Later shows got really sad. I really felt for the guy who got conned out of his marbles and even the old man when our hero took advantage of him (I hadnt twigged the twist at that point). I found the marble game the most vicious as natural friend would have buddied up (or husband and wife in one case). So that was cruel.
I do have a few questions though.
1. Why did nobody ever invoke another vote? I know they all came back once after realising how **** it was in the real world but when so many people were teamed up to killing friends/family in the marble game I thought that would have prompted a vote even if the majority voted to continue.
2. Although the old guy obviously said a trigger word during the fight and knew he could win green light,red light and knew he wouldn't get shot in the marble game, he didnt have any real control over whether he would die during the sugar game or the tug of war. Okay he could make it easier on himself like with the tips he gave on the tug of war but even with that they would have lost if that other guy hadnt come up with the 3 steps forward trick. Speaking of which they were all talking so loud the other team would have heard exactly what they were going to do and stopped themselves falling over.
3. No idea why the cops brother had become the leader. Made no sense and the timeline seemed off unless they have these games every week? Never really got explained.
4. I am sure when the cop was going through the records it showed there had been many contests (at least 15) but I am sure that for one contest there had been multiple winners who I presume shared the winnings between them. Had the game organisers made it harder so that fewer people could win? It certainly seemed like they introduced new games every contest as the VIPS hadnt seen the glass bridge before.
5. I originally thought every guard had a chip installed, hence the scanners but the cop got scanned fine so it was built into the mask?
6. What happened to all the previous winners? Wouldnt people notice so many new millionaires appearing out of nowhere?
7. I thought the winning hero would have tracked down the pakistani's family as well and the NK woman's mother.
8. ANd it didnt ring true that he would abandon flying to see his daughter at the end to get himself involved with the contest again. Afterall that was the main reason he went into it in the first place.