Spec me Some Good Champagne

Also, the house champagne at Majestic is very good too. They have it on offer at my local one for £15 a bottle atm, £20 if you get the vintage one. Is a nice crisp number that is very very drinkable

Thats thr Nicholas Feuillante isn't it? At least thats what they had on offer when i picked up a bottle of Nyetimber at the weekend.
I recently managed to pick up a bottle of Moet Vintage 2002 for ~£30 and the same for a bottle of the 2004 vintage. Both are supposed to be good years, but from reading this thread it sounds like several of you wouldn't touch the stuff with somebody elses.

Am I going to be disappointed? I bought them for a special occasion, but I'm far to tight to spend more than than on a single bottle.
(Well I bought my Dad a bottle of Bollinger Grand anne 2002 as a present, but he is more likely to appreciate it).

Also is it really bad form to like my white wine and Champagne well chilled?
You like what you like and theres nothing wrong with doing something you prefer rather than “what you should do”

Same with Moet, I quite enjoy it and if you don’t drink Champagne often then I’m sure it’ll be a nice treat for you. I think it's mainly a case of it being one of the most popular and therefore frowned upon, just like Bose products. Sure there's are probably better available for the same/less money but it doesn’t mean it's not still a step up from what most people would usually have :)
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They'll be alright, don't get me wrong. Just with so much choice out there, for me it doesn't match the brand reputation is has, if that makes sense?
I'd take the Bolly over the Moet any day, personally.

It is a lot down to preference though, same with most foods and drinks.

With the chilling; you shouldn't store it in the fridge for longer than the couple of hours/hour before drinking it as keeping it in the fridge damages the flavour. Also temperature wise white wine (generally, some varieties do differ) are best served at 7c as any colder than this and it numbs the flavours in the drink.

I like to think you can tell a good champagne as you can allow it to warm without it becoming very acidic and tart. Likewise, you can suffer a poorer bottle by over chilling it, but seems to be missing the point of it in the first place.
Thats thr Nicholas Feuillante isn't it? At least thats what they had on offer when i picked up a bottle of Nyetimber at the weekend.

It is indeed. Was going to get some but Mrs S spotted that they had Canard Duchene for £3 more per bottle, so we got that instead. Thats one of her faves.
Just arrived about 30 minutes ago via parcel delivery. Now I just have to resist the urge to crack it open before Christmas :)
Get it down you... :P

Looks nice, not tried it!

Friday night we had a nice Louis NV Demi Sec, which is a really nice dessert champagne. Sweeter, great with food.

Today is Tuesday, but as I saw this in the shops last night and even though it's only the Brut, I thought it was worth a bash. If they'd had the other I'd have got it but I think I'll have to get that one from the champagne merchants.

Ayala is also house champagne at Gordon Ramsay's places.

Have had a few bottles at Maze Grill and also his place in Dubai Hilton when he was there. Is a very nice champagne, you shouldn't be disappointed in it
Jacquesson is nice table champagne as well. They do quite a few different ones which are also worth trying. The standard one is about the same price as a Louis R and is easily as good if not better.
I'm keen to try Belle Epoque from Perrier Jouet as I like their normal brut a lot.

Taittinger is pretty standard fare, but check out their other champagnes as some of these are fantastic.
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