Star Citizen 'Free Fly' event

I'm not up to speed on this game, but have I got this straight? People are shovelling seriously large wads of cash into an unfinished game that may, or may not, ever be finished and that you can't actually play unless you stump up even more money to buy a playable ship(s)?
I'm not up to speed on this game, but have I got this straight? People are shovelling seriously large wads of cash into an unfinished game that may, or may not, ever be finished and that you can't actually play unless you stump up even more money to buy a playable ship(s)?

Nope. A good rule of thumb - if it sounds ruddy stupid, it probably is.

People are putting seriously large wads of cash to fund a game so that it gets built, rather than either not getting built, or gets paid for by a consortium of people who dont care about how the game turns out, just release it so they get their profits. Sound familiar?

The vast majority of people that got the game off the ground did so because of Chris Roberts and his Wing Commander series. The generation which was playing those games is now 30+ and mostly have a stable income, and some of them have 'bankrolled' it to an unbelievable amount, not because they want an advantage, but because A) they can afford it, amazingly its nothing to them, and B) Gaming is a hobby, people spend thousands on golf fees and gear, spend more on drink and smokes slowly killing themselves, but its their choice.

Spending £35 gets you the game, and every single ship is obtainable simply by playing. You'll either need to earn it, steal it, or restore it from bits salvageable from wreckage.

£35 and you never need to spend any cash on anything else if you dont want to. iirc they've sold 4000 packages for $20 in the past, and maybe $30 too, and that included 2 AAA scale games.
Two members on here have insinuated or labelled me/others as "stupid" to explain their "defence" of the game which to me kind of ends any reasonable conversation since those people think its ok to use derogatory terms to justify their argument.

If that was directed at me, then that wasn't the intention, but your argument of "why isn't it ready when other games can be done in 2-3 years?" is like asking why a 40 storey skyscraper takes longer to build than a 2 bedroom house. :p

Edit: just to mention, I have no vested interest in defending this game or justifying a purchase as I haven't actually backed/spent any money on it - I've seen too many games promise the world and fall massively short, and I can't help but feel that this will be the same. I really, really hope I'm proven wrong; but until that happens, they won't be getting any of my money.

I do however get annoyed with people who have no experience in software development having unrealistic/unreasonable expectations about software projects (probably because I have to deal with it on a daily basis at work :p).

I think this XKCD comic sums it up pretty accurately ;)

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I'm not up to speed on this game, but have I got this straight? People are shovelling seriously large wads of cash into an unfinished game that may, or may not, ever be finished

and that you can't actually play unless you stump up even more money to buy a playable ship(s)?

Well supposedly all ships can be brought with in game currency, but currently no mention of how much effort that will be or how its even going to work in a PU setting. Whatever they announce on that front people will be ****ed though because they have already attributed a 'ship value' to their purchase.
Yeah, the fact still remains that the statement was pure fiction.
It's what I myself found.
From my perspective, it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me David Braben...

You cannot enter someone elses ship if they havent already opened it.
I go to my ship on the assigned landing pad.
I approach the hatch.
Someone else is already there and they can open it.
End of.

2 people, people more knowledgeable on the subject then you, have told you this.
Well 2 people, people also more knowledgable than me on the subject, found the exact same thing. I watched it happen, before going home and finding the same on my own account. So nyah to you wi' clogs and the proverbial to the 2 people you rode in on.... :p

Again, its simply isnt true. Just because you're ignorant of a subjects current state, doesnt mean your inaccurate statements are valid in any shape or form. Insisting that its true, doesnt make it so.
So your counter is to merely claim the exact opposite and INSIST that your word is better than mine because you think your voice is louder?
Ja, whatever....

I'm glad you read every single minute detail on everything surrounding this game. Some of us are too busy with things like jobs for that crap.
But it does not change the fact that what they're giving us does not do what they say it should.
You can know chapter and verse about why it doesn't, if you think it makes you special, but it don't change the fact that it's broke.

However the fact that you're being critical of an early alpha title, a game mode which has only be there 4 months (and is clear of most issues, has been for about 2-3 months now!), as if its unprecedented for an alpha title, is just stupid and unreasonable.
Jesus Christ, Elite had two major updates in that time... Rebellion knocked up almost two complete games in that time and wangled a SEGA contract from underneath Gearbox... Star Citizen came out with, what, a desk lamp... and a virtual one, at that.

I'm critical of what they have NOT achieved compared to other Devs.
I'm critical of what they are delivering, compared to what is expected based on their news releases and mailouts, particularly since it's always late.
I'm critical of what little I'm getting for the ridiculous amount of money it cost me.

I'm critical because what they're giving me doesn't do what they say it does, no matter what pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-Alpha state they say it's in.

A good rule of thumb - if it sounds ruddy stupid, it probably is.
Left yourself W - I - D - E open on that one!!

People are shovelling seriously large wads of cash into an unfinished game that may, or may not, ever be finished and that you can't actually play unless you stump up even more money to buy a playable ship(s)?
Mostly correct.
You can buy a starter package and that's all you'll need, if/when the game finally gets released. But at this early access stage you can generally only fly what you bought, with occasional exceptions - Specials weekends, extra Test Flight credits and other time-limited weird jiggery pokery.
A lot of people have ploughed lots of cash in so they can start the live game with far better ships than a basic starter, which is also why they're practicing lots now. Others like the bragging rights. Bit of an ePeen thing.

I pledged a not-insignificant amount during the early stages, but got so ****ed off with all the over-hype, mailouts, own-backslapping over the most minute of things, YouTube infomercials and toxic forum debates about what colour the joystick button should be, that I just left it to do whatever.

I've gotten absolutely naff-all from it so far, aside from a little plastic card and a few little glimpses of very basic test environments. I occasionally look in to see how it's going, but usually get bored very quickly. If it turns out good, then fine. If not, then that's money down the pan.

If I had to do it all again, I'd probably just buy a car.
Not sure where to begin, but its pretty clear you havent got a clue what you're talking about, and either cant read and comprehend simple sentences, or you're intentionally being deceitful and taking things out of context to fit an agenda.

In the last 4 months, you're saying Elite released 2 major updates (yeah, sure they did! its not really taken over FIVE years at all to get to where they're at) and Rebellion supposedly created 2 'almost complete' games too (sniper replica titles? really thats your 2nd comparison?), but all CIG did was a *virtual* lamp - cos Frontier were making physical planets and space ships, right? What a load of pathetic fabricated waffle with zero relevance even if any of it was even close to being true, and i think a pet rock is capable of identifying that it isnt.

"A good rule of thumb - if it sounds ruddy stupid, it probably is."
Thanks for highlighting that again.
Is there any even half eta yet for this game. From the get go, it allways seemed like it would be in development for best part of a decade, even though I did support it.
Not quite sure what that first sentence is asking.

ETA on Star Citizen would be entirely based on personal opinion, theres no suggestion of when that would be by CIG, its a case 'when its done'.
I could imagine it not being at 1.0 release stage till 2019, because theres so much that needs to be built, theres about 25 different types of careers you could do in the SC universe, and CIG are trying to give most of them depth where possible, such as mining being more than going up to rocks and firing at them, then tractor beaming in the minerals and shooting the next rock. Some will be simple though ie hauling cargo probably wont be complex.

Off the top of my head, legitimate careers:
Soldier, combat pilot, crew (pilot, captain, gunner, engineer, navigation etc), bounty hunter, explorer, trade/hauling, mining, salvage, refuelling, repairing, tuning, civilian transport & tourism (space planes & yachts), scientist/researcher, farmer, medic, journalist, info runner, pirate, criminal, assassin.... thats 20, and a handful of others probably blur the lines (combat pilot = fighting alien races for artefacts, flying escort, fighting in retaliation for someone else etc).

Roles such as salvage, mining, science etc arent going to be as simple as clicking buttons to start job, even the career of civilian transport has roles such as pilot, 'trolly dollys' (who have a 'mini game' of their own) and service crew (another 'mini-game') and that seems as straight forward as flying from A to B with a handful of passengers.
So expecting a complex and diverse universe to arrive in the same timeframe many replica titles come out, is obviously madness. So i would agree on the 'best part of a decade'.

SQ42 is expected either at the end of the year (last Oct they said 2016) or IMO early next (nothing to support that, but 2016 feels earlier than expected) and is expected to be comparable to games like The Last of Us where its a linear storyline but not on rails either, expected to be roughly 30hrs of gameplay provided you're not speed-running it etc. With basic interaction with crew, exploring some of the places you'd be, it should be around 30hrs.
Is there any even half eta yet for this game. From the get go, it allways seemed like it would be in development for best part of a decade, even though I did support it.

The last ETA they gave was the end of 2016, which obviously isn't going to happen.
I do however get annoyed with people who have no experience in software development having unrealistic/unreasonable expectations about software projects (probably because I have to deal with it on a daily basis at work :p).

Quoting for truth, most people have not got a clue when it comes to software development... deadlines change.

On another note, i have not seen this much mud slinging in a thread for a while.
No, the PU was to be done by the end of 2016, Squadron 42 was supposed to be complete in 2015. This is from interviews Chris did with Forbes and Gamestar.

Cant say ive ever heard that stated (most likely cos its so dated), but either way, you know damn well the ETA is neither of those timescales and that they arent even remotely what has been said in the last couple of years either. So theres no reason to bring up outdated information you know isnt accurate, but if it suits your agenda, i dont suppose that bothers you.
My agenda, what is that exactly? I'm answering questions as I have done previously in this thread, and the main thread.

He asked what the ETA was, I gave him the last actual one they had aside from "when it's done" which isn't an ETA.
So you believe telling him an answer which you know only too well is dated by about 2+ years, is helpful and useful information - its the answer he wanted to know?

Whatever you intentions, its hardly useful information to anyone, is it.
No, your quite right, when people provide inaccurate dated answers to a simple question, thats being helpful, its positively contributing, isnt it.

Now im an angry employee pretending to be a backer? :D

Nothing legitimate to say, so lets make nonsense up. Sounds about right.
So you believe telling him an answer which you know only too well is dated by about 2+ years, is helpful and useful information - its the answer he wanted to know?

That is the last ETA they gave, that's the answer. You may not like the answer, but that's what it is.

Whatever you intentions

Again... what exactly is my agenda? You seem convinced that because I gave a factual answer to his question that I'm some kind of D. Smart fan with an "agenda".
There's a lot of assumptions in here about the game dev world. It's a difficult sector especially for large franchises when people want everything yesterday from the publishers to the consumers. Frankly it's done when it's done. We suffer a lot of poor, shallow titles simply due to the fact people won't wait. Game dev takes years no matter the title and CS is a huge undertaking. It's not going to be just publish and run title, it's going to be a franchise akin to WoW in the hope it's around for years and continually developed.

More game devs should take a leaf out of R*s book and don't mention dates or show much at all until it's time. That said, CS is funded differently so not only are they developing the game, they are managing customer support and expectations for their current investors who are ultimately also their customers already enjoying what they can. It's amazing how quickly from that respect that any money will dry up.

No point aguring about something we all know little about tbh. What someone said x months ago is irrelevant. Things change in the dev world in the blink of an eye. I just think some peole cannot see passed a part released product of which they base their expectations and feel the need to speak out about it. Just wait and see or get on with our life.

This was supposed to be to promote the free event for people to get interested and hopefully interest some more backers. Whether that transpires into anything is ireelevant as it's a purchase you weigh up and think about like any other. If you feel it's worth it now then fair enough.

Anyway, I really wanted to give this a try but missed the event. Oops!

Do you work for the CS team Paul?
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