Star Trek: Picard

What an episode -
great homage to other series.

What did I miss? I bet there was loads. Saw genesis and the tribble, what else was in the containers?
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Just watched first 2 episodes of season 3 - story was good but lots of ham acting. Picard and Ryker are just too old now. And what's happened to Gates McFadden's (Beverly Crusher) face?
Im a bit confused with the bad lady, at first she looked like a general bad guy women then she cuts her hand off, presumably a part of a changeling is just the hand, which then talks to her as a hellspawn, then goes back on her. Which i thought she wasnt a changeling just her hand was part of one not a full one somehow i.e a changeling comm plot device. Then we see her actually go full on changeling as she was that alien then changed to the women. So im confused what she is and why shes scared sh..tless from the hand changeling devil spawn thing. Oh and i hope larss shows up (martok) that would be mint to get him back on trek that way through larss.
I had one big nerd issue with this episode, and it's how fast people were warping around the place.

At one point we are told there is 72 hours until Federation day, and then Picard says its "less than 48 hours away"

Worf, Riker and Raffi are on Daystrom Station for approx 1 hour and in that time, Titan manages to warp away to the fleet museum, have lots of chats, steal (and install) a cloaking device and warp back to Daystrom Station.
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