SSD and windows 7 Migration

23 Feb 2008
Hi Fellas, not been around for a while so bit out of touch.

I currently run a Win7 64bit q6600 sys on a 320gb spinpoint, and like many am interested in faster boot up times. I am curious is there a way to migrate the Op sys to the ssd with out a complete reinstall or do i have to suck the mob. I must add that my version of Win 7 is the upgade version.

Your ideas will be appreciated.

Tim L
The other thread about this I posted a link on how to do it using Windows system image - All free. Works well by the looks of it.

I will be using Acronis 12 though.
It can be done, but I'd recommend a fresh install - along with the obvious benefits its actually quite amusing just watching how much more quickly everything goes. Either way you choose, just make sure that you properly optimise the OS for the SSD after installation.
Well my Force 3 arrived today and I've booted up at work using Acronis 2012 and partitioned it leaving a 1MB unallocated space before the primary active partition. ATI 2011/2012 supports full SSD alignment so no need to faff with anything else. I've started restoring my Acronis itb image off the backup drive and just waiting for it to finish.

The image was created after prepping my Windows install for SSD usage. I only need to disable superfetch once booted into Windows on the SSD but I have heard that it's not essential to disable it hence why I left it on and can disable later.

I did disconnect the drive before restoring and plugged it into my workstation and loaded up AS SSD to confirm partition alignment was correct, it flagged as OK so all good there.

Fingers crossed :p This Windows install dates back to when Win7 retailed so is from 2009. It still speed through everything as if it were new, just the boot times are as you'd expect from a HDD lol.

All that changes now though :)
Oh that's good, I didn't know that ATI introduced full support for alignment. Please post back when its all up and running.
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