@HungryHippos very interested. I love seeing what other people do and especially who take pride in their home! Absolutely stunning throughout, a massive improvement on what was there. I especially love the kitchen, the matt black looks great.
Have you done much of the work yourself? I tend to do everything myself to keep costs down and I prefer my handy work than contractors as appreciate they need to earn a living and get on to the next job. The AC is the only thing I've got someone in to do, and the water softener although I am more than capable with the plumbing.
Thanks mate!
Long Read ahead...
I did what I could with the help of my family, but a lot of it required trades unfortunately. I am just not that handy really beyond basic stuff, so it made sense to earn money with what I was good at and use it to pay people that know what they're doing.
Did most of the painting/decorating though with the exception of the hallway and kitchen, mostly because I wanted to blitz those rooms as quickly as I could and the hallway had the added height above the stairs. If you were looking closely you may also see the rad in the kitchen was swapped to a wall mounted one, we fixed the damage that move caused, can barely tell it was elsewhere before.
Found a few skeletons in the woodwork though, including;
- An uncapped gas pipe (looks like they added electric hob but was originally meant to be gas)
- In one of the pics of the kitchen there are 2 cabinets on the wall, behind those cabinets there was a hole in the plasterboard roughly big enough to fit your head into (best guess is they hit the rad pipe behind the wall when putting the cabs up, but never actually thought to patch the wall once the rad pipe was fixed).
- Kickboards in the kitchen were just nailed together and then free-standing!

- They had boxed in the free-standing fridge/freezer they had in the kitchen. That is a big no-no!
- The heating system is 2 zone (downstairs + upstairs) but they had wired it incorrectly, so it basically came on in both zones when 1 was turned on. I actually think this was done on purpose somehow.
- One of the kitchen wall cabinets was basically held to the wall with silicone.
- They had swapped an electric shower for a thermostatic one in the en-suite, which is good, but the old supply to the electric one wasn't cut. So there was a switch in the bathroom for it, and it made the box on the ceiling turn on but did nothing else. We removed the box and tidied the cabling + turned off at the fusebox. I might be able to use this for the extra socket I wanted but need to investigate.
I think the previous owners liked DIY but weren't very good at it, so on my to-do list is the garden at some point, the patio they've put down isn't flat and a lot of the pointing is just missing, so it's weed heaven.
The original pics make it look better than it was as well, a lot of stuff was just "tired" looking, I think there was some neglect to the condition of things, I basically keep stuff as good as new for as long as possible.
The only things I kept of theirs decor wise were the wooden floor in the hallway (condition was OK + changing it would mean messing about with the skirting boards and architraves) and the shutters in the kitchen, which are pretty good actually and luckily were white.
I pulled apart a built-in cupboard they paid £2k for a couple of years earlier, but it was just a bit ugly and I didn't need it, so that was a massive waste of money!
One of the biggest "WTF" moments for me though was when I was locating sockets. In the landing upstairs they had zero sockets at all, honestly even one socket on one wall would have been enough. We added one by spurring it off one of the bedrooms on the opposite wall. An easy fix really (even sourced the same socket model). In the master bedroom there is absolutely perfect wall opposite the bed for a TV on the wall, or on a chest of drawers or something. Nope, no sockets anywhere nearby, need to add one there somehow...
As you can imagine all of that has come to quite a tidy sum, but fortunately I was able to pay for it out of savings + a bit extra on the mortgage when I moved, so financially it's all well within manageable levels, and I got what I wanted out of the work inc. the upcoming aircon which is something I've wanted for a while.
Don't really have much left to do, off the top of my head: sort garden out, get ethernet run to some areas of the house (nice to have more than requirement), get the windows properly cleaned (inside the frames), which is not a job I'm really looking forwards to doing so may see what the cost is to get professionals in to blitz it.