At last xmas is here and I can finally have my EA41 torch, and its great, everything I want in a torch, the distance/flood is dam impressive outside better then my ultrafire C8 and I have no need to put it on turbo mode, as high mode is more then bright enough for my needs.
The low battery indicator isn't that great tho as I amm using the batts that torchdirect sent me free, GP Ultra batteries. Id say in total Ive used the torch 20mins xmas day before the batt indicator started blinking to say it was lower then 50% when the torch was on, but when I manually test it when its off, it blinks 3 times to say the batts are over 50%
Id say I have used the torch 45mins in total now and the blinking has speeded up now to indicate the batts are getting quite low, but still when I manually test it when its off, its still saying its over 50% battery life. So I dont know what to make of that, its probably down to not very good batteries Im guessing, but might as well carry on using the batts untill torch starts to go dim, and then put some good duracells in, and see if the batt indicator gives a more accurate reading.
But sometime soon I am going to buy 2 sets of 1900mAh panasonic eneloop batteries for the torch, so hopefully these should be better then alkaline batteries.
But 1 warning to all, never buy or use one of these high powered LED torches if your going to go back to the old standard torch, because you just wont be able to use a standard torch again and be satisfied with the brightness, beam and flood. Because going back to my old bulb torch from my Ultrafire C8, I had to keep on checking that is was still a bright light comming from the torch, because the beam it produced was just sooooooooo poor. So this was the reason I just had to try again with another bright LED torch
Before I used one of these LED torches I was more then happy with the brightness of my old bulb torch and I didnt get how a torch much smaller then mine could be brighter