Sports Arena World Cup Meet

At the moment I'd have to say that I'm unlikely to be there, my car recently died so it will depend on how much it costs to fix and how soon I can get it done as to whether I'll be there.
I know he loves you two but didn't want to upset any members he doesn't have quite the same feelings for. If that doesn't work I may resort to bribery, a nice Camembert ought to do the trick...

At the moment we've got that it's somewhere in Brum? I think we might need to work on the organisation slightly as that's not really narrowing it down too much. Any thoughts?
Birmingham is central, that's why we picked Brum.

I imagine that it would be central Brum, Broad St etc.

Anywhere that's a decent enough boozer to watch the football in, I'm in Birmingham on Monday so I'll have a look around :)

Gilly can jog on with his Leeds or Nottingham crap!
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