Star Trek: Picard

Authorisation Picard 47 Alpha Tango. I'm very happy to see the number 47 is back again.

Edit: For more info

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I'm not sure if that's a joke, or just sly advertising. Probably both!

Not sure what to make of it yet, think I have an idea where it's going (probably wrong :p ).
Very strong opening episode.

A few bits irked me, mainly a couple of scenes with sub-par cgi, but for the most part it was on point.

Lovely touch with the "first contact" theme tune in the credits and the message (Annie was the actress who played the Borg Queen in S2)
I enjoyed that, however I also enjoyed S2 Episode 1 and it then went off on a tangent. At least we know that we're getting what should be more of this for 10 episodes.
I enjoyed that, however I also enjoyed S2 Episode 1 and it then went off on a tangent. At least we know that we're getting what should be more of this for 10 episodes.

Only bit I rated S2 E1 was Q appearing young and then with a snap of a finger going old and everything being explained away like that. Slow went downhill after that.

Going to watch the new episode tonight :)
Prime Picard would've subtly torn that captain a whole new collection of buttholes without even looking up from his tea and crumpets.

Tbf though, prime Picard would've also told them to do one if he was in his position too :D
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Prime Picard would've subtly torn that captain a whole new collection of buttholes without even looking up from his tea and crumpets.

Tbf though, prime Picard would've also told them to do one if he was in his position too :D

20 year younger Picard would, 20 years is a long time.

I'm nothing like I was 20 years ago. I don't think 20 year old me would like 40 year old me, i used to be mega shy, now I don't give a damn.
I liked it, nice to see some old faces once again. Jeri Ryan seems to look younger these days lol.
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