Star Trek Online

STO any good?

I ain't played it at all. I wanted to buy it at release but coupled with the high price at the time, I didn't like the reviews it was getting.

Personally I thought it sucked at release. It was fun on a pretty basic level but quickly got boring. Re-subbed this month and really enjoying it. Seems a lot more polished and I have in general found it a lot more engaging and fun. Away missions aren't my favourites but love space combat especially fleet missions where I can get stuck in and survive using all my shield mods. Bit more intricate when you get into it with different power set ups and the like.

@ those who are playing now. When can I choose my own ship, forgot what rank it is :rolleyes:
Personally I thought it sucked at release. It was fun on a pretty basic level but quickly got boring. Re-subbed this month and really enjoying it. Seems a lot more polished and I have in general found it a lot more engaging and fun. Away missions aren't my favourites but love space combat especially fleet missions where I can get stuck in and survive using all my shield mods. Bit more intricate when you get into it with different power set ups and the like.

@ those who are playing now. When can I choose my own ship, forgot what rank it is :rolleyes:

Lt 11 i.e. LtCmdr 1 i.e. 6,700 skill points spent (so level 11 I guess)

What ship type you going for?
Yep, that would be the Cruiser :)

Escort for tactical and well, Science for science.

I would suggest you try all three ship types (energy credits are easy to come by and there is nothing else to spend them on) - you don't have to stay in the "set ship". Actually, some builds work well outside the designed ship e.g. an escort will survive longer with an Engineer captain, but will still give more of a punch than a cruiser. Of course, I have been out of the loop for a while, so things may have changed!

I don't get why this game hasn't had any updated reviews. It is much better now. I remember GameSpy_Ryan telling me -
"This may come as a surprise, but we reviewed the game as it actually exists -- not based on nonexistent content that may one day be patched in. Seriously, I don't get all the MMO apologists who defend bad launches and poorly plotted leveling flow. The "we'll patch it in later" school of design has been prevalent since the early days of MMOs, and genre enthusiasts are so beaten down that they just accept it because that's the way it's always been. This is not a good practice, and people need to expect more from their games."

Then why not post an updated review later on? Of course, I always enjoyed that comment coming from the people who gave:

AoC: 4 Stars - "GREAT!!"
Warhammer Online: 5 Stars - "OUTSTANDING!!!"
Tabula Rasa: 4 Stars - "GREAT!!!!"
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I've been a Tactical cruiser captain for all my federation career and found cruisers are tending towards general purpose.
I really need to finish levelling my cruiser/engineer captain. I think she is at 43, but I find levelling her so boring - but I would like to try out the retrofit cruiser. Will have to leave her idle in some Borg Deep Space Encounters. Saying that, I must have about 50 missions on here left to do.
I've basically been doing the Defra dailies to level my alt's.

Going back to the ship types, you don't have to go with Cruiser with an Engineer. My main is an Engie and I'm in the Defiant. Might seem weird but being an Engie in an Escort, gives the ship a lot more survivability than you'd normally expect from an escort.

UGC (aka The Foundry) is going to be the main thing happening with Season 3. Although the revamp of the STF's sounds good. I just wish they could do away with the infinite re-spawns in a lot of the fleet missions.

Halting the Gorn Advance, you need to go scan some rare minerals as part of the VA daily. Only problem, there's like 30 ships guarding a couple of them... if you're alone.. forget it.

How do I get my hands on that bad boy?

On another note was there nit rumblings of there eventually being more playable factions?Cardassians and Romulans i think.

Wouldn't mind a pop at the Dominium as well! :D

How do I get my hands on that bad boy?

On another note was there nit rumblings of there eventually being more playable factions?Cardassians and Romulans i think.

Wouldn't mind a pop at the Dominium as well! :D

The Defiant is a tier 4 escort (your starting ship is tier 1). There is also a vice admiral retrofit with a cloaking device, additional BO and weapon slots.

It was put to a vote and the Romulans came out ahead if I remember correctly. If there is a new faction added, the devs have said it will be the romulans.
What time does the new episode launch?

Also gutted that in the first new episode you fight Jem'Hadar starships but not the troops, was great to see them in game!
The latest mission is prime example (and what the power of UGC) of how flexible and good mission creation can be with the right amoutn of effort.

Its clear were the story arc is going but shows that STO can deliver user missions of the same quality as another over Online game.
The latest mission is prime example (and what the power of UGC) of how flexible and good mission creation can be with the right amoutn of effort.

Its clear were the story arc is going but shows that STO can deliver user missions of the same quality as another over Online game.

Completely agree. The best mission in the game yet. I especially liked the objectives tied to your class. Next week is the time travelling mission I assume? It has a lot to live up to, but has a lot of potential. This series has been great so far (and I really enjoyed the Breen arc too) - it would seem Cryptic finally have their act together. Shame the game wasn't closer to this at release as a lot more people would have stuck around. It is a shame a lot of people won't go back to it now to experience all of these changes.
Well maybe as head admiral at full impluse/ OCUKF you should try and get more people back to the fleet.

Their is fleet starbases coming up I believe for instance.

I will be writing hopefully UGC content that involves multiple planets like that but yet to get the full beta spec of how much authoring you are allowed to do.
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