[Sponsored] --- "TEARS IN RAIN" --- (Blade Runner inspired Threadripper, Parvum build)

Ah! Im late to the release! I was checking in every day for a while!
This...build... is...mind-bogglingly gorgeous! And as good as the production value of that awesome video was, I have the distinct feeling that it pales in comparison to beholding the rig up close and in person! There is SO much I love about this build. Absolute perfection! Outstanding job!
A little something I whipped up a while ago....
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Still come back to loook at this build time to time, love it.
Yer me too, I did a build with chrome tubing a couple of years ago, never again all the acrylic cracked around the fittings on cpu block and res, gpu block was fine.
The fitting were not over tightened, don't know what caused it, but the build looked good.
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