** SSD MEGA TEST ** Want to know whats best for you? Look inside!! UPDATE 14/02/2012

What drives would you like to see tested? This is something that I'll be keeping on top of so fire away with suggestions!! (provided its a line we stock of course) :)
What drives would you like to see tested? This is something that I'll be keeping on top of so fire away with suggestions!! (provided its a line we stock of course) :)
Please stock Intel SSD again I know you said you stopped because of them refusing to do price deals but I had to buy my last Intel 120Gb from a competitor who sold it at a very reasonable price & even gave me a free Battlefield 3 full game voucher for Origin so if they can do it surely you can & still make a profit ;)
Please stock Intel SSD again I know you said you stopped because of them refusing to do price deals but I had to buy my last Intel 120Gb from a competitor who sold it at a very reasonable price & even gave me a free Battlefield 3 full game voucher for Origin so if they can do it surely you can & still make a profit ;)

I'd buy an intel SSD over any other currently, given from what I've read on the internet their reliability track record is amazing.
I'd buy an intel SSD over any other currently, given from what I've read on the internet their reliability track record is amazing.

ya but then again they will now use a sandforce controller with the new drive; not really sure why. Wonder if their reliabilty will suffer now.

and btw Andrew +1 for reviewing all these drives and given a specific recommendation on their various uses.

I already have a m4 but if I didnt Id surely go for it again. I went for the 256gig version and am very happy I did.
Im using an old Samsung 64gb Sata 3 drive with no trim support. Not reinstalled since getting the SSD and after 6970hrs of use i'm still at 99% health and still able to get within 10mb/s of the speeds I had after a fresh install when it was new. Nothing wrong with that for reliablilty. I'm very tempted to get another of these new samsung drives and make the most of my sata 6 board.
the big question when choosing ssd's is always what has the lowest failure rate

if theres a few drives at simmler performance the b one to buy would be the one with the lowest failure rate
the big question when choosing ssd's is always what has the lowest failure rate

if theres a few drives at simmler performance the b one to buy would be the one with the lowest failure rate

Agree with this. Crucial, Intel and Samsung all seem to do well. Wouldn't touch an OCZ drive. Recently got a Corsair Force 3 and I must say I am very impressed with it. Only on SATA II but is performing well with no dramas.
The M4 has a lower failure rate than even the mighty intel 320series so is fantastic! Time will tell with Intels latest drive however sandforce on a whole leaves the force 3 as the higher even over OCZ for us.
I'm sure Intel wouldn't risk their impeccable track record with a risky controller.

I have every faith that their new drive will be class leading.
thinking of getting the ADATA S510 120gb (due to cost). From reading comments this should speed up things quite a lot, would there be any real world difference in getting the m4?
Guess intead of buyig 2nd force 3 to raid ill sit back and wait for the new drive. If write speeds gonna be a joke, id have to get force 3 anyhow :D
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