**Spoilers** ME3 Thoughts on the ending/s

I was dissapointed with the ending could have been a lot better, shephard and ashly was planning on having a family or at least a milatory life together :)
Plot holes aside (seriously, I don't need to say much that hasn't already been said), I found the "reveal" to be underwhelming and dissatisfying.

I understand it's got to cater to people with varying beliefs (atheist/religious/spiritual/etc...), but the whole thing boiling down to a materialistic, nihilistic, synthetic-organic conflict has just killed any love I had for the franchise. I wouldn't exactly call the Catalyst an AI (is it artificial - ie created by organics, or something else altogether?), but it is surprisingly boring.

Sure I'm not asking for a DEM of "ascended beings" or "love" to drop in and save the day, but what they've delivered doesn't stimulate me in any way.

The characters are brilliant, the emotions (considering this is a cliched generic war story) are great, the music and sound is great, as is the combat. It is a great game, maybe even GOTY.

But the fundamental story that holds it all together is weak and bland. If it wasn't for my emotional investment over the last 5 years, or if it wasn't set in space (in the future), I'd probably not even have botherd playing it.

Bit late to the party but I would just like to get my points across. My main goal in ME3 was for me and my squad to save everything as much as we could.

Losing Thane and Mordin was a pain but it had to be done and felt justified.

I felt no connection with my squad that I had built up in the end. Garrus and Tali disappearing in the final assault. Miranda couldn't even be bothered to turn up in person even though she was my main love interest. I tryed so hard to bring peace to the Geth and Quarians with the sacrifice of Legion which was one of my favourite squad mates. To then be told if you kill the reapers you wipe out all Geth as well. Leaving the other two options which require self sacrifice. Mass Relays blowing up and a fleeing SR2 (wtf was that all about?).

This to me is another case of discounting the game. Kinda like ignoring alien 3 or ignoring Terminator 3 and leaving the previous films as the true ending as anything since then was just a cash generator. This seems to me as a excuse to milk mass effect for some more rather than make a proper ending.

The only good thing I liked was TIM realizing he was under control and apologizing to shep before killing himself.
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Late to the club but **** YOU BIOWARE!!! :mad:

EDIT: OK, I've been Googling the ending since I completed this a couple of hours ago...

I'm going along with the indoctrination theory and I'm disappointed that I didn't put the pieces together myself:


If this is true then actually it's a remarkably brave and innovative decision that they took.

I'm very interested to see what the future DLCs bring to the table and whether or not this theory is correct. I really hope it is because otherwise it's the most disappointing ending to anything I've ever experienced. Except that time I was shagging a hottie and had to stop pre-orgasm because the girl's mum got home. :(
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This made me really LOL more than any of the other parody vids.

Do not watch if you haven't played the game


It's ridiculous how funny I find this video, actual LOL moment the 3 times I've watched it! :D

If the indoctrination theory doesn't turn out to be true then my character will meet his end by Marauder Shields in the final save.
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Indoctrination theory isn't true I'm afraid. The writers genuinely thought this was a great ending. They actually said that they didn't know people wanted closure!

An extended cut is coming out in the summer which will be free and will just 'clarify' the existing endings:rolleyes: ....so starchild stays, the ridiculous Normandy scene stays, they will just be explained a bit more with a cutscene or 2.....the turd will be polished.

I really wish they would run with Indoctrination theory, even though it was not their plan, but they won't because it would compromise their 'artistic vision'
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