spiders in the house

I used to freak out when I found one in London.

Living in the country means that you have to get used to them. As other’s have already posted, spiders eat the things which would be far more annoying to you.
I had a tiny one in the car that seemed to have an endless supply of web.

Also, there is a spider living in every single wing mirror.

I get loads of spider webs around my wing mirror. I always have to clean them off when I get in my car. Only the driver's side though for some reason. It's been going on for years though, so can't be one spider that lives there - maybe there's a colony!
My daughter lives in Australia, I'm glad I don't live there. Although we were there for a few weeks without seeing any and it was only on the last day she showed me a Redback that I hadn't seen earlier, although there was a big one in her car once, made me shiver.
She now lives in the countryside and if she goes out in her garden at night with a torch the whole place lights up with spiders eyes reflecting back

An English person who's scared of spiders travels to Australia for a holiday. They're pretty wound up about the spiders. Everyone knows Australia is full of great big deadly poisonous spiders. It's all over the internet. Spiders everywhere. Probably more spiders than people!

They work themselves into a bit of a panic on the flight over and when they land they head straight to the nearest place for a drink and to get a grip. They're about to sit down when they realise they're in Australia, home of the multitude of great big deadly poisonous spiders, and should check for spiders before sitting down. Maybe there's a spider under the table. Maybe under the chair. Must remember to check!

An Australian nearby sees them, realises what they're doing and why and wanders over to reassure them. They tell the English person that aren't any dangerous spiders in this part of Australia. There are in some parts of Australia, but not around here. The English person calms down, assured that there aren't any dangerous spiders in this particular part of Australia and seeing the reasonableness of it in their head. There's a lot of sensationalising on the internet, everyone knows that. Australia's a big place. Makes sense that some wildlife would be found in some parts of it and not in other parts of it. So no dangerous spiders around here.

The Australian looks thoughtful and says "I reckon it's because the deadly poisonous snakes round here ate them all".
If they are within reach, capture them under glass and take outside, otherwise just leave them be until they become easily accessible.
had a big one when i lived in the UK that used to do a lap around the room just below the ceiling every night, would keep my cats entertained for hours. Then spidey stopped showing up, Im guessing he ventured to far down the wall one night and one of them got him. Over here we have black widows and brown recluse so any i see get dealt with straight away.
I watched people on YouTube keeping jumping spiders in enclosures while googling about leaving the normal ones running around my house. Seems like a waste of effort for such tiny ones.

Large house spiders I catch and chuck out as they are both too big and cant climb anyway so I might accidentally squish em. I try to keep the little ones around until they stop moving.
I found this beauty lurking in a corner of my garage.


He's the height of a brick!
Leave them be aside from the false widows that reside(d) in our garage. They will likely keep the mosquito and fly population down... At least that's what I hope :)

I leave them be too unless they're big & stuck in the bath...then I'll chuck em outside...would never kill em. A good point you made about false widows.....seem to be getting more common & people should be made aware of their skull shaped markings & severe reactions they can cause.
I found this beauty lurking in a corner of my garage.


He's the height of a brick!
I put one of those live in my mouth once & went face to face with the wife...her horror when I slightly opened my mouth & these legs started to emerge trying to clamber out...true story.
I watched people on YouTube keeping jumping spiders in enclosures while googling about leaving the normal ones running around my house. Seems like a waste of effort for such tiny ones.
jumping spiders are awesome a few live on my balcony :D never realised they were even in this country before
Well not sure if these are jumping spiders, but they're the friends I keep in my house, until they stop moving that is:


I had 3, one died, the other got super slow and nearly dead so I put it outside, only one left.
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