Star Citizen 'Free Fly' event

Good to see prioritised investment in the game...

Yeah, that's the sort of thing you might expect from a 90's dot com boom company trying to impress investors (before going bust), or possibly a well established, successful games company* that has a steady income, not from a company that has yet to release a game.

It, and other things I've read about them suggest their priority for where they are spending the money isn't on dev teams and getting the game done.

*Although the closest thing I can think to of that would be the "trophy" walls, I can't exactly see valve or EA spending large amounts of money on fancy doors.
@ Werewolf & Columbo
Hopefully you'll make the effort to read my response, i've responded to each of your points, rather than only answer what suits me (i think). Whether you want to believe it or not, is your call, but you've believed information i'd say almost certainly stems from click-bait articles (directly, or by other users), so i'd hope you'd take them from someone following the project who isnt selling advertising in making their comment.

Erm wasn't it promised to be released at the end of 2015 (or at least a proper beta)?
I cant remember the correct timeframe, but i believe Kickstarter states that (and this is where the misconception comes from), but only because once its posted and the fundraising is open, they cant change the details. They asked, and were told its not possible.

The community was given the option of whether to stick to the original plan or make a more ambitious title based on how much was raised. The decision to make a better game won by a landslide.
If they'd built the initial game (budgeted at $22m) then people would be complaining why its only a $22m budget game when they'd raised $50m etc.

Do they actually have any experience in what they're looking at doing.
The guy created the Wing Commander series, before he went and did films for about 10yrs, cos he wasnt impressed with the way the business was going.

Do they have a track record of doing it successfully as part of another company.
He's built 2 studios which were eventually bought out by EA & Microsoft.
Plus plenty of people who've worked on huge games and built assets for films like Star Wars & Guardians of the Galaxy.
CR's brother Erin lead the Lego games for the last decade, he left and half them followed and set up the UK studio.
So if 'they' is to mean the staff as a whole, then yes, absolutely. They just werent doing it as a company at the time of launch, but many of them were working under CR a decade ago, some of the Crytek guys giving CR help pre-KS are on the project. Theres 300+ people, maybe they're considered a start-up, but they're not just out of school and on their first project - no.

Do they actually have the resources to start work on it in a reasonable time frame, f they're not a company that is already in existence with the staff ready, do they have the people ready to be hired and contracts waiting to be signed with companies that have the resources (or at least a core technical team ready to go).
They didnt have a company, but he had a handful of people who'd worked with him in his studio who were wanting to go back and make another big game with him.

They didnt have contracts with a ton of staff already signed, but they had plenty of people who'd said they'd come on board. So it depends on how strict you want to be on that. I'd say its the same thing, a commitment was there, if the project was to happen, yes.

As mentioned, Erin came on board later, but brought a dozen of the team with him in the first week, and plenty of others followed once the office space was set up :D

Do they appear to have done their research properly about what the project will take - and is their plan realistic.
Is multicrew realistic? done.
Is 64 bit precision realistic? done.
Procedurally generated content 100k KM in size - done.
Flying from space to ground - done.
local grids inside global grids, internal zoning & gravity, EVA'ing from your ship, ships kilometers in length detailed down to the millimeter and able to view its modelled interior and exterior at a whim, having landing zones where you've been in space seconds earlier and flown that ship down yourself and got out of it without seeing a cut scene or loading screen.... they're done too.

The only thing that hasnt happened is really a finished game. They've reached for the stars, and grabbed them, they've not got half way and realised its unobtainable and scrapped it as a waste of time.

If anything, the only thing thats been unrealistic has been our belief of how long it'd take. I feel like im at this constant 'its probably about 2yrs away' state, and thats not CIGs fault, they're not the ones saying its 2yrs away, its just peoples perception of what feels plausible, and then getting frustrated because THEY were wrong and putting that on CIG.

There have definitely elements where you could point at instances where CIG has essentially wasted time. The Constellation, their flagship multicrew ship, has been remodelled 3 times. They did the original, then 3 different configurations with slight differences, and then redesigned the original and will eventually bring the other 3 up to scratch too.
So are they free from mistakes or not recognising problems, absolutely not, but those events are few & far between. I'd say their eagerness to create assets to put them in the hands of backers, when they thought they had a solid idea of the games needs, and then realising it needs adjustments and rethinking, was the cause. However, its taken experience to know things, you learn from mistakes too, and they could have spent a year round a table and still had problems. So its hard to fault them for starting something for the backers to see something tangible, and they've had to go back and make internal spaces better, or simply use new tech like PBR to make it look even better.

Also, lets not forget the number of challenges they're overcoming in that list of stuff they've started and got functional (not implemented into live, but working non the less), and then question how many of those are in another game. Some might have 2 cases, maybe 3, but not all of them, and its not like those other titles also have some huge list of bleeding edge tech added or being added, and this is 2x AAA games being built as well.

From what I can tell with this they've massively underestimated the time it would take to make the game (given they didn't have anything like a working company, let alone a dev house/team ready to go), and I wouldn't be at all happy with the progress so far given the timescales they originally stated.
I wouldnt be either, but then they've never given a time and while they didnt have an established studio, they had things lined up just not signed because that'd be mismanagement in itself.
The only date they've given for the game so far has been 2016 for Squadron 42 (and i'd honestly still expect it closer to April 2017, too).

I'd also be quite worried that when they had raised 50+ million they were still fundraising because they hadn't set a definite schedule for release, at hat point you should have your development road map fully planned out (with some allowance for slippage), and a rough budget. Star Citizen appears to have been losing focus on it's main aim (is it two or three side projects?), and doesn't appear to have anything like a realistic planned schedule for an eventual release at the moment. Two or three years into development you should have an idea of the release date (or at least year).

CR probably does have an estimate, but then so did The Division and we saw that at E3 2013, it was delayed 18 months too, and came 2.5 years after we saw it being demonstrated at E3 (with an established studio and publisher). Theres no real benefit to giving an estimate, it sets them up for a potential failure, with the alternative being to release it before its really ready. Nobody wins, not when theres so many potential issues. If you could see everything was close, and could say its 6 months away, thats possible, but you've played it (i assume), so you must be able to see it'd be daft to estimate how long everything else will take to build and connect, get stable, optimised etc. Im amazed in October they said 2016 for Squadron 42, personally. When hitting the target isnt a reason to celebrate, and missing the deadline creates moaning and negativity, theres no win scenario, why make a bold prediction? Sadly 'when its ready' is right, as much as i'd love to count the days.

As for budgets and deadlines. The deadline will always be 'when its ready', and the budget will be flexible because A) more more isnt a bad thing, they want to provide free content (and paid SP campaigns) after release and keep the servers paid for and staff hired for multiple things (not just CS), but also because B) if they stop, its actually a significant red flag financially. Having a business that makes $30m 3yrs in a row, then makes nothing, its might seem fine but its viewed as a problem when financial matters are involved (leasing office space etc), but also C) the finances have no implications to the deadline. The scope of the game hasnt changed in 12-18 months, they might add new assets but right now the game isnt finished not because of a lack of ships, or because concept designers and modellers have been making new ships instead of coding, bug-fixing or rebuilding the engine. They have teams working on these areas, and if thats going to take another year then that cant be influenced by another team building a new ship etc.

More money simply means most stability, the safety net to hire more people if it makes sense (they are hiring) and ensure they have the funds to account for that, rather than living hand to mouth. Its not hurting the project.

[snip] more selective memories about Duke Nukem Forever
You know, i remember a search engine that had nothing, they didnt have an office, bla bla bla Google ;)

If we were 2 years ago, and nothing really to show for it, then fine. However, yes, DNF was by an established studio, and they failed. Do we apply the same logic to every other game as a precautionary tale? No, because its really not relevant. Bad outcomes come from bad decisions, and so far, considering all the various aspects they said they were aiming for, they've created proof of concepts for most of them, demonstrated live, some already implemented, then they're not bad decisions, they're high expectations, an understanding of what technology is possible, and then deciding they want to be a pioneer and create that next leap forward, when the rest of the industry is quite happy to take baby steps.
The sad thing is (and equally, why its important it has success), if you look at where the big innovations and clever implementations are coming from, and its not EA, Ubisoft & co, its from independent studios.
The ones with the capability to do grand things arent interested, just change the era of another Assassins Creed or Call of Duty, and get it released. Its the smaller studios with complete freedom and control, making the games they want, and being bold.

In short, I wouldn't put any money into this project unless there was a definite timetable for release.
It's already triggered a number of warning bells in my mind about how it appears to have been handled by a management team who are at best wildly over optimistic about what they're doing, even if they did not start the project knowing that their timetable was not realistic.
No, nor would i if the basis of my knowledge was almost entirely false :D

You've just given a list of things you'd check for on a kickstarter campaign, come to a conclusion its not a safe bet, and yet in reality you've not actually checked any of the things you have an issue with, i'd imagine you've picked up on certain things from the headlines of click-bait media with their latest scoop.

I dont know if you're aware (because the sensation is more interesting than the correction that follows), but last summer we had 1 insignificant game developers, whos been making space sims which nobody has played or really gives a damn about, since CR was making the Wing Commander game (His latest space game on steam EA looks like its from 2000 and has an avg peak connections at 2, its that good).
He was removed from the RSI forums, and his package refunded having spent months being unreasonably critical and making misleading claims and rallying people to demand a refund and claims he'd contacted the FTC (who were checked a few weeks later, and denied any such request had been made). One of his twitter buddies (dumb & dumber, i guess) happens to be a journo, and shortly after that dev was removed, they magically found a huge story with claims of racism and similar employment related claims (federal offences btw), being abusive to other staff, having spent all the raised money on CRs fancy house & car (he's made 4 hugely successful games, sold 2 companies to EA & MS, and directed/produced 3-4 reasonably well known films with decent budgets and actors), and having no money left, amongst other claims.
The journo asked for comment before posting, and then claimed the reply ended up in their spam folder (right!?) when they published it without response.
When threatened by legal action, they made a statement that the claims were made by disgruntled ex-employees who'd be kept anon, but who provided CIG branded photo ID to authentic them. The near word-for-word claims were also made on an Aussie employment site, which doesnt authenticate the legitimacy of the person making the statement about the company, just 24hrs before the post went up.

Whats important to note is that CIG have never had photo ID. They have unbranded security passes, no photo, no logo, no markings. So their claim which was supposed to prove the statements were authentic, were either providing false ID, or simply didnt exist and was created to add authenticity it lacked. The initial story of abuse, racist employment, fraud etc made headlines on plenty of gaming sites. The fact that their 'proof' was impossible, didnt.

To add flavour to the above, the same female journo and male developer, were at the center of the whole #Gamergate storm around the same time, turning the original story of inappropriate relations between developer & media creating stories, into the sexism in games story it ended up being. Whether the opposing sex of either party came into their opinion or not, the fact that they were pivotal in changing the #Gamergate subject/meaning from ethics in journalism, into sexism and misogynistic attitudes in characters & gaming, speaks to their character.

Thats where the vast majority of negative stories, if not ALL of them, have come from. Someone with an axe to grind, because they're nothing to the industry, and the only reason people know his name is because he's been doing this exact same thing for decades.
But if it'll bring 10,000 views to the site, plenty of sites will publish it. Theres no journalistic merit to any of it.

I'd pretty much agree with all of this having had a few hours over the last couple of days with the free fly event. I expected much more to do given how long its already been in dev and given its raised over $100m.
People keep saying treat it as a tech demo, but tech demo's don't give people an option to blow $300 on an in game ship and with no actual release date in sight or clear end game at this point I'd be worried about the outcome of any type of cash outlay.

It runs well and looks great but there is literally nothing to do, I've read some people have over 400 hours invested which blows my mind as I'm struggling to understand what the hell they've done for that length of time, I felt pretty bored after 4 hours.
We'll skip over your agreement, for obvious reasons :D

£35 would have been enough for both SC & SQ42, roughly £45 now.
$300 ships arent there for people who just want to buy the game, its for people who say they want to contribute more towards the project. If you want to buy the game, you dont need anything more than the basic package. If you want to give more, there are plenty of options. Look at other kickstarter campaigns, they have tiers, except they say $100 = this, $200 = that. At least CIG say whatever you contribute/pledge, you can use as credit to buy whatever floats your boat. If the $150 tier item was a hauler, and you want to be a pirate, you'd rather have the $100 pirate ship and a $50 starter ship, you can. Why people get hung up on it, i'll never know.

People play the Arena part for many hours a week, they like space games and thats a multiplayer combat arena mode. You probably didnt try that part, the 'universe' area, no theres not much to do. Its relatively new (Dec) and this is the part they're expanding upon too. The plan has been to build modules to give people something to play, give feedback on, look at optimisation etc, but as more becomes available it's then moved on to the 'Universe' part which is what the game is really about. Its purpose right now is just to let people try things as they are, find problems and fix them etc.

What you're also not seeing, is the fact that there is a 2nd game being developed with very little of it being shown because they dont want to spoil it. We've already accidentally seen (asset leak) theres about 15 alien ships we'd never seen or knew existed, there are huge ships which arent far from being built but are being held back for Squadron 42. I've also seen first hand a fair amount of content i cant disclose, levels, landing zones, props. Once that game is released, all of its content will be introduced into the 'universe', but until then the majority of it is being held back. Stuff like career related elements (mining, salvage, hauling for example) are whats being focused on for the 'universe'.

Just because you dont see it, doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Their accidental leak last summer, where around 1/4 of their assets were downloaded before being noticed, showed the community that there was a huge amount of content we never knew existed, and that came when the community was getting somewhat down on the pace of things, and made us realise theres so much more going on we're not seeing, because they want to keep it private till SQ42 is much closer.
What we can play, right now, is pretty limited. If you're disappointed theres not a huge game, thats because you ignore what you're being told, obviously. However once different elements are added (many of which we've seen working live) are linked in, wired up to the other stuff, then it all starts to unfold. But no, theres not much of a 'game' in the universe. Try 'Arena Commander' in 'Electronic Access', but then if you're not into dogfighting thats not going to be of interest either. I've not played the game very much at all, and i dont think my enthusiasm can be doubted. I'll try each update, have a look at whats new, and thats it. Thats why i say the attitude to take is to view it as a tech demo, take a look at it, but not expect to get hours of gameplay from it. Expecting a game, or complaining that there isnt hours of gameplay there, what a waste of time... theres a reason i wrote what ive wrote in the initial thread, to explain and manage expectations.

Im doing that so people can make a decision of whether to try or not. I list everything available, explain how to do stuff to make it a little easier, and let people make their own decision. If people want to skip that, and be disappointed... i tried.

Good to see prioritised investment in the game...

You realise its just a painted panel door, instead of a regular glass door that are in many offices, and a sofa... right? Its not McDonalds, having a lounge area in a company like that isnt uncommon. As it is, the likes of EA pay their staff around 3x more, but the people there are more interesting on being able to make a game that challenges them, rather than holds them back.
Having the creature comforts they're used to having around them, and a nice working environment is hardly something to be critical about.

Also, the Foundry42 UK office has instructions on the exit doors to each floor in the building they're in, explaining the procedure for locking the office up and putting the alarm on after 2am. I asked about it, apparently most of them are there till 9-10pm, and it isnt uncommon for a bunch of them to be there beyond midnight if they're focusing on getting something done.

The sad thing is that we're reading stories, forming an opinion without knowing whether its true or not, and we're essentially polluting the real information to the point where its impossible to tell. I dont believe these comments are coming from people intentionally being misleading, but they arent factually accurate, they're not fair or reasonable claims. They're opinions from misinformation or misunderstandings. Unintentional, but still incorrect.

If you have a question, or want to bring up stuff you believe is negative, then i'll try and explain. You may be correct, and hopefully i can provide more of an explanation, maybe it isnt as bad as it seems. You may be wrong, and i'll explain why also.

All i ask is that if people want to state an opinion, at least be sure the basis of that opinion comes from fact & personal experience, not hearsay and assumptions of facts.

Thus endeth the longest post in OCUK history. :p
Erm wasn't it promised to be released at the end of 2015 (or at least a proper beta)?

If so then someone didn't do any planning or make any allowances for getting a company up and running as well as the dev time to make the game.

Personally from what I've seen and read of the situation I wouldn't touch it with someone else's barge pole, as when I look at backing a project on something like Kickstarter some of the key things I look for are:
Do they actually have any experience in what they're looking at doing.
Do they have a track record of doing it successfully as part of another company.
Do they actually have the resources to start work on it in a reasonable time frame, f they're not a company that is already in existence with the staff ready, do they have the people ready to be hired and contracts waiting to be signed with companies that have the resources (or at least a core technical team ready to go).
Do they appear to have done their research properly about what the project will take - and is their plan realistic.

From what I can tell with this they've massively underestimated the time it would take to make the game (given they didn't have anything like a working company, let alone a dev house/team ready to go), and I wouldn't be at all happy with the progress so far given the timescales they originally stated.

I'd also be quite worried that when they had raised 50+ million they were still fundraising because they hadn't set a definite schedule for release, at hat point you should have your development road map fully planned out (with some allowance for slippage), and a rough budget. Star Citizen appears to have been losing focus on it's main aim (is it two or three side projects?), and doesn't appear to have anything like a realistic planned schedule for an eventual release at the moment. Two or three years into development you should have an idea of the release date (or at least year).

I remember another game where there was a huge amount of hype, and they kept pushing back the release date and throwing more money at it because they wanted to keep adding stuff.
I also remember the company going bust, and the game finally getting released something like 12 years after it was announced and being terrible (poor old Duke). And that was from a company that was already in existence and had staff working on it, not starting from scratch with no staff, or even core development team.

In short, I wouldn't put any money into this project unless there was a definite timetable for release.
It's already triggered a number of warning bells in my mind about how it appears to have been handled by a management team who are at best wildly over optimistic about what they're doing, even if they did not start the project knowing that their timetable was not realistic.

Well, it's all been documented and the decisions were talked through at the time with the backers.

The fact that you are implying you don't know who Chris Roberts is (a guy who has been making commercial video games since he was 17 (Strykers Run BBC micro) has sold a over a billion dollars worth of software in the wing commander series alone, who also created and sold another games studio to Microsoft making himself a multi millionaire in the process, has gone on to make more than one critically acclaimed film (as well as a couple of duds but even Speilberg has turned out some terrible films) would mean nobody should really care what your opinion is on this to be fair, as an example.

(I of course know full well that you know who Chris Roberts is, so it doesn't apply to you)

The Development team is made up of ex Crytek, Rockstar, Travelers Tales, Activision, Microsoft etc staff, with a combined industry experience in the multiple hundreds of years of programming experience (which your average person could find out in 10 seconds on Google)

Yes, the time frame has changed, because WE asked for a bigger game, that's why WE don't make FUD posts and run the project down because it happens to be taking, what's that, exactly the same amount of time as other AAA titles take to make.

The only issue here, is its open development, you get to see every mistake, ever misstep every slip, from day one.
With other games, you don't even here of their existence for the first 3 to 4 years, then you wait another 3 to 4 years for the game to hit the shelves.

Prime example?
Elite Dangerous started development in 2009, was put to the public in 2011 and was released as a shell of a game 3 years later, unfinished, with a handful of features, and they are selling £30 content packs to get it somewhere near feature complete 2 years after launch.

Let's not forget premium Beta testers had the pleasure of paying £100 to test the ED early during development.

If SQ42 hits this year or early next, it's not taken any longer than any other big game, if SC hits in late 2017 early 2018, then what's that? It's taken 6 years?

Disgusting! Burn all their Jpegs! Stalk Sandi Gardner! Start a FUD campaign to wreck the project because it renders your career irrelevant! Make up lies about funding, spending, people leaving! Say the tech is decades away, then a day later when they demo it say it's fake, then say that actually its child's play and has been available for years!

Sorry, I don't know what came over me there.
Interesting story. When did they add the ability to get into someone elses ship when its still on the landing pad, and the owner hasnt opened it?
Whevever the last big update was. First time they released the station bit, I think. I've been a backer for aaaaages (2012, I think?) and so occasionally check in to see what's new, but since the vast majority of updates tended to be merely a new furniture item in the hangar, I stopped going all fanboy on this a while back.

The rest isnt exactly accurate either, not a blatant lie like the above, but it certainly hasnt been an issue since about January.
Just reporting on what I found... Sorry if it didn't match your own expectations.

I started this thread to help explain the state of the game, and what people can do. People coming in with tales of pure fiction, and outdated horror stories of alpha issues (oh my!), aren't welcome here. Either be constructive and accurate, or grow up and take it elsewhere.
I'll be constructive if there's something to be constructive about... Based on the update videos and 'Let's Play' type YouTube vids I subbed to, I'm not overly impressed so far.
Sorry if someone disliking it upsets your delicate sensibilities.

The owner has to activate the ship in order for anyone else to then get in, it's locked until they do. There is no lock afterwards though.
I got as far as the access hatch, but someone else was able to open it, hop into the flight chair and take off before I could get there.

When you were in space, you could have just used alt+backspace to kill yourself, spawn back in Olisar and spawn the same ship - that removes your ship that someones nicked so they end up floating as you did,
Ah... well now I know that...! :)

alternatively go try to steal someone elses ship or stow away. The whole point of the game right now is testing stuff out, having fun, seeing what we can and can't do.
I think I did do that, in the end...

I've had some awesome fun in olisar with mates, if you aren't happy with it request a refund via support and come back if/when the game is released.
I generally am waiting until the release (paid enough money for the flippin' thing), but I also occasionally check in. I gave up trying to remain up-to-date around the time their forum people were dragging out the Fighter Weapons School manuals in order to make full use of the ship flight mechanics - Got a bit too serious for my tastes!
Interesting story. When did they add the ability to get into someone elses ship when its still on the landing pad, and the owner hasnt opened it?
Whevever the last big update was. First time they released the station bit, I think. I've been a backer for aaaaages (2012, I think?) and so occasionally check in to see what's new, but since the vast majority of updates tended to be merely a new furniture item in the hangar, I stopped going all fanboy on this a while back.

Yeah, the fact still remains that the statement was pure fiction.

You cannot enter someone elses ship if they havent already opened it. The game simply doesnt give you any interaction access. So all this nonsense about having to sprint to your ship and still find someone has stolen it, so all you can do is steal someone elses, is nothing but pure fabrication.

2 people, people more knowledgeable on the subject then you, have told you this.

Just reporting on what I found... Sorry if it didn't match your own expectations
Again, its simply isnt true. Just because you're ignorant of a subjects current state, doesnt mean your inaccurate statements are valid in any shape or form. Insisting that its true, doesnt make it so. However the fact that you're being critical of an early alpha title, a game mode which has only be there 4 months (and is clear of most issues, has been for about 2-3 months now!), as if its unprecedented for an alpha title, is just stupid and unreasonable.
I think this thread goes to show that there are way too many people invested in this game that cant take ANY sort of criticism of how its handled, and its the same story for any SC community outlet.

I paid for the base game, and have had a decent blast on the couple of modes over time, but the ever increasing budget they have is their current downfall. The mission creep is insane, and the frivolous spending on assets both in game and out is a concern.

The tech looks great, but the game is clunky (even with constant refinements) and CR outlining feature after feature in PU whilst still not actually explaining anything in detail just makes me concerned that we are not going to see a viable product for years.

SQ42 needs to get shifting this or next year, and there needs to be a dramatic update to PU really, so the vision (what ever that's means now) can start to feel a little bit more tangible.
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@ Werewolf & Columbo

Thus endeth the longest post in OCUK history. :p

Paul sorry to say fella that your post here and subsequently after just come across as someone desperate to justify something. I don't know if thats a ridiculous amount of time spent doing nothing in game or laying out a load of cash on it but you certainly seem very keen to leap to its defence.

It's a game which to me means fun, gaming is a few hours a week hobby for me not an all my spare time encapsulating lifestyle experience. It wasn't fun and I got nothing from it other than utterly wasting my time but at least I know more now than I did before the free event.

Some of us tried it for free and expected more given the ask of contributors, how much has been raised and the length of time, equally others will have tried it and got something from it. I don't need someone to jump to the defence of the devs to help me form an opinion.

It's not bad, there are worse but its certainly not great either and I wont be dropping any of my hard earned on it, however you clearly love it so great and I hope you continue to, me I've already clicked the uninstall button and moved on.
I think this thread goes to show that there are way too many people invested in this game that cant take ANY sort of criticism of how its handled, and its the same story for any SC community outlet.

I see two people defending it, TWO. That's not "way too many people invested in this game tht can't take ANY sort of criticism". I also see ONE throwing anything and everything at it without having the faintest idea about the game (Cav) and myself who criticises it daily and publicly.

It's a game they're making, but it's not a whole game yet. I remember playing Prison Architect over a year ago and thinking it was cool but broken, I'm still at that stage with Star citizen. It requires a lot of work and effort to pull off and it doesn't help that they keep expanding the scope but now they seem settled things are coming together week by week.

Still doesn't mean they don't make mistakes and break my ship now and then though :p
I think this thread goes to show that there are way too many people invested in this game that cant take ANY sort of criticism of how its handled, and its the same story for any SC community outlet.

I paid for the base game, and have had a decent blast on the couple of modes over time, but the ever increasing budget they have is their current downfall. The mission creep is insane, and the frivolous spending on assets both in game and out is a concern.

The tech looks great, but the game is clunky (even with constant refinements) and CR outlining feature after feature in PU whilst still not actually explaining anything in detail just makes me concerned that we are not going to see a viable product for years.

SQ42 needs to get shifting this or next year, and there needs to be a dramatic update to PU really, so the vision (what ever that's means now) can start to feel a little bit more tangible.

What it shows is that there are tons of people with a serious lack of knowledge about the subject they think they have a valid view on, and people who actually follow the project, who realise whats true and whats not, attempting to explain to them why they're wrong. Sadly, those people dont care, they just have a unjustifiable opinion and dont really care about the subject to check if any of it is true, yet they feel they need to have their say. The facebook generation.

I dont see how you can say theres creep, there hasnt been change to the scope of the game for 18 months, thats almost half the time the game has been in production. How too many assets is a bad thing, they have no impact on the people who are working on other areas of the game, it doesnt slow progress down at all, if anything they produce content in which to test certain elements of the game. We cant really do mining without a mining ship, so until that ship is built we cant really test that and see if its fun, if it needs changing, and so on.

SQ42 should have a fairly big impact, theres a lot of unseen content in there, however i dont expect the PU to take huge steps forward in the next 4 months really, not to the sort of extent people seem to expect in order to justify its existence and them playing it. The next few months will each take baby steps, we know persistence is coming in bit by bit in those updates, but its not likely we'll have stuff to do that'd see people playing it 2-3hrs a night. Maybe they'll try some mission stuff which would be part of SQ42 and use it in the PU in order to test it and make sure things trigger correctly, dont bug out etc, but there are so many elements which make the PU what it needs to be, and they're not happening in the next 6mo etc. We need persistence, a full system to explore, landing on planets, cargo, jump point travel to other systems, a working economy, the ability to buy & sell items (tradeable goods, personal items etc), mining, salvage, bounties...
All that is a long long time away. People can want all they like, but expecting the unreasonable and being disappointed is going to be their fault. Saying its been X years, that should be enough, isnt logical.

Paul sorry to say fella that your post here and subsequently after just come across as someone desperate to justify something. I don't know if thats a ridiculous amount of time spent doing nothing in game or laying out a load of cash on it but you certainly seem very keen to leap to its defence.

It's a game which to me means fun, gaming is a few hours a week hobby for me not an all my spare time encapsulating lifestyle experience. It wasn't fun and I got nothing from it other than utterly wasting my time but at least I know more now than I did before the free event.

Some of us tried it for free and expected more given the ask of contributors, how much has been raised and the length of time, equally others will have tried it and got something from it. I don't need someone to jump to the defence of the devs to help me form an opinion.

It's not bad, there are worse but its certainly not great either and I wont be dropping any of my hard earned on it, however you clearly love it so great and I hope you continue to, me I've already clicked the uninstall button and moved on.

The sad thing is you cant tell the difference between someone trying to inform you of things, and someone justifying it. I've got absolutely no issue highlighting the stuff they've done wrong, i did in that very post.
If anything, my fault is attempting to explain to stuborn people who really dont care less about the accuracy of what they're spouting, they're just moaning based on their perceptions and they dont give a damn if its justified, cos its not a subject they care about but still feel they need to voice their opinion.

Theres a reason i explained the state of the game in the original post, the one which once upon a time was to explain things to newcomers. I dont want people feeling like it was a waste of time, i'd rather they understand the situation and decide whether thats something they want to try, and go in knowing what to expect. I cant help people if they dont want to read it, then find out what i was explaining to them, and then feel the need to be critical about it.
I see two people defending it, TWO. That's not "way too many people invested in this game tht can't take ANY sort of criticism". I also see ONE throwing anything and everything at it without having the faintest idea about the game (Cav) and myself who criticises it daily and publicly.

It's a game they're making, but it's not a whole game yet. I remember playing Prison Architect over a year ago and thinking it was cool but broken, I'm still at that stage with Star citizen. It requires a lot of work and effort to pull off and it doesn't help that they keep expanding the scope but now they seem settled things are coming together week by week.

Still doesn't mean they don't make mistakes and break my ship now and then though :p

Fella, you don't need to keep dragging me back into your arguments, Ive made my point, you don't agree with them and I don't agree with yours, so I left it at that. Its clear Im not the only one here (or on the internet for that matter) who shares the same views/opinion. So I would think we agree to disagree amicably.

Two members on here have insinuated or labelled me/others as "stupid" to explain their "defence" of the game which to me kind of ends any reasonable conversation since those people think its ok to use derogatory terms to justify their argument. I find this a shame as I was genuinely enjoying our conversation on this and furthermore, I was actually learning from you guys more about the game than I ever did.
I cant for the life of me determine if thats for real, or just lacks nuance to be blatant sarcasm. :D

People either want to educate themself further on a subject, or they want to persist with ignorance. It doesnt matter what the subject is, theres stuff i'll happily remain ignorant on, but i wouldnt dive into a discussion, make inaccurate claims, and then ignore the information more knowledgeable people offer.

If you want to live with blissful ignorance on a subject, thats fine. But it IS stupid to attempt to have a discussion with people more knowledgeable on the subject, and refuse to listen. Its fine having a difference of opinion, but people need to accept that an opinion doesnt make it real. Some people believe the world is flat, thats their opinion. It doesnt make it true, or them any less stupid for believing it despite evidence available all around them.

Sadly people have an opinion, feel the need to voice it (yey internet!), really dont know what they're talking about, and dont honestly care less, they're not interest in reason or accuracy.

If you want to educate yourself, by all means ask for info. However throwing out what you BELIEVE doesnt make it true, useful, or helpful.
I cant for the life of me determine if thats for real, or just lacks nuance to be blatant sarcasm. :D

People either want to educate themself further on a subject, or they want to persist with ignorance. It doesnt matter what the subject is, theres stuff i'll happily remain ignorant on, but i wouldnt dive into a discussion, make inaccurate claims, and then ignore the information more knowledgeable people offer.

If you want to live with blissful ignorance on a subject, thats fine. But it IS stupid to attempt to have a discussion with people more knowledgeable on the subject, and refuse to listen. Its fine having a difference of opinion, but people need to accept that an opinion doesnt make it real. Some people believe the world is flat, thats their opinion. It doesnt make it true, or them any less stupid for believing it despite evidence available all around them.

Sadly people have an opinion, feel the need to voice it (yey internet!), really dont know what they're talking about, and dont honestly care less, they're not interest in reason or accuracy.

If you want to educate yourself, by all means ask for info. However throwing out what you BELIEVE doesnt make it true, useful, or helpful.

Oh baby Jesus wept. Like speaking to a wall.

I give up.
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Good. Its a waste of my time attempting to explain stuff to someone whos refusing to listen to people offering to educate them on a subject.

Also worth remembering YOU decided to bring all this off-topic nonsense up, despite being asked numerous times not to, including in the OP.
Good. Its a waste of my time attempting to explain stuff to someone whos refusing to listen to people offering to educate them on a subject.

Also worth remembering YOU decided to bring all this off-topic nonsense up, despite being asked numerous times not to, including in the OP.

Off topic nonsense? Cant a guy make a comment on a fourm? An SC thread popped up, I pop in to discover another SC module release, and this in turn makes me think....

Seriously when are they going to release this properly instead of just releasing breadcrumbs.... release the whole damned game already.

You don't want to listen to other peoples opinions bud. I never disagreed with what you said. But you keep thinking in your mind that anyone else who has an opinion that is different to your own is WRONG.

Debating is healthy. But what you are doing is just throwing your toys out of your pram. And I think Columbo said it best:

Paul sorry to say fella that your post here and subsequently after just come across as someone desperate to justify something. I don't know if thats a ridiculous amount of time spent doing nothing in game or laying out a load of cash on it but you certainly seem very keen to leap to its defence.

You seem to be taking anything said in a bad light about SC as a slur on your mother or something. Seriously relax.
You gave up giving up? :D

The thread states in multiple places, what the thread subject is, and to take other nonsense to the linked thread. You chose to ignore that, and keep bringing up off topic matters. The fact that you dont know, frankly doesnt surprise me one bit.

Here's the perfect example, thanks for quoting it.
"Seriously when are they going to release this properly instead of just releasing breadcrumbs.... release the whole damned game already. "

If they had a whole game, they'd release a whole game.
If they have breadcrumbs, they'll release breadcrumbs.

You kept waffling on demanding a finished game, having it now, it cant be half-arsed.
You cant have all 3, and acting like a spoilt toddler doesnt change that.

Debating is healthy, yes. Attempting to tell a child the cant have everything just because they're throwing a tantrum, isnt debating. But its rich talking about throwing toys out of the pram, from someone who's making childish demands.

"You seem to be taking anything said in a bad light about SC as a slur on your mother or something. "

The FACTUAL things people have said which shed a bad light on SC, ive absolutely agreed with. I've brought up examples without needing to for heavens sake.
People making factually inaccurate statements, out of ignorance on the subject, and persisting with the believe that because its their idiotic opinion then it must be heard and cant be disputed, is what i find utterly pathetic.

We'd be tons of fun at a party though. You going around telling everyone utter nonsense, me following you round pointing out its nonsense. Super fun.
Me and you at a party?


Out of interest. How much have you backed into this game? Truthfully.

And then guess how much I've backed.
Well I tried this, very briefly. Incredibly long loading times, only using 50% of my single graphics card, freezing and stuttering constantly. Even the launcher is hogging about 25% cpu . . . bleh Plus I had no idea what to do in the game.
Me and you at a party?


Out of interest. How much have you backed into this game? Truthfully.

And then guess how much I've backed.

Risk of accidentally learning something? :p

You dont need to ask me 'truthfully', ive been open about everything the entire thread. Ive backed at $701 (no idea where the $1 came from!). I believe what they're doing is positive, and im pretty sceptical about this whole 'Early Access', however its not blind faith, its being able to understand what they're trying to do and believing its actually for the good of the industry. I've already stated i have ZERO interest in space :D the only space game i'd previously (and since) played has been FLT.

I've also spent about £3-4k elsewhere, with SC largely motivating that (a better system, monitors, obutto etc which are hardly exclusive to SC).

I dont need to guess, i know you've said around $100. I read, absorb, learn ;)


Well I tried this, very briefly. Incredibly long loading times, only using 50% of my single graphics card, freezing and stuttering constantly. Even the launcher is hogging about 25% cpu . . . bleh Plus I had no idea what to do in the game.

No idea why you'd be getting 25% on the launcher (im getting 0.2-0.7% on a stock 5820k). Was that straight after downloading? might be something carried over from downloading (cant imagine why).

You're getting long load times into the hangar, or the menu? Im assuming with dual GPUs you're not on an old scrapper machine. Im assuming you're talking about loading into the server itself? I think it takes me about 30-45sec to load into the universe. How does that compare to yours? Is it installed on a fairly recent SSD, or a HDD (i'd dread to imagine!)?
Typically, dual cards arent supported, as it so often the way at this stage. Im not aware if there are workaround profiles to help. I usually get around 45fps on a 290X @ 2560x1080 on high.

If you're remotely tempted to try again, have a read of the first and i think 4th post with the controls. Knowing the controls will help a huge amount, as will having an idea of what there is in-game (i think i listed that).
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I think that this game is quite indicative of one of the issues with crowdfunded and early access games in that developers are forced to constantly approach their game as a vertical slice to attract further people and appease the people already invested. This one of the reasons why so much has gone into presentation yet the game still feels incomplete from a gameplay perspective.

I remember in interview with a couple of the guys from Supergiant Games, creators Bastion and Transistor, they were talking about how they try to keep their games visually basic for as long as possible so that they can focus on gameplay without the visuals masking potential issues. This method makes sense to me but perhaps there are several ways to approach the issue.
Yeah, people are going to expect to see something back for their money. At least with early access theres usually a framework of a game, even if theres only 5-10% of the content. SC had a rough idea, staff lined up, and a pretty huge vision where so much had to be built from scratch.
I dont think the way CIG have done it is a bad idea, but it has possibly led to things being done twice because the first time was fine, but as more was known about what they needed, it had a knock-on effect.

At the same time, if we took everything that CIG have done, because they talk about it (quite openly, 2 of their semi-regular shows are highlighting silly bugs), the same sort of things are almost certainly happening behind closed doors, even with the hugely successful titles.

But yeah, people want to feel like theres a game there, and when those people fund it from such an early stage. Im not entirely sure i see the benefit of playing with basic visuals, but i guess it depends on the way they're made. CIG cant exactly hold back on building all its assets, of which there obviously needs to be a huge amount of and they're huge and extremely detailed. They've definitely pushed things out to let people access whatever is available, and the way they're now doing guaranteed monthly updates (no fixed date, once they're sufficiently stable ) is both so we see things evolve, but also so we can interact with these things and find fault, highlight issues early while its still being worked upon.

What actually concerns me is how they'll handle SQ42, because SC will go through tons of alphas and beta builds, they dont want a pre-release of SQ42. Theres unfounded rumours the new NDA'd micro group in the 'PTU' group (a test build of the universe, before it goes live) may exist to eventually be given access to parts of the campaign to ensure thats not a bug ridden mess - cos most games either have a public/invite beta, or they've got companies who test games for them.
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