Surely if that was the case then single big ducted systems would never have been created.
Mine is 4 bedrooms ducted unit, mitsubishi electric. Unit in the loft is pretty much smack bang in the middle of the house, so the Longest run is probably 5m. All outlets have insulated pipework, 3 inlets 2 in the bedrooms and 1 in the hallway. This is then connected to a large 7.2kw unit outside which also powers a wall unit in the lounge.
I had numerous quotes and all suggested the single unit for upstairs with one wall unit downstairs for the lounge. No one suggested separate loft units. I'd definitely get a second opinion.
I've only had mine installed since last October but when heating my very poorly insulated house it has never once struggled. These units are designed for much hotter climates than the UK, so it seems a bit mad to have to be so overkill.
Thanks for the info. Do you know what the reasoning is behind those inlets? I would have thought you either need an inlet in every room you have an outlet, or you just need one. But you have two from rooms where there are outlets, and one from a room which isn't directly supplied at all?
The pipework being insulated makes sense.
Oh - how thick are the ducts? And are the inlet and outlet the same?