SSD Hard Drive Adapter For Coolermaster Cosmos

Ok mate got your caddy/adaptor made (only last night) so if you drop me an email with your postage details I will do my very best to get it posted today .... I'll stick a pic up shortly :)

..excuse the lousy pic as Im still half asleep :)
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Hey mate! I received it this morning! I love it! It's absolutely perfect but i have one little problem with it, the screw hole's high-lighted below are to small for the screws from my case's carrier, the screw size i needed is the same as a 3.5 inch drive but however the one's in the caddy are a bit smaller (the same as the side screws of an ssd drive)


Would it be possible to make more for me with the 3.5 HDD size thread if so I would like 5 more and I will give you £20 via paypal gift?

If you can, just send one first and I'll make sure its right and then send 4 more if you would be so kind

Let me know mate and thanks ever so much for your help!

Here some pic's



Awww man :( .... the screws you need to fit those holes are 3mm .... thats what I made them so if you can source longer screws you are laughing. As for making some more it shouldnt be a problem.

Mate I'll drop you an email with my postage info if you can post me it back so I can use it to make some more and maybe mod it for you as well ?
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yeah cool mate I'll send it back so you can copy it, I sort of managed to force the screws I need to use in and it has chip round the thread a bit but the screws didn't make it through :s I'll send you a screw with it that I need to use with it so you can get the thread right, there specially long screws with a wide head as the case carrier has rubber dampers

Send me your address and I'll get it posted back you ya mate, cheers!
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