Now I just need to decide what to out the rear speakers on as my current holders for my current speakers (basically these things - will not do with the 2010s.
I'm using AWG 11 - 2x4mm² from DSCk found on the rain forest, I noticed others using DSCk cable here also.
Before this I was using the stock 1.5mm² that came with my speakers. I would not have believed it if not listening myself, but it improved sound making bass deeper and better mid range, i'm talking subtle difference yet I could notice it.
Cable is 128 x 0.20mm strands pure copper and it's very heavy, very recommended by me!
Probably due to 1.5mm being too small, however 4mm is a bit overkill.
Psycho - Can you advise on the movement you get with the BT77s. What sort of left/right movement do you get and is there any up/down movement?
Psycho - Can you advise on the movement you get with the BT77s. What sort of left/right movement do you get and is there any up/down movement?
sorry for the long wait.
I have them angles slightly downwards a few degrees and left right movement is pretty much free. I have one angled pretty much all the way to the left and the other one slightly to the right.
They are superb for the money. Can upload pics if you want?
Sorry to hijack but its relevant..
I'm looking for probably ~200m of speaker cable, the Van Damn Blue 2.5mm looks a bit pricey at that length, is it a case of just being the price to pay? I don't really mind if its worth it.
Sorry to hijack but its relevant..
I'm looking for probably ~200m of speaker cable, the Van Damn Blue 2.5mm looks a bit pricey at that length, is it a case of just being the price to pay? I don't really mind if its worth it.
Well I've just swapped out some CCA for OFC on some Kef R500's and the difference is negligible.
Not entirely sure how something like van damme can be justified.
What length of run was it?