Star Trek: Picard

I do love Trek. 'Captain, there's no more power'.

Literally every panel has full blown RGB still beaming out, Holodeck still up and running, no attempt to drain power from shuttles etc.

Admiral in this dire situation - I'm going for a sit down and a drink.

Enjoying the series so far though.
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I do love Trek. 'Captain, there's no more power'.

Literally every panel has full blown RGB still beaming out, Holodeck still up and running, no attempt to drain power from shuttles etc.

Admiral in this dire situation - I'm going for a sit down and a drink.

Enjoying the series so far though.

To be fair the full blown rgb would consume so little power relative what they use it would make no difference. Must be like 0.0000000001% :p

The other two would be a bit more though to be fair.
I was under the impression episode 4 was supposed to be a highlight of the season? I concur with others comments; the whole thing is beginning to annoy me now.
I was under the impression episode 4 was supposed to be a highlight of the season? I concur with others comments; the whole thing is beginning to annoy me now.

It was a decent episode, but yeah, to be honest with the way youtubers were going on, I kinda expected a lot better. The problem is, we are comparing it to seasons 1 and 2, which compared to them, it's utterly fantastic! How could it not be.

If you forget about those though, it's good.....not great.
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I don't understand why people question this. it's science fiction - certain things are supposed to be either impossible or at least unattainable right now - suspension of disbelief is a requirement. However, that doesn't mean crap writing should go unchallenged because there's a massive huge gulf of a difference between well written scifi and toilet fodder.
Yeah, internal consistency is different to whether the things portrayed in the show are realistic IRL.
Yeah, internal consistency is different to whether the things portrayed in the show are realistic IRL.
Yarp that's the sort of thing that bugs me, I can believe that for example they've managed to find a way to do X or Y, but if they're inconsistent, or they fail to allow for the most basic of safety features despite having shown "in universe" the need for them repeatedly.
If nothing else I'd have expected the Vulcans to have run the statistics and a cost benefit analysis of not losing large numbers of people due to something you could at least partly alleviate by something the size of a small suitcase per person*, or even shoebox sized (especially given how much empty space is shown on pretty much every single Star Fleet ship from Enterprise up, and the likes of the Galaxy Class having multiple cargo holds that are often unused).

*Current real world rebreather tech is such that you can get hours worth of usage out of a quite small system.
Episode 4 reminded me very much of those submarine dramas when they're trapped on the sea bed, or sinking to great depths waiting to be crushed. Also, if you're trying to thread your way through an asteroid minefield, shouldn't everyone be strapped in rather than milling around the corridors? :p
Episode 4 reminded me very much of those submarine dramas when they're trapped on the sea bed, or sinking to great depths waiting to be crushed. Also, if you're trying to thread your way through an asteroid minefield, shouldn't everyone be strapped in rather than milling around the corridors? :p

There was a scene cut from Nemesis where Picard gets a seatbelt.

But better to have many 1000's of people blown across the bridge when their console inevitably explodes.
Not just for terminal events, how many episodes on TNG/DS9/VOY were set up from a power surge/disaster making the holodeck a key failure in the natural mission of the crew? Also Picard wouldn't have been able to kill Ensign Lynch in First Contact if holodecks were taken offline at the first sniff of an emergency.
Holodeck was explained by Picard as have a completely independent power system so that it could be used as a tranquil gathering place for a terminal event
Starfleet engineers are renowned for their ability to turn rocks into replicators. Are we really to believe nobody on the ship could bodge together a power adaptor to feed holodeck power into the main systems?
Starfleet engineers are renowned for their ability to turn rocks into replicators. Are we really to believe nobody on the ship could bodge together a power adaptor to feed holodeck power into the main systems?
It also doesn't explain how the separate power source for the holodeck is made/charged, there must be some way on the ship to recharge/create the power for that holodeck power supply unless every holodeck has a power cell that is designed to last for years/until refit time or similar.
I mean they managed to channel the energy from an unknown life form giving birth to jump start the warp reactors with no modifications needed...

It sounds very much like one of those things where at some point the writers got themselves into trouble with a storyline and drama needed and came up with a new Heisenberg compensator, i'm not going to dwell on it, but it's the sort of thing where the answer ends up raising even more questions.

It also doesn't answer questions about why for example these "refuge" areas with their own power supply weren't also fitted with their own emergency life support systems even if those systems were just chemical reactors akin to what are used on aircraft and subs (no power required).

But as I say I'm not going to dwell on it, as that way leads madness.
Starfleet engineers are renowned for their ability to turn rocks into replicators. Are we really to believe nobody on the ship could bodge together a power adaptor to feed holodeck power into the main systems?

Perhaps it's a prime directive thing, you must not knowingly put the holodeck capability in jeopardy, and the systems are designed to be incompatible to make it difficult.
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They aren't allowed to let the holodeck system go offline, Moriarty got that concession from Starfleet along with the distribution of mobile emitters to all free holograms. Moriarty and the doctor now travel the galaxy offering oppressed/enslaved holograms sanctuary in the federation :D
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They aren't allowed to let the holodeck system go offline, Moriarty got that concession from Starfleet along with the distribution of mobile emitters to all free holograms. Moriarty and the doctor now travel the galaxy offering oppressed/enslaved holograms sanctuary in the federation :D
I would totally watch this series.
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