
26 Nov 2010
Thorne Yorkshire
My house, in Yorkshire, usually has a fair number of spiders.
I like the little critters but if I can catch them safely without harming them then i'll carefully put them out to my back garden. More often than not the little beggars outwit me and dart into some inaccessible crevice.
Last couple of years there have been relatively few.
This year though has seen them come back in greater numbers. Not disturbingly high numbers but certainly more than recent years.
Why? Weather, heat waves, humidity or what?
We are over run, usually get the big brown ones Aug/Sept but since then we are getting the garden dwelling shiney black ones, striped chitinous types and other horrors. The van is always coveted in webs that resist jetwashing too. Seriously considering abandoning the place and telling the U.S military there is a high value target hiding here.
Because it's a warm year. I moved from north to south and noticed there's tons more critters down here and it's only a few degrees warmer.

Infinite spiders here, I gave up dealing with them. False widows too.
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So far not had too many in the house but they are going crazy on the cars! - leave one a few hours and already 3-4 spiders sitting on webs from the door handles, etc. never mind the vehicles which don't get used for a few days.
Generally leave them be, but had a couple of big ass ones near my sleeping position. Squished one the other day in my sleep. If they are catcheable will try to use a glass then chuck em outside
Started to see the giant house spiders here. Hate those buggers, too big. They are way too bloody quick for their size, too!
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A month or so ago I was lying in bed and felt something crawling up my back so I brushed it off and put the light on to see what it was and it turned out to be this huge false widow.
90% of the time I'll leave them, especially the little ones.

9% of the time I'll use a glass to get em outside

0.9% I'll use a hoover for the huge ones that rattle down the pipe as they go

0.1% (only once) did I use deodorant as a make shift flame thrower on one the size of a small dog.
(disclaimer size claims cannot be verified and are only used as a guide)
Found a medium sized one the other day, put him outside. The next morning he made the biggest web ive ever seen, from the top of the garage to the floor and him just sitting in the middle, i moved him to the grass as i know my son would run straight through it!. should have took a picture :(
I feel blessed. I rarely see spiders in my flat. 1 or 2 a year is about it. It helps to live in the centre of the city. My partner's flat a few miles down the road but more countrified is infested.
Pretty thin on the ground in these parts and have been for a few years now, which goes along with the lack of insects I guess.

We are seeing more False Widows and less of the Tube web spiders that have a painful bite and can be very aggressive and a few Garden spiders have appeared this year, but nothing like the numbers seen in previous years.
I only get the puny ones tbh I think maybe having a radon barrier helps plus the abundance of wild birds ,never seen a big one ,good job as I am borderline phobic
I try and leave them alone on the 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' principle. Anything killing flies, wasps, moths etc is a good thing.

Yeah, we have a lot of the thin ones in this flat, I think they're called cellar spiders. I leave them alone because apparently they're quite aggressive towards other spiders. Could be true because they're the only type I've seen here.
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