**Spoilers** ME3 Thoughts on the ending/s

BSN say it is fake:(

It is my understanding that the indoctrination theory says that they were attempting it all the way through the game, but only succeed at the end......hardly perfect I know, but better than we have atm.

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Seriously though, all these youtube vids taking the **** are ruining the awesome soundtrack for me!

<taken down>


.....this is real!

They have got to be trollin us!
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IMHO They don't want to because they could face many angry lawsuits and possible business practise investigations if they do admit it which could end up costing them more than just time, money and their fanbase!

Put it in here, as I don't want to spoil ME for those who are enjoying MP etc by moaning too much.;)

Personally, I believe that they planned the indoctrination ending, then took it out because of the leak etc, but left in the same scenes unchanged as a stop-gap until they could create a 'proper' ending as dlc.

I would love to believe they have done it on purpose as a PR stunt and they will eventually say "Gotcha! You were indoctrinated" (maybe on April 11th, sheps birthday as some are suggesting) but their silence has all but killed that hope.

There are far too many plotholes and inconsistencies for this to be in any way a satisfying ending!
Going by some interviews and such that have surfaced i think they somehow are happy with the endings as given. Which raises the point that the writers must be completely incapable of looking at their work objectively because thats some epicly poor writing.

If the above is true and they care enough about the PR disaster this is turning into, they are probably rubbing their hands with joy at people coming up with the indoctrination theory since it's so easy for them to use and claim it was planned (which avoids any legal issues with using someone elses idea).

With it being a multi platform release there is probably some logistics issues to handle before they could come out and say they are changing it (if they do).
Easy enough to patch the PC version, just needs done and released. The console ones (especially xbox) mean they gotta arrange with MS/Sony for QA etc.
Put it in here, as I don't want to spoil ME for those who are enjoying MP etc by moaning too much.;)

Personally, I believe that they planned the indoctrination ending, then took it out because of the leak etc, but left in the same scenes unchanged as a stop-gap until they could create a 'proper' ending as dlc.

I see it this way a complete Indoc ending would've seemed a cop out and caused more anger than not and as a result would be off the table to begin with if the devs have sense which we'll say they do after all they wouldn't be there if they didn't(they'd be at microsoft or Apple:p). I believe the rumors & leaks of a Indoc ending were a part of this whole marketing scheme to start the hype running and we did get most of the original ending as the devs made it up to the final choice (this is where i think the deception and controvesy became involved bare with me) as for continuation past this point they either "didn't like where they were going and as such decided we'll finish a different way and release it as DLC when it's done" thus sparking the controversy or as I'm more inclined to believe this was their plan all along and they cooked up the controversy in order to get an idea of where we wanted the story to go so we'd all be happy... eventually!

edit: Also there definitely has to be more to the game so much is left to the imagination to fill in for example we barely glimpsed Major Coats toward the end and he was rather heavily featured in the trailers sniping those husks and the like from the Palace of Westminster(Big Ben) it seems pointless that he was in the game at all...As such this leads me to believe the next load of DLC will have a heafty amount of content maybe even 1/2 the games total length.
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That Marauder Shields is hilarious :p

He tried to save us from the ending.....Will never be forgotten.

Personally, I think Marauder Shields is Nihlus from ME!!.....the true hero of Mass Effect


PS the bit that had me really laughing in that vid, was the line "all this time he waited":D
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I just finished it and I need to know how bioware could do this, the game was great until the last 15 min they were so close to a great trilogy. Did some weird virus strike bioware that kills good writers just before then could finish the story so they got the work experience guy to knock something out in a afternoon.

Some of it was completely pointless like the Normandy bit at the end. Why was he running away he was meant to be fighting with sword and how did my squad who were with me 5 mins ago end up on the ship. The worst part is as soon as Shepard dies joker jumps on Ashley and populates a new planet.

I hope bioware fix it but I doubt they will it's too late for sweeping changes best we can hope for is a patch work ending where they cut out the kid and maybe throw in some small cutscenes of your crew.
Yep, he did. Mac Walters was lead writer on ME2 and ME3. Which leaves no excuse as the ending of ME2 was brilliantly constructed... the Harbinger voiceover, the escape from the base, all of it was great.
The ending didn't need to be perfect it just needed to make sence, it's like they tried to go for a complex deep ending and just failed. I would have been happy with a simple Shepard blows up reapers everyone goes home and has a nice quiet future. It wouldn't have been perfect but would have been enough.
After finally watching the end of Battlestar Galactica (the newish one) i can't help think Walters tried to shoehorn some of it's themes and such into ME3's ending. The whole breaking a cycle thing, man vs machine etc. Sadly it failed :p
The ending didn't need to be perfect it just needed to make sence, it's like they tried to go for a complex deep ending and just failed. I would have been happy with a simple Shepard blows up reapers everyone goes home and has a nice quiet future. It wouldn't have been perfect but would have been enough.

Exactly. I've found most people are who arguing in favour of the ending are saying that the detractors merely aren't happy because it was a downer.

That's not the case AT ALL. If Shepard had organically made the sacrifice -- hell, if ALL of the major characters had given their lives in that final battle to destroy the Reapers, I would have been tearful... but I would have been fulfilled.

This ending goes against ALL LOGIC AND CANON. It throws literally everything established in the series to the wind. Not to mention the complete narrative no-no of throwing in a previously unknown character as a major plot point right at the end just to tie things up. STORYTELLING 101 - YOU DON'T DO THAT.

Now that's not even to mention the fact that:

a) Destroying the relays has left a vast number of different races stranded in the Sol system, many of whom are doomed to starve as they cannot eat human food.

b) It was established AS RECENTLY AS THE ARRIVAL DLC that the destruction of a Mass Relay creates the force of a Supernova. That ending would have resulted in not only the destruction of Earth, but the destruction of most of the inhabited planets in the entire galaxy.

c) The crew that you picked for the final mission being aboard a fleeing Normandy at the time of Shepard's choice: ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME? I had a conversation with Garrus immediately before the final battle, and we explicity, and honestly, as friends and comrades devoted ourselves until the end. If you go, I go: I'll see you at the bar.

One moment of heartfelt honesty, friendship, and sheer brotherhood that brought a rare emotional smile to my face, making me think back to Mass Effect 1 and meeting this frustrated C-Sec officer who yearned for the chance to crack a few heads and deliver real justice. From there, something amazing developed between Shepard and Garrus. Through thick and thin, he's always been there and would WITHOUT QUESTION follow Shepard into the very depths of Hell itself. So he buggers off in the Normandy because it looks like Harbinger took Shep down? DOES HE ****.

GOD ******** DAMMIT.
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