Yeah, the fact still remains that the statement was pure fiction.
It's what I myself found.
From my perspective, it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me David Braben...
You cannot enter someone elses ship if they havent already opened it.
I go to my ship on the assigned landing pad.
I approach the hatch.
Someone else is already there and they
can open it.
End of.
2 people, people more knowledgeable on the subject then you, have told you this.
Well 2 people, people also more knowledgable than me on the subject, found the exact same thing. I watched it happen, before going home and finding the same on my own account. So nyah to you wi' clogs and the proverbial to the 2 people you rode in on....
Again, its simply isnt true. Just because you're ignorant of a subjects current state, doesnt mean your inaccurate statements are valid in any shape or form. Insisting that its true, doesnt make it so.
So your counter is to merely claim the exact opposite and INSIST that your word is better than mine because you think your voice is louder?
Ja, whatever....
I'm glad you read every single minute detail on everything surrounding this game. Some of us are too busy with things like jobs for that crap.
But it does not change the fact that what they're giving us does not do what they say it should.
You can know chapter and verse about why it doesn't, if you think it makes you special, but it don't change the fact that it's broke.
However the fact that you're being critical of an early alpha title, a game mode which has only be there 4 months (and is clear of most issues, has been for about 2-3 months now!), as if its unprecedented for an alpha title, is just stupid and unreasonable.
Jesus Christ, Elite had two major updates in that time... Rebellion knocked up almost two complete games in that time and wangled a SEGA contract from underneath Gearbox... Star Citizen came out with, what, a desk lamp... and a virtual one, at that.
I'm critical of what they have NOT achieved compared to other Devs.
I'm critical of what they are delivering, compared to what is expected based on their news releases and mailouts, particularly since it's always late.
I'm critical of what little I'm getting for the ridiculous amount of money it cost me.
I'm critical because what they're giving me doesn't do what they say it does, no matter what pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha state they say it's in.
A good rule of thumb - if it sounds ruddy stupid, it probably is.
Left yourself W - I - D - E open on that one!!
People are shovelling seriously large wads of cash into an unfinished game that may, or may not, ever be finished and that you can't actually play unless you stump up even more money to buy a playable ship(s)?
Mostly correct.
You can buy a starter package and that's all you'll need, if/when the game finally gets released. But at this early access stage you can generally only fly what you bought, with occasional exceptions - Specials weekends, extra Test Flight credits and other time-limited weird jiggery pokery.
A lot of people have ploughed lots of cash in so they can start the live game with far better ships than a basic starter, which is also why they're practicing lots now. Others like the bragging rights. Bit of an ePeen thing.
I pledged a not-insignificant amount during the early stages, but got so
****ed off with all the over-hype, mailouts, own-backslapping over the most minute of things, YouTube infomercials and toxic forum debates about what colour the joystick button should be, that I just left it to do whatever.
I've gotten absolutely naff-all from it so far, aside from a little plastic card and a few little glimpses of very basic test environments. I occasionally look in to see how it's going, but usually get bored very quickly. If it turns out good, then fine. If not, then that's money down the pan.
If I had to do it all again, I'd probably just buy a car.