Star Trek Online

I got a cheap 60 day time card for this recently, it's still lots of fun in small doses. I'd only gotten to lt commander when I quit last time though though, it's not a game for powerlevellers :)
i cancled sub before 30days also , waste of money! Though i regret not buying the lifetime but ill wait till its £75 like lotro was :P
So whats happening with STO? it seems to be slowly improving but I'm finding lower number of subs.

i was shocked to see im the only member of full impulse signed up and playing.
It's a funny game, I enjoyed playing again when I resubbed, but I don't miss it in the slightest when I'm not actually playing.

The episodic content they've started doing is quite good, but at the end of the day, every single thing boils down to :

Shoot stuff in space.
Beam down, shoot stuff on the ground.
Beam back up to shoot more stuff in space.
Complete mission.

It's enjoyable in a mindless kind of way, and very, very pretty, but you never really have the urge to keep logging in for basically the same thing over and over.

At least in a standard mmo you have the urge to explore and see new places, but there are no permanent places in STO besides the odd starbase, it's all just very obvious movie sets.
I originally liked the idea of the random exploration missions. But they were so repetitive and returned so little that I just got bored of the whole thing. The game had potential and was actually fun in closed beta before they made the game mindlessly easy. I always have an urge to return, but much better games block this e.g. F1, TF2, the new Fallout etc.
Actually the single thing that really appealed to me was the ability to change the default difficulty of missions - it means you really need to group up to do some of them, and specialise your kit too.

It was the one thing our fleet missed, we never needed to meet up to do any of the content. Just a pity they're all gone at this stage :rolleyes:
I know its been a real pain to get some RAUH/ VA missions done, ive had to wait for america to come online to even find quality players who are in numbers to finish the missions/
"Dan Stahl: There are approximately 3800 locations you can visit in the Star Trek Online universe. Not every planet is going to be as diverse and interesting as the next. We purposely made some planets to be light on content because that is what you find when you explore the galaxy. There might not be any missions if you go out and orbit around some unknown star."

You lying git Stahl! Each 'location' is a randomly generated square mile of land on a planet, or a randomly generated solar system with a pretty background and planets you can bump into.

As for user generated content, I'm paying Cryptic to create content for me, thanks :p
Season 3 is coming up which looks good but their tinkering about at them moment.

Iim not sure what do about full impluse, dont think i have the authority to shut it down.
I subbed for a month the other day, having a bit of fun has to be said, am only Commander, but ditched my escort for a cruiser. Few changes, but still is one hell of a mess of a game with that sector ui.
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