***Official Squad Thread***

How do you get reshade (with sweet fx) to work? When I press install all the options are greyed out and it autoselects dx10/11. It then launches but says i need to delete a dll file to make the game work, i do that and it does work but turns off the sweet fx mod

This is what im going off - https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/44tyv5/sweetfxreshade_tutorial_for_a_purdy_squad/

If someone could point me to a working version thats opengl i would be grateful

edit - I re-installed because I was getting 40 fps in some sections with my overclocked 980ti which i never saw before
Ta, will give it a go later. Yes, before it was easy but now there is an install it doesn't seem to work (or doesn't detect openGL so doesn't work)

edit - working with the one Xcept1. It must be a updated dxgi.dll that doesnt work properly with the new version
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Seems like v7 has messed with the SLI cant seem to get it working now :( :(

and ps theres deffo a diff from 2k to 4k after testing just a min ago :) just getting very low fps on 1 card [ 1080 gtx ] 29-20 fps on fire range
nope, just the file. There are other presents but im just sticking with excepts as its nice and dont need to mess around with others.

AA also appears to work with it, try the range and look at the tower with it in the corner of the screen then change to different AA methods. The one on the far right (TX+FXAA i think) looks the best but hits fps by ~20 on my machine.
We are now pushing a version 7.1 hotfix release, which contains:
  • Fix for a crash that can occur when a player is removed from a vehicle.
  • Fixed invalid physical materials in the landscape, causing physics crashes.
  • Resaved a number of maps to mitigate landscape related physics crashes.
  • Fixed a crash related to remote vehicle claiming.
  • Added a new collision trace channel to fix issues relating to complex vehicle collisions.
  • Updated & improved physics collision trace channel settings.
  • Fix related to vehicle penetration caused by some incorrect physical material settings.
  • Update to the loading screen guide.
  • Fix for ambient sounds not playing.
  • Fix for razor wires only doing damage when half built.
  • Various effects optimization.
  • Fix to an incorrect configuration in the Chora AASv1 lattice.
  • Set unique soldier mesh for the Militia Scout.
  • Renamed Insurgent RPG Gunner to "Light Anti-Tank" for consistency purposes.
  • Fixed line width on the Kit Role tooltips being too short.
  • Fix for FOB radios cutting out.
  • Added a missing vehicle physics collision asset to the m2_vehicle_base_woodland.
NOTE: One of the crash fixes has broken wheel effects (it is a known issue), but we have decided to ship with the issue to get crash fixes out sooner. We are planning to add them back in via another minor hotfix.
I just tried a game on the SD server and got this crash, first time ive had a crash in Squad for a long time :(

Application popup: Squad.exe - Application Error : The instruction at 0x3f77679d referenced memory at 0x00000002. The memory could not be read.

Click on OK to terminate the program

This could be a whole host of things but the only thing thats changed in the is the game updates. I checked and I am even using the same version of Reshade as I was before (I think it was using the one you posted before Xcept1)
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I have been getting Fatal errors myself. Checked the logs and it looks to be a memory leak or something.

Just in game capping a flag and boom, Fatal error and quits back to desktop! just one of those tings I guess which I am sure will be addressed!
My GPU handles my Physics, well it does according to Nvidia CP.

Pretty sure mine was memory tho, b4 it crashed and reviewing the logs after my memory allocation shot up to a stupid number then "Fatal Error"

Its just one of those things I guess.
Finally got around to firing this game up.
Does OCUK have a clan/practice server?

Anyone fancy showing a complete noob the ropes?
Jump on to a [RIP] server, join a squad and ask for some guidance. You'll be unlucky to get an unhelpful squad :)
57/72 on server 1 at the moment

Server 2 is infantry only, so with vehicles just released it's unsurprisingly quiet lol.

Friday night is [RIP] vs the world night so we will be stacked up all on one team, but every other day we keep things balanced to ensure good team play and competition.
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