Star Trek Online

Great =/

I have been turning in the medium hypo spray one.... must have done it about 30 times now.... bloody game could be a bit nicer and have a reputaion window or at the very least tell me how much of each I need to hand in....

But yeah, Lifetime Sub = no queue = awesome.
Why does everyone think that paying a lifetime sub should give them priority?

But, it does give us priority.

I didn't buy it just to avoid queues.

Hell, I didn't even realise it would skip the queues, it's just nice that it does.

Sorry if this offends you.
I dont think the queue system is working properly anyway, ive gone from been 550 of 600 to 14 in a second, other times ive left the queue, then tried to log again and got straight in. Odd.

Loving what ive played so far though, which isnt quite as much as some of you guys, got my cruiser last night though :D
But, it does give us priority.

I didn't buy it just to avoid queues.

Hell, I didn't even realise it would skip the queues, it's just nice that it does.

Sorry if this offends you.

Nah it doesn't... I'm not a lifetime subber and I've never been in this so called "queue".

I must be one of the lucky ones eh? So no, it doesn't offend me! ;)
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Somebody has posted what they traded to get past the first woman, it's approximately 26 trades and around 500 Anomalies required however you need a lot of the rarer ones such as Unknown Alloy, Biological Sample and Antimatter Sample. It's basically the equivalent of trading in for 3 of each of the available objects in the store. You also can't just spam trade Hypo sprays, you have to take the higher end objects. It be tough!

5 phaser banks it took me mate.

That was enough to unlock tier 2 scientist in Memory Alpha.
Thanks :)

Would much rather be playing STO than teaching this week :(

Saying that, my 4days and 1 hour of play combined with level 45 and 5 million in the bank is starting to look quite addictive. It was my week off though - might take next week off too :D

Just so you know I left the new people as Recruits... Just because I noticed a little bit of fleet bank pinching going on the last couple of days. :rolleyes:

Oh and Rave can you add my Captain name to the list on the first page? Adriana. Thank you muchly.
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I'd be inclined to just save up samples at the moment. If you really do need 500, people will start complaining and it'll be brought down soon enough :)

Yes, I am keeping mine. Can make a lot of money with them on the exchange, but I think they are more useful than energy credits.

Just so you know I left the new people as Recruits... Just because I noticed a little bit of fleet bank pinching going on the last couple of days. :rolleyes:

Oh and Rave can you add my Captain name to the list on the first page? Adriana. Thank you muchly.

Yes, I was only promoting people to members who I thought could be trusted. If need be I will take bank privilages away from members and only rank up the *most* trustworthy people. I dont mind people taking stuff, as long as they put something back of equal value/use.

Also, added :)

Will see you all online tonight.
I have just reached Commander lvl, where can I obtain tier 3 Explorer Badges missions so that I can outfit my new Escort with better torps??

think im gunna wait till ST is a year old or something, tons of goodys shud be out and the game shud be more fixed by then.
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