The GF told me there's a lot of hidden depth to the show, foreshadowing to do with how people die and how we first met their characters, Im not sure its actually legit but you can go and read up on it if you are interested.
I really don't hope there is a 2nd series. I don't see the point. I prefer the mystery of it all. Besides the main character is actually a bit of a "lucky" idiot, hes only alive because he was saved multiple times.
Ok so now he's a billionaire or whatever, is he going to hire a private Korean army to attack the island..... His hair at the end... looooool
Possibly the only mystery is how the cops brother ended up being the host? maybe i missed it but I've not even read up on that. He won 4 years ago and somehow is now the host? Can you buy your way into the job, did old man offer him the job... Is it just a weird little side plot to give us the behind the scenes.
The organ harvesting... Weird side plot that leads no where, just to gross you out even more.
Its a quirky little show and i dont think milking the crap out of it would be wise. The Twists were not surprising but came naturally i thought, which i really liked. They were all fairly predictable i thought.
If the writer took ten years to get this out, then if he is forced to rush something out it'll be poop/