Wonder who's fault it will be this time? Hodgson asked to be judged after 10 games which then became 55 after a pathetic start. It's nearly Christmas and the football is no better than it was when he first joined. Mickey Mouse manager that needs to **** off back to Disney Land
More rubbish, you're 8th, you finished 7th last season, after a poor start, you've still got amongst the highest form over the past 6 games.
You won 5 away games total last season, 4 of those wins were in 2009, 1 win away in 2010(as they were saying Liverpool had won 2 games this calender year away, one this season one last, I'm taking that as correct).
Meaning your away form went to absolute crap LAST SEASON, nothing to do with hodgson.
Again, first half of last season Liverpool were running on form, second half of last season Liverpool were utter garbage, especially away from home, Hodgson is BEATING the second half of last years form. If you had played the same way all last season as the second half, you could easily have finished bottom half.
Since then the team has gotten weaker over summer, through no fault of Hodgson, with probably the teams most important player having been sold.
Anyway, Newcastle with a new manager, with a point to prove, when your away form for the entire calender year being horrific, only a deluded person expected a fantastic Liverpool performance.
Lucky Soto stayed on the pitch to be honest, I think even Shearer might have been shocked at the amount of times he jumped with his elbow out, Ngog certainly was.
Also it was the supposefuly fantastic Lucas that refused to close Carroll at the end, great shot, should never have had the space to take it.
Half the Liverpool squad doesn't bother away from home, and haven't since LONG before Hodgson took over. Torres was a waste of space, bar a flukey goal so was Kuyt, and just about everyone.