Star Trek Online

I used to sub to this when it was first released but cancelled after the 1st week.

Can any current players tell me if this game has improved greatly, or is it the same as when first released?
I think it is improving.

But lack of missions is still an issue, I actually think opening it up to 3rd Party mission writers that are well regulated is a good idea
The core gameplay mechanics are spot on I think - the skill based stuff, bridge officers, and all the ships and equipment. I even like the way ground combat is done. The graphics and customisation are fantastic. It's just that hey just don't seem to have to skill or imagination to do anything with it all beyond the same old 'run /fly from place to place shooting groups of stuff' missions.

Maybe we will start to see some imaginative stuff with 3rd party mission writers.
If their was a range of missions and each captain came out different by VA level due the missions they choose that would be cool.

But its a huge universe with big demands, people want working interior ships, more missions, and on and on and on it goes.

Its going to take awhile to develop.
Really enjoyed the Breen missions and the dailies there - finally *some* RPG elements. The Dabo game is pretty cool too. Have run out of things to do again now though on my main. Might try the diplomacy stuff (have done a few of these e.g. by DS9) - would really like to open up the diplomacy sector.

- User Generated Content info, and it’s proper new title (The Foundry)
- Information about the Devidians and Tholians
- And an epic load of development plans for Klingons

New Latinum Trophies! (with pics)

Akira updates! (with pics)

Plus the Devidian season debuts this weekend. I was pleasently surprised by the Breen missions - tough bosses, puzzles, non-combat missions etc. Shame all this wasn't there at release!

Series 2: The Devidians
Thousands of Starfleet officers and KDF warriors have died in the battles in the Neutral Zone. The destruction has drawn the attention of the Devidians, unseen predators who use chaos as a cover for their kills. This time, however, their plans involve more than simple survival. You must stop them before they can change the face of the quadrant forever!
This game is still running?


Getting quite a lot of content too. The user generated content should be here soon. Haven't played for ages, but really enjoying the new content and ships. Hoping the UGC makes the game stand out from other MMOs.

Edit: Also, I have 5 referral keys if anyone want any.
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