Star Trek Online

Im really **** off now, been sat in a que for 1/2 an hour, after it kicked me out, grrr if i wanted to pay to que I would have gone to tesco's

Apparently, if you log out and back in a few times you get in quicker :)

It is a known bug on the forums ;)

One advantage of a lifetime sub, no queues :D
I just got my first escort. and I put 2 x cannons for 1&2 and a photon for 3. (phaser array rear).

I've noticed I cant actually fire both 1&2 at the same time... They appear to share a slight cool down between the two? Is that right? If so... does that mean it's utterly pointless to use both? I mean you can flick between the two after waiting a second, while the other cools down. But would I get better overall DPS to use like a phaser array on '2' which does less DPS, but being able to use both at the same time would be better?

I hope that makes sense...
Been out all day but sounds like that's been a good thing with these server issues. Might pop on tomorrow night for a bit.
been having a few crashes myself think it's down to my ati card and dynamic lighting, if any of you guys are starting an ocuk fleet i'd like to join also looking for a few friends to do a few missions with.


feel free to add me.
What do you do to talk to the other scientists on mem alpha, as me and a mate have talked to the women deposited a sample she says go get more, we both have crap loads of various things. Only things we can do is go to her store but we wont as she has crap and want better things from other scientists. But none will talk to us, we are lt commanders btw. We have tryed giving samples to the women whats her name but no way to give them to her and the deposit machine near her doesnt flash anymore. So what do we do to talk to other scientists so they can have stores where we can give them stuff for good items.
I personally havent done it myself, but the idea is to look at her lists of stuff and get all the ingriedients, then once youve done that a few times you'll unlock the other people. Look on the forums to find out exactly how many times you need to do a certain recipe to unlock the others. Think it's a waste of time myself though.
much like any other progressive aspect of a game "crafting" (as loose a term as can be used with the system cryptic are using) is generally also advanced through grinding/experience, since there is no crafting xp/direct advancement, you have to grind through use. it might be dull and annoying but it makes sense

hit commander today, i do love my new cruiser :D
I just got my first escort. and I put 2 x cannons for 1&2 and a photon for 3. (phaser array rear).

I've noticed I cant actually fire both 1&2 at the same time... They appear to share a slight cool down between the two? Is that right? If so... does that mean it's utterly pointless to use both? I mean you can flick between the two after waiting a second, while the other cools down. But would I get better overall DPS to use like a phaser array on '2' which does less DPS, but being able to use both at the same time would be better?

I hope that makes sense...

Basically, you can get away with two standard cannons OR three heavy cannons.

been having a few crashes myself think it's down to my ati card and dynamic lighting, if any of you guys are starting an ocuk fleet i'd like to join also looking for a few friends to do a few missions with.


feel free to add me.

Unless someone adds you from our fleet in the meantime, I will add you tonight :)
Did have good fun with this most of yesterday afternoon/evening.

Other halfs computer crashed a couple of times (blue screened) when doing Starbase 24 mission.

We both have exactly the same Gainward 4870's and mine has to do a bit more due to higher res and settings, but I had no issues whatsoever.

It's just a pain not knowing what the cause is - could be anything from the rubbish base system (x2 3800 on asrock dual sata2) to the card overheating, or just the game itself :(

Though oddly, I am sure that computer loads things faster :mad:
Can someone add me to the fleet please.


Ta muchly. :)

I sent you an invite. :)

been having a few crashes myself think it's down to my ati card and dynamic lighting, if any of you guys are starting an ocuk fleet i'd like to join also looking for a few friends to do a few missions with.


feel free to add me.

Sent. :)
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What do you do to talk to the other scientists on mem alpha, as me and a mate have talked to the women deposited a sample she says go get more, we both have crap loads of various things. Only things we can do is go to her store but we wont as she has crap and want better things from other scientists. But none will talk to us, we are lt commanders btw. We have tryed giving samples to the women whats her name but no way to give them to her and the deposit machine near her doesnt flash anymore. So what do we do to talk to other scientists so they can have stores where we can give them stuff for good items.

Somebody has posted what they traded to get past the first woman, it's approximately 26 trades and around 500 Anomalies required however you need a lot of the rarer ones such as Unknown Alloy, Biological Sample and Antimatter Sample. It's basically the equivalent of trading in for 3 of each of the available objects in the store. You also can't just spam trade Hypo sprays, you have to take the higher end objects. It be tough!
I'd be inclined to just save up samples at the moment. If you really do need 500, people will start complaining and it'll be brought down soon enough :)
Ive been trying to level this, ive got to t2 scientists atm and half the gear isnt too bad.

I reccomend just buying loads of mk ii phaser beam arrays and trading them in untill you hit hte next tier of scientists.
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