Star Trek: Picard

Maybe it's a bit of misdirection. Maybe Data painted the painting of Soji not because she's descended from him in some way, but because Data saw her face in a bunch of memories/visions he recieved when the borg queen trying to borgify him in First Contact.
If the Romulans created the Borg or the "Borg AI" or anything to do with it i will face palm my face off.
If the Romulans created the Borg or the "Borg AI" or anything to do with it i will face palm my face off.

It would be a horrible leap: canon is the Romulans split from the Vulcans around 400AD, prior to FTL travel and spent centuries travelling in space before they settled on Romulus, and that the Borg were operating as a collective for at least 900 years in a contained area in the Delta quadrant, gradually spreading out until their Transwarp network had them popping up around the fringes of the Alpha/Beta quadrants. Other than them both liking the colour green it's very square peg round hole.

Additionally Romulans have been assimilated before without issue (TNG/Voyager) so it would be some seriously bad ret-conning.
If the Romulans created the Borg or the "Borg AI" or anything to do with it i will face palm my face off.

It wouldn't be very consistent.

In Star Trek: First Contact the Borg travel back to 2063 and whilst caught in a "temporal vortex" Data says the population of Earth is "9 Billion, all Borg". Later on the Borg try and use the deflector dish to send a message to the Borg in the Delta Quadrant from that time

So how far back would they have to go to when The Romulans created the Borg and then sent them off to the Delta Quadrant?

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It wouldn't be very consistent.

In Star Trek: First Contact the Borg travel back to 2063 and whilst caught in a "temporal vortex" Data says the population of Earth is "9 Billion, all Borg". Later on the Borg try and use the deflector dish to send a message to the Borg in the Delta Quadrant from that time

So how far back would they have to go to when The Romulans created the Borg and then sent them off to the Delta Quadrant?

Maybe they'll retcon the whole Romulan/Vulcan conflict as being about the Borg ;)
Well if thats the case it would turn out to be utter crap. Its teetering on below average atm anyway. No it is something else tied into the queen but not time travel.

It is not the decisive Picard we all loved and hoped when we go bald our heads would just be a shiney and healthy looking....... Everyone teetering around him with him just being pulled out of retirement.

Setting up all the people for action sequences is just dull, boring and bad writing. Still i will continue to watch it for a rather unhealthy obsession with 7 of 9 a MILF Borg phoooowwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr
I would take any season of TNG by far over what we have got here so far. Will still be watching though, just hope they eventually reduce the cringy stuff.

Looking forward to see more of seven of mine :D

You say that but how about Code of Honour or Justice or The battle? Even the Pilot was pretty bad. I'm surprised they got past series 2 but glad they did.
The sad truth is that when you're dealing with the origin of a time travelling species, their origin can literally be written for any time in any place, regardless of any prior written history. If klutzman and his cronies do go all timey wimey born in the future origin story on us then I wouldnt be surprised. It would almost certainly suck, but I wouldnt be surprised.
I know the history of the Borg :p I'm just deeply scared by a 1000 year old ai hating secret, Romulan Vash bosh ala gosh, in charge of a Borg "relic" cube.

It all sounds like it's leading to, could lead, to major BS.
I know the history of the Borg :p I'm just deeply scared by a 1000 year old ai hating secret, Romulan Vash bosh ala gosh, in charge of a Borg "relic" cube.

It all sounds like it's leading to, could lead, to major BS.

With Soji Asha as the Borg Queen !!!!

I can just see it heading in that direction!
Episode 5 - "Stardust City Rag"

1) Insert standard JRS complaint about recaps here.
2) But seriously, this needs to die. At least this one showed Dream-Data.
3) The flashbacks are inching up on the 'present'. We're at 13 years ago now.
4) Welp, he's in a bad way.
5) Pity that you were a bit late to the party there, Seven. Would have saved him some pain.
6) Oh Lord, it's Icheb. Which puts the "where's your cortical node" line into context - Icheb donated his to save Seven in an episode of Voyager. Hooray for continuity!
7) And Seven puts him out of his misery. To survive all the entertaining opportunities for death that are presented on a ship captained by Janeway, only to die ~8 years after the ship gets home...:(
8) Almost back to the 'present'.
9) I stand by previous statements. Modern Trek doesn't know how to do compelling bad guys.
10) What, they couldn't get Brian Brophy back to reprise his role as Maddox?
11) Heck of an outfit that she's wearing.
12) Some exposition then.
13) Tranya! Pausing here for a 'hooray for continuity' gush. Tranya first appeared in "The Corbomite Maneuver", the third story of TOS produced (after the first, rejected, pilot "The Cage" and the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before"). The time taken to do the effects in post-production meant that it aired as the tenth episode of TOS' first season. Back then it was, in fact, grapefruit juice - Clint Howard (who played Balok in the episode) apparently hated the stuff :D
14) 'Molecular solvent'. Ain't no kill like overkill...
15) The Tal Shiar really are just getting blamed for everything going right now aren't they.
16) Maddox clearly too dumb to live. That's going to bugger up Picard's 'plan' somewhat. Meanwhile, you can tell that it's another Frakes episode, that shot of the glass dropping and breaking was purty :)
17) Getting a real Star Wars, 'wretched hive of scum and villainy' vibe about Freecloud.
18) Seven's back on her feet after collapsing then.
19) "Bourbon, straight up." My kinda lass :)
20) Yeah, she's changed a bunch in the years in-story since Voyager. But in ways that make sense.
21) Exposition and backstory again. Regarding the Fenris Rangers, which the series press kit described as "an independent group of peacekeepers who try to maintain a semblance of law and order on both sides of the former Neutral Zone" and which the series itself has basically told us next to bugger all about so far.
22) Explains what Seven has been up to for the last few years.
23) He's piqued her interest anyway.
24) Raffi and Rios filling in some more story.
25) Jurati looking back on happier times.
26) Yeah..I don't think Jurati is going to come out of this episode all sunshine and rainbows.
27) Even in the future, adverts will remain annoying.
28) And not just advertising, but targeted advertising. Rios gets starship garage adverts, Picard gets fancy hotels, Jurati gets robot stuff and Raffi gets drugs.
29) Elnor doesn't get one, presumably because he's never been near a computer in his life.
30) Seven going to offer herself up as bait then.
31) Hooray for continuity! Mr Mot's Hair Emporium. Mot was the barber on the Enterprise-D.
32) Here's where the crew gets to play dress-up.
33) It might be quite unlike TNG, and possibly over-heavy on the tropes. But I am rather enjoying this.
34) Amusing dialogue. And once again the series goes with anachronistic ordering to keep a bit of the plot moving.
35) Quark gets a name-drop as well. References to the rest of Trek continuity truly abound, and unlike in STD aren't immediately stamped into the dirt.
36) Nice plan, pump Rios full of drugs to throw off the reptiloid dude Vup's sense of smell.
37) Poor Jean-Luc, no-one appreciates his acting skills :D
38) Seven doing this because she has to keep order. Appropriate for a former Borg.
39) Elnor finally caught up to the plan.
40) Another amusing moment. Elnor lamenting that he doesn't know how to not be Elnor, Picard telling him to be Elnor, Seven adding "an Elnor who never talks".
41) Picard getting to ham it up.
42) Full on ham-and-cheese in fact :)
43) Raffi going looking for the guy she looked up on the computer, Gabriel Hwang.
44) I really like this new transporter effect.
45) Family planning clinic?
46) Ah, he's her son.
47) And I'm thinking I might have been bang on in post #948 when I said Raffi lived out in that trailer at Kirk's Rock because she felt like she didn't deserve better. She clearly had/still has substance abuse issues that she's not telling the whole truth to her son about here.
48) Well, he baited her into dropping the mask there.
49) Nearly a half hour in and we haven't gone over to the Borg cube.
50) So drugging Maddox with adulterated tranya wasn't evil enough for a modern Trek villain, they had to beat him up as well.
51) Picard still vamping as a one-eyed French scumbag.
52) **** might have just gone sideways.
53) Jurati panicking, doing so enough that the onboard computer decides the EMH is required. The EMH is Clippy...
54) I'll be amazed if Seven lets the villain lady stay alive past this episode.
55) "I was not entirely candid with you." There's the Seven from Voyager.
56) Oh, Elnor. "Are we still pretending?" :D
57) Picard somewhat irritated by this latest development. This is why he should have listened to Zhaban, and gone to recruit the old Enterprise crew.
58) Yes, the "famous" Admiral Picard. Quite right Bjayzl. So famous in fact that how you didn't see through the paper-thin disguise of him wearing an eyepatch and a beret escapes me right now...
59) Possibly not the time to get all righteous about stuff Jean-Luc.
60) Backstory.
61) "Murder is not justice." No, but it's quite the timesaver.
62) Vup is gearing up for a move with his fancy deployable wrist-gun.
63) Which Rios spots and takes care of at phaserpoint.
64) Back on the ship with a good few minutes to go. So either everything is about to go sideways again or a plan in modern Trek actually sort-of worked.
65) Nice moment between Picard and Seven about life after the Borg.
66) I guess we're going with 'sideways' then. Though not exactly in the way I expected. Not until Seven asked for the phasers anyway.
67) Bjayzl trying to go for a 'breaking speech' and missing the mark by the odd parsec.
68) Called it at 54). And with phasers set on the disrupt setting as well. Seven was indeed furious.
69) ...:cool:
70) Implacable walk towards the enemy, firing while getting fired upon.
71) Maddox is a bit of a mess after the beating.
72) Time for the rest of the exposition for this episode.
73) And here's how it all ties together. Maddox sent the sisters out in different directions to find out the truth about the synths, the attack on Mars and the ban. Dahj to Earth to work in the same place as Jurati. Soji to the Borg cube.
74) This cutting to Jurati reacting to what Maddox is talking about seems meaningful. And then she's left alone with Maddox. Who here thinks that he has longer than a few minutes to live?
75) Is it just me, or has finding some pieces of the puzzle taken a few years off Picard? He looks younger when he's satisfied with something. Same way Kirk looked younger the moment he saw the Enterprise in the box dock when he flew up to board her before the inspection cruise in "Wrath of Khan".
76) Yeah, saw that one coming a mile off.
77) Jurati is probably also going to have to decompile the EMH, or at least 'adjust' some memories. And boy did I call it at 26).
78) "Next time..." The competing plot lines collide as our heroes head for the Borg cube.

The first half of the season ends on a hell of a note. Commodore Oh clearly showed or told Jurati something in their meeting back in episode 3 ("The End is the Beginning"). And that something has convinced Jurati that she needs to find and destroy Soji. In the process, she's realised that she has to kill Maddox - who she didn't just work with, but was in love with too.

This could go one of two ways. One, Jurati carries on being portrayed as an essentially decent person convinced to do something terrible, remaining conflicted and upset about it. Eventually she has to make a choice about whether or not to go through with killing Soji. Two, she devolves into a cardboard cutout villain and stops questioning what she's doing. Eventually she gets defeated before she can go through with it. Who thinks the writers are good enough to go with option one?

Jurati wasn't the only one dealing with emotionally heavy stuff. Seven and Raffi both had **** to deal with this time out. The Raffi plot thread...meh, it would be impossible for me to care less about it. Unless they're going back to that I just can't see the point it was trying to make beyond showing that she didn't deal with the synth attack on Mars and her subsequent leaving of Starfleet very well. I mean, big whoop, we already knew that. Seven's story meanwhile actually had a bit of punch to it. She was incredibly close to Icheb on Voyager, more of a parent to him than his actual parents were (after all, they used him as a weapon against the Borg). His mutilation and her having to mercy-kill him left her out for revenge, and even a Picard Speech™ wasn't going to talk her out of that. The episode leaves the question of her fate unanswered, which I'm okay with. Besides, I'm pretty sure Jeri Ryan is already announced as being part of the cast for some of the remaining episodes.

And what of Picard? He got to have a bit of fun this week, putting on an eyepatch and cranking up the French accent to 11. He also got confirmation of what he thought he knew, along with the answers to some questions including the location of Soji. He's now in a much better place to make up for the mistakes of the semi-recent past, and it shows. The look on his face when talking to Rios at the end of the episode and when he knocks on Raffi's door is of a man who now has some idea about what the hell he's doing. Meanwhile, Rios gets to be the guy who keeps the plan from completely derailing this week. He's alive to trouble in the bar at Stardust City, ready to put down Vup (played by Dominic Burgess) as soon as it becomes necessary. He's also the one who gets Seven to (briefly) back down and get back to the La Sirena. Week-by-week he's falling back into being a Starfleet officer rather than a freelancer. Elnor serves as comic relief to a degree, not being used to or even at all familiar with undercover work. Which is to be expected, he's a warrior boy raised by warrior nuns to be truthful in every regard. And acting, even for the purpose of a mission, isn't something that is part of that doctrine of absolute candor.

If the episode fell down anywhere for me it was once again with the villain of the piece, this week that person being Bjayzl played by Necar Zadegan. Not Rizzo levels of face-meltingly awful, just not all that interesting. She was there solely to Be Evil™ and give Seven someone to be angry about. Some of the casting choices weirded me out a touch as well - as far as I know Manu Intiraymi who played Icheb in Voyager is still acting and Brian Brophy (Maddox in TNG) is also still around, so unless they were weirdly expensive, unavailable or just didn't want to do it I can't see why they were recast. Especially in the case of Brophy hiring somone who doesn't look a great deal like him. Hey ho.

On the whole though, an episode that I really enjoyed. The pacing was helped by not cutting to the Borg cube and sticking with the one main plot for ~40 minutes. The little 'hooray for continuity!' moments were good. Some of them (like Quark being name-dropped, or Mot the barber still being around, or tranya being a thing) were just fun little elements that place this show in the same universe as the previous Treks. Others had a bit of plot weight - Icheb lacking a cortical node because he donated it to save Seven's life in Voyager for example. And it rounded off part 1 of the main plot of this season - now Picard knows where Soji is, he's just got to get there in time.

So, yeah. The end of this episode marks the mid-point of this first season. Where do we stand with the story after five episodes? Well, it's taken some time but a lot of world-building has gone on. This is a Federation that has seen some challenges and hasn't come away unscathed. There are clearly forces within the Federation and Starfleet that are sympathetic to the goal of the Zhat Vash, either because they are undercover Zhat Vash (Rizzo) or merely working with them (potentially Oh, now also potentially Jurati). A situation not at all unfamiliar to Picard, who more than once has had to stand up for the ideals of the Federation against the Federation or elements within it. We've got the crew together, though now obviously with some huge question marks hanging over where Jurati's loyalties will lie once they get to Soji. We know that Maddox was trying to figure out how/why the synth attack on Mars happened and who in the Federation wanted the synths gone and his research stopped.

Still plenty of questions to be answered. How did Maddox create Dahj and Soji? Was Data involved? What's going on with the mother that both girls talked to on comm links? Is Oh a Romulan Zhat Vash, or a Vulcan working towards a similar goal? What did she tell Jurati that got her panicked enough to finish Maddox off?

On a production-and-writing level, where do we stand? IMO, in better shape than STD was five episodes in by far. I still think that a bunch could have been cut from this first run of episodes and nothing of value would have been lost while the pacing would have been markedly improved. The casting has been mostly great. The writing of Rizzo and Narek less so, same with the writing of whatever is going on between Narek and Soji. One relationship (Rizzo/Narek) is just plain squicky, the other (Narek/Soji) about as convincing as the Bonehead/TylerVoq one from STD.

(With Rizzo I'm reminded in a way of Pike in season 2 of STD. He was mostly written, and Anson Mount played him, like he was from a different and rather better series to everyone else. And Rizzo here seems to be a bit like a refugee from the planned Section 31 series. She's certainly on the same level of face-palming annoyance as Mirror Georgiou.)

Five episodes down, five to go in this first season. Hopefully now is where we see the pace truly pick up. There's other stuff that I can't wait to see as well. We know from the trailers that Picard goes to see the Rikers (episode 7 looking at the cast list on the IMDB). I'd like to see Laris and Zhaban feature again. And I'd like to see some more of Rios' background explored, what happened to the ship that he served on when he was still in Starfleet and why all records of it were expunged.
Necar Zadegan/Bjayzl - i thought that was Counselor Troi for a while!! And why did they make her name like Vajazzle - ffs!

Very Blade Runneresque on Freeworld and Picard was ridiculous in the bar scene :(

What has p'eed me off most in Picard is that he and the crew did so much for Starfleet and the rest of the galaxy, why the **** has the galaxy gone to ruin and he and the crew have all fallen on hard times? Not much of a pay off for them for all their hard work or for the viewers to see this after following them for so many years :(
What the HELL LoLOlOlo

Rick and Morty levels of wtf. You son of a bitch im in!

This is Star Trek right?!

It actually feels as bad as new Star Wars. What an achievement of failure.
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I think she might have been a Betazoid tbh.

Also @JRS - re
10) he hasn’t acted since 2014 and is a professor now
45) Inter-galactic species breeding can be complicated...

The guy that played Icheb is a total weirdo (read his Twitter feed) and none of the cast/crew on Voyager liked him back when that was filmed, so I doubt they even thought about inviting him.

It looks like Quark’s dream of franchising his bars came true!

The biggest thing that I know is going to be a let-down for me is this now clearly established idea that this unspeakable truth being hidden is enough to melt characters minds and make them do awful stuff... but I bet when we actually find out as an audience it’ll be like... that’s... not that horrifying.
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