It goes from bad to worse, I think this was the worst episode so far, mind-numbingly boring. They couldn't even pull off a decent battle at the end of episode. The scenes with Soji and whatever his name is, and whatever his name is and his sister are some of the worst scenes I can remember, toe curlingly bad. Standout bad was the romantic slippy slidey scene, jesus christ wtf was that?
Even as a non-Trekkie when Raffi calls Picard "J-L" its so obviously out of place. The whole thing is completely flat, there's no drama, there's no excitement, there's no intrigue, suspense or humour to lighten the load. Any time Stewart isn't in screen it dies on its arse, there isn't another relatable, convincing or likeable carachter in it outside of JLP. The scientist woman, Elnor (lol!) where did they get this guy from?, the ship's captain (yawn!) and the hospitality hologram, are all completely forgettable and Raffi in particular is incredibly annoying (was she always like this in past Trek?), please dump her on a planet and leave her there.
I think if you're into ST you might get something out of this but from an outsider's POV it's almost as bad as The Expanse S1, which I could not get beyond 6 episodes with. I'm gonna keep watching just see where it goes.