Yeah he was telling Torres to suck his penis...
Wasn't this after Soto decided to try and kill N'gog, Lucas decided it was Barton and Torres, probably 40 yards up the pitch, decided to come and throw his weight around while Lucas was in Barton's face, then he walked away as soon as Barton walked towards Torres, then after someone got inbetween them Torres got all "tough guy , if he wasn't between us I'd kill you".
As for Twinblade, look at the Bale tackle again, the ball has nothing to do with it Bale wasn't fouled, plain and simple there wasn't contact, as I said he did a Gerrard which is while running perfectly fine he brought his right leg forward, there was nothing stopping him planting his foot and continueing on, at all, he just lifts his foot and goes down. He dived plain and simple.
AS for Arsenal if you'd read anything on these boards, I don't buy into the "Arsenal are poor little kids getting kicked off the park" mentality, years ago it was true, last few years, with Song/Denilson/Diaby around all hacking the crap out of the opposition I don't much care.
Yes Palacios last tackle didn't look great, he went down less than 5 minutes previously with essentially nothing wrong with him doing exactly the same thing and was fine seconds later. It might have been the Drogba "foul" which wasn't a foul in a million years.
As for Bale, its not about impact hurting then not hurting, people are dumb, anyone thats ever REALLY been hit or kicked will know, sometimes it will hurt instantly and for a very short time, sometimes you won't notice pain till a few seconds later, sometimes a huge hit just won't hurt, humans are weird like that.
The problem I had was Bale was banging around like his leg was broken and the SECOND he saw the ref wasn't giving a card he was absolutely fine, that second sat up and started yelling at the ref. Sometimes injuries are real, sometimes they are overplayed, sometimes they aren't its hard to know, but when the pain dissappears the second you don't see a card coming out, any sympathy from me is gone.