weight goes up as I know from experience how hard these can get hammered.
From a sexual perspective? Snatch all the way. Nothing gets people gawking like a big snatch...
Snatch is the 'easiest' way to learn to get hip drive right because there is an affirmative point of contact" between hips and bar when you're learning. This is much less pronounced when trying to clean.
From a power* from knee, what you learn in the snatch will apply perfectly to the clean, but your hands are in a different position.
Snatch only gets difficult when you try to pull from the floor and then again when you go big and have to catch it in a squat.
If I ever get time, I'll update the "How To Clean" thread with floor and catch work. I really should attend a meet at some point...
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