Spec me a game with emotion / story

I really like Bastion and Transistor.

Not overly long, but you get really sucked into the world through the narrative. Very stylish looking games and fun combat too (perhaps bastion more than Transistor... the latter pretty much just stressful when you activate all the combat modifiers haha)

Literally the only game I can think of where I genuinely felt a bit emotional about the characters' fate.

More recently, I've been sucked into the atmosphere and isolation felt by the lead characters in Limbo and Spate. Neither is a tear-jerker, but you do relate to their situation, insofar as you can comprehend it.
Another vote for Brother, played it through with my son, loved it. Very moving game.

Worthy of the praise and is also good fun.

How old is your son? Wondering whether it would be good to play with my boy - he's only 5. Is it actually a co-op game?

I recently played through it for the 7th time and really paid attention to the story. And there are a couple of moments where I really felt for some of the characters. And some of the deaths.
Literally the only game I can think of where I genuinely felt a bit emotional about the characters' fate.

More recently, I've been sucked into the atmosphere and isolation felt by the lead characters in Limbo and Spate. Neither is a tear-jerker, but you do relate to their situation, insofar as you can comprehend it.

I agree with FFVII one of the defining games of my childhood.
YOu may also want to try the mass effect series, its not as emotional as FFVII but its as close as bioware get haha

I still have to try bioshock so I cant recommend that one for you.
The walking dead (season 1 ending was like pow, right in the feels), and another vote for brothers. Both excellent games.
The Last of Us is the only game in recent years that got me. Just superb.

It's games like this I want to ram down the throat of people who think gaming is for geeky kids and never progressed beyond spade invaders.
The Last of Us is the only game in recent years that got me. Just superb.

It's games like this I want to ram down the throat of people who think gaming is for geeky kids and never progressed beyond spade invaders.
Don't forget about those who think video games encourage violence :D
How old is your son? Wondering whether it would be good to play with my boy - he's only 5. Is it actually a co-op game?

No. It is single player Co op... It is the best way of describing it! You control one brother with the left analogue stick and the other brother with the right one. It works beautifully!
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've also got a PS4 but cannot get into TLoU- I really suck at the combat so when I'm replaying the same combat sequence for the hyperbazillionth time I kinda lose sight of the story :D Maybe I'll give it a go on "baby's first game" difficulty.

Valliant Hearts was on PS+ and I did enjoy it but I found I couldn't care a whole amount about my character, I think because he was 2D. If I'm going to connect with a Character, he or she needs to feel human. Similar to Thomas Was Alone which I also got on PS+ a while back, a block with a soothing voice over doesn't connect with me...

Playing through Spec Ops atm, the plot is starting to get a bit twisted now!
The Last of Us, if you have a PS4 of course.

Pretty much this. In terms of story telling and character development I can't think of any game on any platform that gets close. It makes HL2 look like Duke Nukem in this regard!

The Walking Dead games weren't bad if you want something on the PC.
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