Star Trek Online

And how many lifer's are there?

You do still need to goto Memory Alpha to craft. Although you can find out what you need before you go there now. My main toon can craft anything.

IIRC referrals, get you a title, the holographic tribble, and if you get enough the Future Enterprise (also available on C-Store).. But that ship is not worth it in my opinion, it steers like a brick and has carp BO slots, and dodgy console slots.

Im one lifer ;) Got 4 officers on the go, only 1 about to hit vice. I dont play too often, which is why lifer was best for me knowing the game will be there for when I do want to play.

I dont bother with crafting side of the game. Good drops are plentiful and then theres the exchange for the rarerer stuff.
This not F2P yet then :P

i'm glad i didn't get the lifetime now think it was £200 odd last time i looked
didnt even play for 30days and became bored and then lotro lifetime was £75 so playing that for a bit.
Still tempted to give this another go. Is any better and are there many people playing? I really enjoyed the space combat side of things and upgrading my ship etc
Still tempted to give this another go. Is any better and are there many people playing? I really enjoyed the space combat side of things and upgrading my ship etc

Quite a few of us here have returned and are enjoying it. Lots added such as new missions, diplomacy, abilities, ship tiers etc. I was expecting to hate it, but have actually really enjoyed levelling a new alt. Think we have about 12 active members in the fleet. A few are my old clan mates who have wanted to try the content - a few here have resubbed for a month.
Quite a few of us here have returned and are enjoying it. Lots added such as new missions, diplomacy, abilities, ship tiers etc. I was expecting to hate it, but have actually really enjoyed levelling a new alt. Think we have about 12 active members in the fleet. A few are my old clan mates who have wanted to try the content - a few here have resubbed for a month.

Hmmmm.... the temptation is tempting :p
Ablative armour on the intrepid looks awesome :D

Really enjoyed yesterday's new Devidian episode. Was great to see everyone in Drozana Station (which also looks really cool, especially when weird things keep happening!). Felt much more MMO like - then I won 15000 on Dabo :p

You guys really need to come back for the new episode arcs!
Was a good ep. Cant wait for the next one. Anyone up for the 5 person borg missions today ? Don't think Kilgore could help me with them lol

Is that the refitted intrepid ? Saving my token incase they refit the sovereign class.
What time for the fleet action?

Has anyone done/ finished the Crystalline Entity? Ive had it for about 3 months, and i still cant finish it :(
CE is a bit of a b itch, basically the easiest way to do it is to get about 10 escorts, ideally with Cannons: Scatter Volley. Get a LtC7 toon to ferry you into a low level instance. Once all 10 are in, group up, so you are within 1km of each other facing the CE... then let rip.

Keep up Scatter Volley. If you can keep your distance from the CE, then you should be fine, as the shards won't make it to you through the cannon fire.

If you're going for the accolade, you need to shoot the CE for a couple of minutes before everyone else joins in.

I've done this 2 on each of my Feddie toons (in the last 2 weeks). It requires a bit of co-ordination, but the basic's are above.
Looks like UGC beta is starting soon

Apparently season 3 is coming late Nov Begining or Dec.

Will keep you posted for when i start writing missions; some will be allowed to be only distributed around fleet members or friends.
What is it with the different episodes? Not sure what's meant by this.

I gave in to temptation and re-subbed. In general the game feel a lot more polished and smooth than it did before. Haven't lost my touch though. Done starbase 24 mission I think it is. Only a few of us but within seconds they were all dead off mass pulls. I survived (as they all bar one died another two times) holding off two battlecruisers and about 7-8 birds of prey. Was using my shield regen, all powerto shields and was constantly remodifying them to stay alive. The other people in the open instance couldn't beleive ihad kept myself alive :D

in Belfast for a few days now but will give the fleetashoit when im back.
What is it with the different episodes? Not sure what's meant by this.

I gave in to temptation and re-subbed. In general the game feel a lot more polished and smooth than it did before. Haven't lost my touch though. Done starbase 24 mission I think it is. Only a few of us but within seconds they were all dead off mass pulls. I survived (as they all bar one died another two times) holding off two battlecruisers and about 7-8 birds of prey. Was using my shield regen, all powerto shields and was constantly remodifying them to stay alive. The other people in the open instance couldn't beleive ihad kept myself alive :D

in Belfast for a few days now but will give the fleetashoit when im back.

Great to see so many of us have returned. Will be on again one evening this week (and certainly on the weekend). The new episodes can be found in the Eta Eridani and the Orellius sector blocks - if you haven't tried them already, you might want to head there soon :)
I'll be back on STO Thursday hopefully, gonna try it out on the new PC. Right im off to play Titans Quest anyone else got it?
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