Star Trek: Picard

To be expected now, anything that Harry Treadaway is in turns about to be utter utter crap.

Shame really Stewart is awesome as an older Picard and I hate the J-L stuff, that in itself is a Travesty.

Has he got wonky eyes? A few scenes it looked like his right eye was looking for the Bus but i thought it might just be something to do with the contact lenses.
It goes from bad to worse, I think this was the worst episode so far, mind-numbingly boring. They couldn't even pull off a decent battle at the end of episode. The scenes with Soji and whatever his name is, and whatever his name is and his sister are some of the worst scenes I can remember, toe curlingly bad. Standout bad was the romantic slippy slidey scene, jesus christ wtf was that? :D

Even as a non-Trekkie when Raffi calls Picard "J-L" its so obviously out of place. The whole thing is completely flat, there's no drama, there's no excitement, there's no intrigue, suspense or humour to lighten the load. Any time Stewart isn't in screen it dies on its arse, there isn't another relatable, convincing or likeable carachter in it outside of JLP. The scientist woman, Elnor (lol!) where did they get this guy from?, the ship's captain (yawn!) and the hospitality hologram, are all completely forgettable and Raffi in particular is incredibly annoying (was she always like this in past Trek?), please dump her on a planet and leave her there.

I think if you're into ST you might get something out of this but from an outsider's POV it's almost as bad as The Expanse S1, which I could not get beyond 6 episodes with. I'm gonna keep watching just see where it goes.

I'm still enjoying it, but yes, worst episode so far for me too.

Slippy slide - yeah, wtf? I was hoping for a Borg to come around the corner as they keep saying the ship is still not 100% searched and secure.

"JL" / Raffi - please stop and please leave.

Don't mind the ships Captain, potential to become Picards No1. Ex Starfleet and sounds like he has a few stories of his own to tell.

Never made it past S1 1 Ep 6? You gave up waaaaaaay to early, amazing show.
I'm still enjoying it but this episode was weak. Romulan Legolas was absolutely ridiculous and Picard's actions at the bar were completely uncharacteristic.

I've got this feeling that all the Romulans are going to turn out to be synthetics in the end, and possibly the vulcans. Sort of like how Lore is to Data. Emotion vs Logic, destruction vs calm etc etc. If this was the case it would have clear parallels to BSG, but somehow it would work.'s almost as bad as The Expanse S1, which I could not get beyond 6 episodes with. I'm gonna keep watching just see where it goes.

While I agree Expanse S1 is a slog (i gave up 4 times before it stuck with me), the later seasons are some of the best TV sci-fi we've had in the last 20 odd years. Go back to it, stick with it, it doesn't just get better, it becomes excellent. I won't say anymore as I don't want to derail this thread.

As a huge Star Trek fan I’m starting to wonder if this show is actually any good or not, or if I’m just enjoying seeing old cast members again.

Pretty much this for me, I said earlier on in the thread, if not for Patrick Stewart, i'd have probably stopped already.
Its all starting to feel a bit too woke and forced at the moment. They are hitting the "Picard is an old man who has made so many mistakes and isn't the paragon of virtue we all though" angle a bit too hard. Its only a 10 episode series and there has already been a bit too much filler and out of place scenes. The whole JL thing also grates.
While not perfect some of these comments remind me of the early GoT seasons. People working themselves up into a lather over fairly minor things, complaining it was all exposition during the early parts of the season etc.
Come the ep9 & 10 pay offs it'd be back to being the best show in the world again without realising if it weren't for the earlier buildup none of it would have meant anything.
Next season would see the same people doing the same thing.

Ironically last season was the opposite and got panned.

I'm not saying it's going to be as good as GoT but still... give it a chance to find it's feet!

Picard, all day long, wouldn't have stood for a 'Romulan Only' bar. It was also a completely Picard move to rebuke the young chap for killing those Romulans.

Valid criticism for me would be the evil sister trying to evoke some sort of Cersi vibe with her brother. Pretty generic so far but maybe we'll see where her zeal comes from?
The space ship battle was a bit flat, think I've been spoiled with the Expanse!
Referring to Picard as JL does just sound wrong. I guess he's a pretty reverential character and we've only heard him referred to by his rank or full name. We don't know their relationship so to hear someone use a nickname for him is jarring. Just can't picture Picard not squashing it as soon as she tried calling him it.
Maybe it's something he allows now he's retired, but fairly sure she called him it in the flashback when he was an admiral...

I'm liking the ships Captain and his multiple personality disorder manifesting itself through the ship holograms!
I feel Stewart may be too long out of the role.
He seems to be approaching every scene like a stage production, which was his origin, but not with the ease he had as Piccard when in TNG, esp towards the end, this may come with time.
I am unsure about it, there have the working of a good plot, but I fear they are progressing far too slowly.
I'm still really enjoying it but I do agree with most of the criticisms on here.

My main beef is Patrick Stewart is a little to old and frail for anything resembling action.

It's still one of the better shows airing currently for me.
My main beef is Patrick Stewart is a little to old and frail for anything resembling action...

To be fair they've made sure to keep it all inline with his age. Huffing and puffing getting up the stairs in the first episode (not much acting needed there I imagine).
The early teasers made it look like he was going to have a full sword fight in 4 - which despite his fencing background would have been silly. Thankfully he quickly threw it down in the actual episode.
So much hate!

I'm loving it. It's nice to see some decent Star Trek after the last couple of abominations.
Only three episodes in so seems a bit picky? If you're after an adventure of the week on a federation Starship then I don't think this is going to be the show you're after :(
Don't think Picard is about to be in command of a Starfleet vessel any time soon.

Some of the Romulans do look like the tng era and some don't. Nicely explained about them being 'thick headed northerners'. Actually kind of helps continuity between ToS and tng if anything.
Sure, they don't all have the same extreme bowl haircut but what does that matter? The show has a bit more money to spend on hair stylists than tng had!

I think we got to see lots of nice 'extras', the transporter door frames, the archive, huge floating space stations in low orbit, all the machinery at the vineyard. And all of it external shots as opposed to a soundstage with a matte painting in the background! Also got to see lots of infrastructure around Mars where the shipyards actually are... before it all went bang.

I'm also much happier Picard walked past a hologram of the Ent-D than voyager out in the car park. We've also only spent about 5 minutes with two high ranking Starfleet bods so seems a bit early days to be getting too worked up about Starfleet as a whole. Although it is different to when Picard was a Captain, that's kind of the plot/point of the show.

After the last episode I stand by my comments. Actually I'm even more disapointed now.

I think it's lost. The writing is awful.
The bad guys (such as they are) are one of the things I really do dislike about STP so far.

You've got Harry Treadaway's Narek, who looks like he's trying to emulate Ethan Peck's STD-era Spock before he put his uniform back on but is missing the mark by several postcodes. His relationship with Soji is the least convincing one on TV since...well, probably Bonehead and TylerVoq in STD. But at least he's not a cartoon character. No, that award goes to...

Narissa Rizzo, or whatever her Romulan name is, played by Peyton List. And it's not List's fault, she's a decent actress. But she's playing someone who might as well be wearing a leather bustier with "I AM EVIL" stitched across the boobs for all the subtlety in the way she's presented. She very much is a cartoon character, and not a particularly well-written one.

What the hell happened to the writing of bad guys in Trek? Sure, they were sometimes a bit shonky in TOS but it was the '60s, it's to be expected. And there were better-written ones in the midst. The Romulan commander in "Balance of Terror" for example. Khan in "Space Seed" for another. Both TNG and DS9 featured rounded, interesting characters who happened to be on the other side to our heroes, dropping into melodramatic card-carrying villainy only when absolutely required (looking at Dukat mostly there!). The first six films, when they had an actual enemy to fight, were much the same. Khan in the second movie...not much more can be said about him and Ricardo Montalban's portrayal that hasn't already been said. After all, he's still the one that the studio keeps trying to emulate. Chris Lloyd's Kruge in "Search For Spock" had a depth that I think a lot of people miss when they watch that film. For all the fifth film's issues (and they are legion), Todd Bryant's Klaa is very believable as a young hothead desperate to prove his mettle against a worthy adversary. And "The Undiscovered Country" has a whole cast of interesting, well-written foes - some acting out of hatred (Chang), some out of fear (Valeris, Cartwright), some out of wanting to stir the pot (Nanclus).

Modern Trek meanwhile gives us incestuous siblings (Narek and Rizzo), a criminal waste of Idris Elba (Krall/Edison from "Beyond"), moustache-twirling people with 'BAD GUY' stencilled on their foreheads (Mirror Universe Lorca and Georgiou) or that lovely old standby of rogue AI turned right up to eleven (Control).

I'm still enjoying it, but yes, worst episode so far for me too.

Slippy slide - yeah, wtf? I was hoping for a Borg to come around the corner as they keep saying the ship is still not 100% searched and secure.

"JL" / Raffi - please stop and please leave.

Don't mind the ships Captain, potential to become Picards No1. Ex Starfleet and sounds like he has a few stories of his own to tell.

Never made it past S1 1 Ep 6? You gave up waaaaaaay to early, amazing show.

Yeah it must have been decent to have made it to 4 seasons after being dropped then saved, that said The Expanse that I saw was terrible, the acting and dialogue were really poor in particular, so I was justified in giving up. I'll definitely give it another shot at some point, I believe it's all on Prime.
I'm enjoying this still but must agree that EP4 was a weak one.

Of course, we are still no wiser as to what the main story actually is, Picard is looking for an Android built using tech from Data to give it sentience & the Zhat Vash are not too keen on Artificial life. That's still about all we know.

I'm still intrigued by the shot from one of the trailers of a fully kitted out Borg drone without all it's implant gubbins removed opening it's eyes. If that cube reconnects to the collective than that's a **** hitting the fans moment but i'm not sure how something like that would work in this series.
I'm still on the fence about the show, there are aspects I like and aspects that I am not sure of. I like the captain guy and the way that all his holograms are different versions of him. I don't even mind the potential incestuous relationship with the romulans, however...the sliding down the corridor scene was just utter cringeworthy drivel. I really don't know who approved that scene but it was like something written by a primary school student. Was very much out of place with the show so far. The worry would be that we are approaching halfway through the season and I'm still on the fence, currently I'd rate it as average, so for me it needs to pick up in the 2nd half of the season or it will go on the list of shows that I would watch if theres nothing else on but wouldn't be overly fussed if I missed watching it.
No more weird than 'www' being longer to say than 'world wide web' ;)
It is weird. I cringe every time she calls him JL. So out of place.

Talk about out of place, what was that slippy slide thing about? So much cringe.
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