Spring meet 5th April 2014

Put me down as a definite yes :)

Anybody going down from or passing Warwickshire/Birm/Coventry area?

I could pass through bham/warwick but was hoping to follow kitkat from stourport but he ain't replied yet

This is still a maybe from me atm tho
Not sure If I will be able to make this now, Was meant to be getting my bike serviced this coming weekend but now have had to cancel that and go to Mansfield to see the girlfriends parents (IT issues.... joy)

Going to see if I can arrange this for the following week but if not I don't really want to subject the bike to the additional mileage with a service due, especially as I know it will likely need a new chain/sprockets and definitely needs the brakes sorting.
Not looked at the forecast... I'm too nervous lol.

I tested out the 'windy roads' option on the GPS from Reading to H cafe and back again yesterday, it took me down some VERY small B roads with road surface equal to that of a washboard... So I will have to dial the 'extreme' roads back a little lol.

But still, took me places that I had never ridden before and with ease! Just need to sort oil and chain out then my bike is ready.

Let's hope that is inaccurate! :p Although after 12pm doesn't look too bad.
All the weather forecasts i looked at for this area are saying showers... lets hope they are wrong as always!

That looks bloody cold above!!
Meh, not bothered about temperature, my RST couple are good down to around 6c without the thermals. So long as it doesn't rain/hail/sleet/snow etc
Well definitely cannot make this now. GF neglected to tell me she has arranged for her parents to come down that weekend and help decorate a few of the rooms so I have to be there..... Not best pleased.
I hope weather is good. I will head to the H cafe regardless of weather :)

BUT, bad news, I got in some fisty cuff scuffle with a chap who treated a woman terribly... I got cautioned on assult. Typical. Anyway, his dirty gob infected a deep wound his teeth caused.

As a result, my right hand is the size of a melon. This happened on Tuesday night, hospital gave me some antibiotics for the infection after confirming no breaks or dislocates from the x-ray and the swelling is going down slowly.

Hopefully I will be able to get my gloves on. Already had 3 days of work and as a contractor... It's hurt my wallet :(

p.s. Wrote this entire message with my left hand... It's a useless hand lol
Sheesh, Fair play for standing up to him although I now feel my excuse for not going is pretty lame.... Ill have to think of another.
Haha, summer is just starting! Can those going that don't have trust on the OcUK forums let me know? I'm going to be giving my number out during the week to those going.

Again, you can ring whilst I'm on the bike, just letting me know your not coming on the day would be great if the weather is bad as I'm not holding others up waiting otherwise.
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